1、不管将来发生什么事,你变成什么样子,你依然是我最爱的人。 No matter what happens in the future and what you become, you are still my favorite person.

2、不管结局如何,我的世界不允许你的消失。 Whatever the outcome, my world will not allow you to disappear.

3、世界很大,难得遇见你,我愿永远这样高调的爱着你。 The world is very big. It's rare to meet you. I'd like to love you so high-profile forever.

4、世间有许多美好的东西,但真正属于自己的却并不多。 There are many good things in the world, but few of them really belong to themselves.上一页12下一页

5、亲爱的,多穿点衣服,要降温了,小心着凉啊,打针是很疼的啊。 Honey, put on more clothes, to cool down, be careful to catch cold ah, injection is very painful ah.

6、从不曾想过有一天,我会变得如此淡然,不再疯狂。 Never thought that one day, I would become so indifferent, no longer crazy.

7、你为什么这么庸俗,老是发自拍,害我看了好几遍,手都酸了。 Why are you so vulgar, always self-portrait, I saw several times, hands are sour.

8、你可不可以看着我的眼,就当是我的奢望。 You can't look me in the eye, it's my luxury. Since you appeared, I just know that someone love is so beautiful, I love you.

9、你很重要,你很重,我也要。 You're important. You're heavy. I want you too.

10、你是水,维系着我的生命。 You are the water that sustains my life.

11、你有地图吗,我在你的眼睛里迷路了。 Do you have a map? I'm lost in your eyes.

12、你要很坚强,知不知道。你还有我们呢。 You need to be strong, know it or not. You still have us.

13、你,是我光是想想都会偷着乐的人,甜不可言,乐不可支。 You, I just think of people who will steal pleasure, sweet, overwhelming joy.

14、可爱不是长久之计,可爱我是长久之计。 Lovely is not a long-term plan, loving me is a long-term plan.

15、喜欢看你认真的样子,忍不住想要永远拥有你的微笑。 Like to see you seriously, can not help but want to have your smile forever.

16、在我眼里你特别好看,从眼睫毛到头皮屑都好看的那种好看。 You look great in my eyes, from eyelashes to dandruff.

17、如果爱情有不同的形状,我把最像你的样子存在心底。 If love has different shapes, I will put the most like you in my heart.

18、将我献给你,连同深深的喜欢,换你一生够不够,不够的话下辈子也给你。 Give me to you, along with deep love, in exchange for your life is not enough, if not enough, the next life will also give you.

19、当你看到这个问题时,心里想到某个人,那么恭喜你,你已经喜欢上她了。 When you see this question, you think of someone. Congratulations, you already like her.

20、当我在想你的时候,那个时候只能是曾经。 When I think of you, that time can only be once.

21、怎么还不睡,想你想到睡不着。 Why don't you sleep? You think you can't sleep.

22、想咬你一口,尝尝你到底什么做的,居然这么可爱。 Want to bite you, try what you actually do, incredibly cute.

23、想着你的微笑,想着你给过的幸福。 Think of your smile, think of the happiness you have given.

24、想见你一面,想遍了你每个不在身边的日日夜夜。 Want to see you one side, think about every day and night you are not around.

25、想送你个超级可爱的礼物,可是快递员不让我钻箱子里。 I want to give you a super lovely gift, but the courier won't let me drill into the box.

26、感谢距离,让我明白你对我有多么重要,但是,我们不要距离好不好。 Thank you for distance, let me know how important you are to me, but let's not distance.

27、愿我们彼此相爱,一直到时间的尽头。 May we love each other until the end of time.

28、愿未来所有好时光都有你相伴,愿情话终有主,你我不再孤独。 May all the good times in the future be accompanied by you. May the words of love come to you and I will not be lonely any more.

29、我不喜欢等,无论所等的是好事、坏事,一颗心悬着,这滋味不好受。 I don't like waiting, no matter what good or bad things I'm waiting for, it's not good to have a heart hanging.

30、我爱上了一个人,你知道是什么感觉吗?感觉全世界都像你。 I fell in love with someone. Do you know what it feels like? It feels like you all over the world.

31、我的心是一条弯弯曲曲的小溪,千回百转,兜兜转转,最终都将流向你。 My heart is a meandering *, turning around a thousand times, turning around in circles, and eventually will flow to you.

32、我的爱情在你这里,永远不会离去。 My love will never leave you.

33、我要让你的手机信箱,满满都被我爱的讯息塞爆,就像你的心一样! I want to fill your cell phone mailbox with messages I love, just like your heart!

34、我这辈子走过南方,去过北方,直到遇见你,才知道自己去了不一样的地方。 I've traveled south and North all my life, and I didn't know I was going to different places until I met you.

35、所有的晦暗都留给过往,从遇见你开始,凛冬散尽,星河长明。 All the darkness is left to the past. From the beginning of meeting you, the bitter winter is gone and the stars are bright.

36、时光静好,与君语;细水流年,与君同;繁华落尽,与君老。 Time is quiet and good, with the gentleman's words; fine water years, with the gentleman; prosperous end, with the gentleman and the old.

37、每天早上就有你来叫醒我,因为我希望自己醒来时,第一眼能看到你。 You wake me up every morning because I want to see you at first sight when I wake up.

38、没有一种服装,比的爱更合身;没有一种装饰,比的爱更迷人。 No dress fits better than love; no decoration is more charming than love.

39、没有你,我的天空少了一片色彩;没有你,我的世界多了一种思念。 Without you, my sky is less colorful; without you, my world is more missed.

40、海可以枯,石可以烂,我对你的爱,永不会变。 The sea can wither, the stone can rot, and my love for you will never change.

41、真正被爱的姑娘,从来都不需要懂事。 The girl who is really loved never needs to be sensible.

42、等你理我等我不想理你,可是你一出现,我又像小狗一样摇着尾巴欢喜。 Wait till you talk to me, wait till I don't want to talk to you, but when you show up, I wag my tail like a puppy.


44、见到你第一面我就想认识你,他们斯文人把这个叫做一见钟情。 I want to know you the first time I see you. They call it love at first sight.

45、谁要你的飞吻,有本事真亲过来阿。 Who wants your kiss, have the ability to really kiss.

46、谁说现在是冬天呢?当你在我身旁时,我感到百花齐放,鸟唱蝉鸣。 Who says it's winter now? When you are by my side, I feel flowers blooming and birds singing cicadas.

47、遇见你之前我没想过结婚,遇见你以后我结婚就没想过别人。 I didn't think about getting married before I met you, and I didn't think about anyone else after I met you.

48、遇见,拉着你的手,无论是在哪里,我都感觉像是朝天堂奔跑,你相信么? Meet, hold your hand, no matter where I am, I feel like running towards heaven, do you believe it?

49、那遗失的温柔,那逝去的年华,任怎样也换不回。 The lost tenderness, the lost years, can never be replaced.
