1、不要否认自己的能力,只要没遗憾就会有希望。 Don't deny your ability, as long as there is no regret, there will be hope.

2、为什么你满身黑暗,还想着给别人一点温暖。 Why do you want to give others a little warmth when you are full of darkness.

3、亲爱的能不能别难过,就这样安静的忘记我。 Honey, please don't be sad, just quietly forget me.

4、人和人太熟,就知道刀子往哪里最痛。 If people are too familiar with each other, they know where the knife hurts the most.

5、人生自古谁无死,谁死谁死我不死。 Since ancient times, who does not die, who dies who dies, I will not die.

6、他伤的只是,不是你。 He just hurt, not you.

7、你可以拥有一切,但不能同时。 You can have everything, but not at the same time.

8、你得寸进尺的时候,掂量掂量我是不是好惹。 When you push, weigh whether I'm easy to offend.

9、你说的爱情我给不了,因为一夜情我玩腻了。 I can't give you love because I'm tired of one night stand.

10、别再自怨自恋,总有可依靠的肩。 Stop complaining about narcissism, there is always a shoulder to rely on.

11、到不了的就是永远,忘不了的就是曾经。 What can't be reached is forever, what can't be forgotten is once.

12、原以为这是我要的爱情,看来自己错了。 I thought it was my love, but I was wrong.

13、回忆总是会打我一巴掌,指着旧伤不准我遗忘。 Memories always slap me, pointing to the old wound, I can't forget.

14、女人最爱两种花,一是有钱花,二是尽量花。 Women love two kinds of flowers, one is to spend money, the other is to spend as much as possible.

15、好想跟你讲话,但又很怕你嫌我烦。 I really want to talk to you, but I'm afraid you'll annoy me.

16、如果你有鸭梨,把它放冰箱里,它就会变成冻梨。 If you have a pear, put it in the refrigerator, it will turn into a frozen pear.

17、姐那晴天娃娃的微笑,不是谁都能轻易模仿的。 Sister that sunny baby smile, not everyone can easily imitate.

18、守一段情,念一个人。 Keep a love, read a person.

19、尴尬却又无可奈何,只能独自的默默远去。 Embarrassed but helpless, can only go away alone in silence.

20、希望你以后能不怕冷,就算是一个人。 I hope you can not be afraid of cold, even if it is a person.

21、幸福不会总来敲门,爱你的人不会总是出现。 Happiness doesn't always knock, and people who love you don't always appear.

22、当心碎了以后,我还在努力拼凑你给我的梦。 When I try to give you a broken heart.

23、心跳藏在抽屉,见到了迩,才不会分心。 Heart hidden in the drawer, see you, will not be distracted.

24、怀念当年的青春,怀念当年的心情。 Miss the youth of that year, miss the mood of that year.

25、总有人说我变了,却没人问我经历了些什么。 There are always people who say I've changed, but no one asks me what I've experienced.

26、想多了会心累,悟痴悟傻悟心泪。 If you think too much, you will feel tired. If you are ignorant, you will feel silly and you will feel tears.

27、我不喜欢喝酒,但我喜欢喝醉了那种感觉。 I don't like drinking, but I like the feeling of being drunk.

28、我不能给你全世界,但我的全世界都给你。 I can't give you the whole world, but my whole world is for you.

29、我也不知道究竟是爱你、还是爱有你的生活。 I don't know whether I love you or the life with you.

30、我们的爱,无疑是种伤害。 Our love is undoubtedly a kind of injury.

31、我只希望身边有一个你,可以温暖我的空气。 I just hope there is a you around me, can warm my air.

32、我多害怕习惯了你的好,然后又被你无情的丢掉。 How afraid I am to get used to your good, and then be ruthlessly abandoned by you.

33、我天生不合群,一向话少,时而冷场。 I'm not sociable by nature. I always talk less and sometimes I'm not in the mood.

34、我满身是刺都是拜你所赐,你有什么资格说痛。 I'm covered with thorns, all thanks to you, what qualifications do you have to say pain.

35、我迎着明晃晃的阳光,不假思索的就想起了你。 I face the bright sunshine, without thinking of you.

36、旋转木马上的那一场童话梦,终究会醒。 The fairy tale dream on the carousel will wake up eventually.

37、既然转身,那就绝不回头。这是我仅存的骄傲。 Since you turn around, never look back. This is my only remaining pride.

38、曾在一起,不在一起,都是感情。 Once together, not together, are feelings.

39、最难过的不是痛彻心扉,而是无言以对。 The saddest thing is not to hurt my heart, but to be speechless.

40、有些人只能眼睁睁的看着他离开,无能为力。 Some people can only watch him leave, there is nothing they can do.

41、每当想迩A时候,有种感觉就甜蜜A发酵。 Whenever you want to, there is a sweet feeling on the fermentation.

42、演绎爱情的小丑,终究逃不过分手的结局。 The clown of love can't escape the ending of breaking up.

43、生活就像新闻联播,不是换台就能逃避的了。 Life is like news broadcast, which can't be avoided by changing channels.

44、用背影让故事完结,孤独就是昂贵的注解。 Let the story end with the back, loneliness is an expensive annotation.

45、男人想偷腥的时候,智商仅次于爱因斯坦。 When men want to steal, their IQ is second only to Einstein.

46、自己走错了路,跟鞋没关系。 I'm going the wrong way. It doesn't matter with the shoes.

47、路灯再多再亮,街角也是黑暗。 No matter how many street lights are on, the corner is dark.

48、这一秒我哭了,下一秒你会看到我笑。 This second I cry, the next second you will see me smile.

49、这样的结局,谁都没有错,只不过是有缘无分。 This outcome, no one is wrong, just fate.

50、颓废的我要怎样努力,才能够挽回我们的爱情。 Decadent I have to work hard to save our love.