1、There is in the heart, not in the heart.

2、一行珠帘闲不卷,终日谁来?不来也罢。——《霸王别姬》 A row of bead curtain is idle, who will come all day? Not coming.

3、以前我以为有一种鸟一开始飞就会,飞到死亡的那一天才落地。——《阿飞正传》 I used to think that when a bird starts flying, it will fly to the day when it dies.上一页12下一页

4、会说谎骗人,只想着保全自己,是因为已经从孩子长成了大人。——《小飞侠:幻梦启航》 It's a lie, a lie, but a preservation of oneself, because it has grown from a child to an adult.

5、似醉非关酒,闻香不是花。——《霸王别姬》 It's like drunk without wine.

6、你不能因为一点点缺陷就抛弃一个完整的生命。——《奔腾年代》 You can't abandon a complete life because of a little defect.

7、你今天好吗?愈来愈好了。——《这个杀手不太冷》 How are you today? It's getting better and better.

8、你可以嘲笑我年少轻狂,我会告诉你什么叫胜者为王。——《小时代》 You can mock me for being young and frivolous, and I will tell you what a winner is.

9、再多的甜言蜜语都比不过一个电话让丈夫去楼下那个快递,来得踏实。——《剩者为王》 More sweet words than a phone call to let her husband go downstairs express, to be steadfast.

10、十年了,我们家那点事,你不早就查的底朝天了吗?——《全城通缉》 For ten years, have you checked the bottom of our family?

11、危险确实存在,恐惧只是一种选择。——《重返地球》 Danger does exist. Fear is only a choice.


13、只要我们住在对方心里,死亡就不是分离。——《北京遇上西雅图》 As long as we live in the other's heart, death is not separation.

14、只要我愿意等,剩着,就先剩着吧。——《剩者为王》 As long as I want to wait and leave, I will leave it.

15、在我这里没有另外百分之五十,我赢了!——《战狼》 I don't have another fifty percent here. Only by facing the real self can we get real freedom.

16、在道义上我们绝对尊重讲信义的朋友,绝不纵容出卖朋友的人。——《英雄本色》 In moral respect, we absolutely respect friends who speak faithfully and never connive at people who sell their friends.

17、心存侥幸者,赌徒是也!——《绣春刀》 A lucky gambler is a gambler.

18、总是有要照看的东西。你还有时间。——《天气预报员》 There's always something to look after. You still have time.

19、我们现在是谈生意,不是谈恋爱。——《喜剧之王》 Now we are talking about business, not romance.

20、我们由梦组成,梦又由我们构成。——《狂人皮埃罗》 We are composed of dreams, and dreams are made up of us.

21、我们要的是安全,责任感!懂吗!——《天下无贼》 What we want is safety and responsibility. Do you understand?

22、我只是想让我喜欢的人所喜欢的人喜欢我而已。——《只是爱着你》 I just want my favorite people to like me.

23、我和你在一起,是因为我选择和你在一起。我不想按别人的方式去生活。—《走出非洲》 I am with you because I choose to be with you. I don't want to live in other people's way.

24、我已经长大了,我正在变老。——《这个杀手不太冷》 I have grown up, and I am getting older.

25、我最讨厌你们这些打劫的了,一点技术含量都没有!——《天下无贼》 I hate your robbery. There is no technical content.

26、我爱这把刀,远超过爱这世上任何东西。——《X战警》 I love this knife far more than anything in the world.

27、无论明天如何,我们已经拥有今天了。——《一天》 No matter what tomorrow is, we already have today.

28、旧梦很美,虽未能实现,但我很欣慰它们曾萦绕心田。——《廊桥遗梦》 Old dreams are beautiful, though they can not be realized, but I am very glad that they have been haunting their hearts.

29、昨晚那么晚回来,你去哪儿了?——《毕业那年分手季》 Where did you go when you came back so late last night?

30、最了解你的人不是你的朋友,而是你的敌人。——《东邪西毒》 The person who knows you best is not your friend, but your enemy.

31、有些事情不用一个晚上做完,我们又不赶时间。——《志明与春娇》 Some things need not be done in one night. We are not in a hurry.

32、有信心不一定会成功但是没信心一定不会成功。——《英雄本色》 Confidence is not always successful, but without confidence, it will never succeed.

33、杀出去,晚上一起吃酒!——《绣春刀》 Kill it and eat wine at night!

34、没有你在身边,整个世界都是灰色的。——《后来的我们》 The world is grey without you.

35、清风舞明月,幽梦落花间。一梦醒来,恍如隔世,两眉间,相思尽染。——《大话西游》 Clear breeze dance bright moon, dreamy flowers. A dream wakes up, like the next generation, two eyebrows, Acacia dye.

36、爱是一种力量,能让我们超越时空的维度感知它的存在。——《星际穿越》 Love is a force that enables us to perceive its existence beyond the dimension of time and space.

37、生活这条狗啊,追的我连从容撒泡尿的时间都没有。——《英雄时代》 Life, this dog, I didn't even have time to soak.

38、责任是你们上辈子的事,我的责任就是放弃责任。——《青春期》 Responsibility is what you did in your last life. My duty is to give up responsibility.

39、还以为就那样了,原来还有更牛的。——《速度与**7》 I thought it was like that.

40、非让现实给你一巴掌,你才知道现实有多残忍。——《小时代》 Do not let reality give you a slap, you will know how cruel the reality is.
