1、举杯祝贺那无忧无虑的金色童年,就像冬夜的星星和五月的晨露。 Toast to a carefree golden childhood, like the stars on a winter night and the morning dew in May.

2、人一旦长大了。就再也没有童年时的那份无邪快乐。 Once people grow up. There will be no innocent happiness in childhood.

3、人的一生,童年有游戏,中年有经历,晚年有回忆。 In one's life, there are games in childhood, experiences in middle age and memories in old age.

4、和小姐妹出去玩,还聊了好多童年的回忆,开心哒。 I went out to play with my little sisters and talked about a lot of childhood memories. I was happy.

5、天若有情天亦老,回到童年最美好。 If the sky is affectionate, the sky is also old. It is the best to return to childhood.

6、学校旁边的小商店,承载着我们童年的全部梦。 The small shop next to the school carries all our childhood dreams.

7、对你的爱,就像童年的压岁钱,藏了又藏,直到最后想不起放在哪。 My love for you is like the lucky money in childhood. I hide it again and again until I can't remember where to put it in the end.

8、希望你能快乐地生活和学习,快乐地度过自己的童年。 I hope you can live and study happily and spend your childhood happily.

9、希望宝贝能热爱每一天,好好享受现在快乐的童年时光。 I hope baby can love every day and enjoy the happy childhood now.

10、总有一次流泪让我们瞬间长大,致我们永远回不去的童年! There is always a time when tears make us grow up in an instant, resulting in a childhood we can never go back!

11、我亲爱的童年,你还愿意等我吗? My dear childhood, are you still willing to wait for me?

12、我错过了你的童年和少年,你错过了我的中年和晚年。 I missed your childhood and youth, you missed my middle age and old age.

13、时间能不能倒退,回到童年时代,无忧无虑,想想真好。 It's good to think about whether time can go back, go back to childhood and be carefree.

14、没有快乐,微笑还在。没有童话,童年还在。 No happiness, smile still. No fairy tales, childhood is still there.

15、童年之所以快乐,只因为不晓得过去,不知道未来。 Childhood is happy because you don't know the past and the future.

16、童年像一个五彩斑斓的梦,使人留恋,使人向往。 Childhood is like a colorful dream, which makes people nostalgic and yearn.

17、童年像一个谜,混沌初开稚嫩好奇。 Childhood is like a mystery, chaos is beginning to open, young and curious.

18、童年像一个谜,混沌初开,稚嫩好奇。 Childhood is like a mystery, chaos is beginning to open, childish and curious.

19、童年像一块魔方,轻轻地转呀转,转出我的喜怒哀乐。 Childhood is like a magic cube, turning gently, turning out my joys and sorrows.

20、童年像一把竖琴,是快乐。 Childhood is like a harp, is happy.

21、童年像一本厚厚的相册,记录着你每天变化的心情。 Childhood is like a thick photo album, recording your changing mood every day.

22、童年像一朵小花,虽然孤单,但很快乐,因为有大树在呵护。 Childhood is like a small flower, although lonely, but very happy, because there is a big tree taking care of it.

23、童年像一颗板扎的奶糖,越嚼越甜,让人回味无穷。 Childhood is like a board of milk candy. The more you chew, the sweeter it is, the more memorable it is.

24、童年像一首优美的小诗,让人回味无穷。 Childhood is like a beautiful poem, which gives people endless aftertaste.

25、童年像一首歌,唱出生活的点点滴滴。 Childhood is like a song, singing every bit of life.

26、童年像天上的星星,每当回忆的时候总感觉温馨。 Childhood is like the stars in the sky. Whenever I recall, I always feel warm.

27、童年像是一场游戏一场梦。 Childhood is like a game, a dream.

28、童年像清澈的湖水,是纯洁。 Childhood is like a clear lake, pure.

29、童年像美丽的七色彩虹,魅力无穷,让人神往。 Childhood is like a beautiful seven color rainbow with infinite charm and fascination.

30、童年只有在回忆中显现时,才成就了那份完美。 Childhood is perfect only when it appears in memory.

31、童年如个调色盘,五彩缤纷。 Childhood is like a palette of colors.

32、童年就像一颗稀有的宝石,可以观赏,却无法触摸。 Childhood is like a rare gem, which can be seen but not touched.

33、童年就像是甜甜的棉花糖,甜丝丝的味道沁人心脾。 Childhood is like a sweet marshmallow. The sweet taste is refreshing.

34、童年彩色的,有银铃般的笑声,也有苦涩的泪水。 Childhood is colorful, with silver bell like laughter and bitter tears.

35、童年总是快乐,童年总是遗忘,童年总是短暂。 Childhood is always happy, childhood is always forgotten, and childhood is always short.

36、童年时我们画在手上的表,它没动过,却带走了我们许多时光! The watch we drew on our hands in childhood, it didn't move, but it took us a lot of time!

37、童年是一个书柜,是知识。 Childhood is a bookcase and knowledge.

38、童年是一个冰淇淋,让小朋友在甜蜜的世界里,健康成长! Childhood is an ice cream, let children grow up healthily in a sweet world!

39、童年是一个踩着云彩飘啊飘的梦。 Childhood is a dream floating on clouds.

40、童年是一支笔,描绘出美妙的图画。 Childhood is a pen that depicts beautiful pictures.

41、童年是一朵含苞未放的花骨朵,虽然没有绽放但以开始成长。 Childhood is a flower in bud. Although it does not bloom, it begins to grow.

42、童年是一阵风,来也匆匆,去也无痕。 Childhood is a gust of wind. It comes in a hurry and goes without trace.

43、童年是云,化作新春的雨。 Childhood is a cloud that turns into spring rain.

44、童年是五彩缤纷的,就像海边漂亮的贝壳。 Childhood is colorful, like beautiful seashells by the sea.

45、童年是坐标,记录着人生的起点。 Childhood is the coordinate, recording the starting point of life.

46、童年是基石,奠定了人生的未来。 Childhood is the cornerstone and lays the future of life.

47、童年是快乐,唱响了人生的乐章。 Childhood is happiness, singing the music of life.

48、童年是最令人回忆和神往的,尤其是家乡的夏天。 Childhood is the most memorable and fascinating, especially the summer in my hometown.

49、童年是桥,接着未来的路。 Childhood is a bridge, then the road of the future.

50、童年是风,吹来朵朵天云。 Childhood is the wind, blowing clouds.

51、童年的天特别蓝,水特别清,花特别香,月也特别圆。 Childhood days are particularly blue, water is particularly clear, flowers are particularly fragrant, and the moon is also particularly round.

52、童年真好!小朋友都是无忧无虑,只只有开心的玩耍。 Childhood is good! Children are carefree, only happy play.

53、童年选择理想,青春埋藏理想,成年成就理想。 Childhood choice ideal, youth buried ideal, adult achievement ideal.

54、童年飞走的纸飞机,什么时候能再飞回我手里。 When can the paper plane that flew away from childhood fly back to me.

55、童年,像一个葡萄,又大又甜。 Childhood, like a grape, is big and sweet.

56、童年,像一条船,一条装满食物的船。 Childhood is like a boat, a boat full of food.

57、童年,像一架风筝,带着我们飞翔。 Childhood, like a kite, takes us flying.

58、童年,只有再回忆中显现时,才成就了那份完美。 Childhood, only when it appears in memory, can we achieve that perfection.

59、童年,总是最美好的。童年,总是难忘的。 Childhood is always the best. Childhood is always unforgettable.

60、谁的膝盖上没有几道疤,那都是童年的痕迹。 There are few scars on anyone's knee. They are all traces of childhood.