1、一个人的聪明有限,众人的智慧无穷。 One man's wisdom is limited, but the wisdom of all is infinite.

2、一个拿不起,两个抬得动;三个不费力,四个更轻松。 One can't hold it, two can lift it; three is easy, and four is easier.

3、一争两丑,一让两有。 Two ugliness for one, two for two.

4、一人一条计,三人一台戏。 A plan for one person, a play for three people.

5、一人不敌二人计,三人合伙唱台戏。 If one person is defeated by two people, three people will play together.

6、一人智谋短,众人计谋长。 One man's wisdom is short, but all his plans are long.

7、一人肚里没主意,三人合伙有妙计。 There is no idea in one person's stomach, but there is a good plan for three people to work together.

8、一人计短,百人计长。 One man is short, a hundred is long.

9、一花独放不是春,白花齐放春满园。 A single flower is not a spring, but a spring full of white flowers.

10、一颗星星布不满天,一块石头垒不成山。 A star can't cover the sky, a stone can't make a mountain.

11、不怕虎生三张嘴,就怕大家心不齐。 I'm not afraid that the tiger has three mouths, but I'm afraid that everyone's heart is not even.

12、二牛抬杠力要平,一牛捣蛋耕不成。 Two oxen should keep the bar level, but one cow can't plow.

13、人和万事兴。 Everything is in harmony with people.

14、人和万事兴。人多好办事。 Everything is in harmony with people. Many people make things easier.

15、人怕离家,雁怕离群。 People are afraid of leaving home, and geese are afraid of being separated.

16、人踏不倒地上草,众人能踩出阳关道。 People can not step down on the ground grass, people can step out of the Yangguan road.

17、众人种树树成林,大家栽花花才香。 People plant trees into forests, we plant flowers to fragrance.

18、团结一条心,黄土变成金。 Unite as one heart, the Loess turns into gold.

19、团结就是力量。 Unity is strength.

20、多一个铃铛多一声响,多一枝蜡烛多一分光。 One more bell, more sound, more candle, more light.

21、山不转水转,人不亲土亲。 The mountain does not turn to the water, and people are not close to the soil.

22、星多夜空亮,人多智慧广。 Stars are many, night sky is bright, people are many, wisdom is wide.

23、柴多火旺,水涨船高。 More firewood, more fire, more boats.

24、民齐者强。 The people are strong.

25、河水有清有浑,朋友有假有真。 The river is clear and muddy, and friends are false and true.

26、油瓶子离不开盐罐子。 The oil bottle can't be separated from the salt pot.

27、爬山越岭要互助,渡江过河要齐心。 We should help each other in climbing mountains and mountains, and we should be united in crossing rivers and rivers.

28、砖连砖成墙,瓦连瓦成房。 Brick with brick wall, tile with tile into a house.

29、离群孤雁飞不远,个人活力气短。 Lonely geese fly not far away from the crowd, personal vitality is short of breath.

30、精诚所加,金石为亏。 If you add sincerity, you'll lose gold and stone.

31、精诚所至,金石为开。 With sincerity, gold and stone open.

32、船载千斤,掌舵一人。 The ship carries a thousand jin and steers one person.

33、花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。 Flowers alone are not spring, but all flowers bloom in spring.

34、蚂蚁多了咬死人。 More ants kill people.

35、要想朋友好,银钱少打扰。 If you want to be a good friend, don't disturb your money.

36、谁若与集体脱离,谁的命运就要悲哀。 If anyone breaks away from the collective, his fate will be sad.

37、邻舍好,无价宝。 A good neighbor is a priceless treasure.

38、金银财宝不算真富,团结和睦才是幸福。 Gold, silver and treasure are not really rich. Unity and harmony are happiness.

39、齐心的蚂蚁吃角鹿,合心的喜鹊捉老虎。 The same ants eat the deer, and the magpie catches the tiger.

40、龙多旱,人多乱,鸡多不下蛋。 There are many droughts in the dragon, many people in disorder, and many chickens don't lay eggs.