1、一个人怕孤独,两个人怕辜负。 One is afraid of loneliness, two are afraid of failure.

2、一个男人,有了烟,有了酒,也就有了故事。 A man, with cigarettes and wine, has a story.

3、为什么要骗我呢,是你觉得我比较傻吗? Why cheat me? Do you think I'm stupid?

4、人都得往好的方面想,其实孤独的自己很*。 People have to think in a good way. In fact, lonely people are very free.

5、以后的第二杯半价,我一个人喝两杯! After the second half price, I drink two cups alone!

6、任他们晒幸福吧,晒多了就会蒸发。 Let them bask in happiness. If they bask in too much, it will evaporate.

7、你为什么失眠,月色与你,太过撩人。 Why do you insomnia, moonlight and you, too provocative.

8、你什么时候学会抽烟,你又为谁戒掉了烟。 When did you learn to smoke and for whom did you quit.

9、你应该多吃点,吃饱了才有力气去忏悔。 You should eat more. You have enough to repent.

10、你感觉是错过,人家感觉是解脱。 You feel missed, others feel relieved.

11、你没有如期归来,而这正是离别的意义。 You didn't come back on time, and that's what parting means.

12、你的离去,让我看到了世界就是如此虚伪。 You leave, let me see the world is so hypocritical.

13、像我这种过往千疮百孔的人,怎么配得上你? How can a man like me, who was full of holes in the past, be worthy of you?

14、历经似水流年,你我都已不是少年。 After years, you and I are not teenagers.

15、只可惜有些故事没有后来,比如我们。 It's a pity that some stories didn't come later, such as us.

16、如果不想在等待中错过,就在错过后继续等待吧。 If you don't want to miss in the waiting, just wait after you miss.

17、如果这个世界遗弃了你。那么,你还有你。 If the world abandons you. So, you and you.

18、季节不需要温暖,每个人都会过得很好。 The season doesn't need to be warm, everyone will have a good time.

19、孤独的流浪,一个人漫步在街角。 Lonely wandering, a person walking in the corner.

20、对于无奈的你,我只能选择离开。 For helpless you, I can only choose to leave.

21、幸福对我说,你还太小。 Happiness said to me, you are too young.

22、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。 When tears flow down, we know that separation is another understanding.

23、往事不再回头,今后不再将就。 The past will never look back, and the future will never make do with it.

24、很失望很失望、为什么你总是让我心寒。 Very disappointed, very disappointed, why you always let me cold.

25、总会有一次流泪,让我们瞬间长大。 There will always be a tear, let us grow up in an instant.

26、想要开口的话,都被风吹的好远好远。 If you want to open your mouth, you will be blown far away by the wind.

27、我不喜欢喝酒,我只是买醉。 I don't like drinking. I'm just drunk.

28、我会让自己变得强大,来接受酶的所有伤害。 I will make myself strong, to accept all the harm you give me.

29、我开始学会妄想,明知道我在逞强。 I began to learn paranoia, knowing that I was trying to be brave.

30、我曾以为你是我的光,却没想到你成我的伤。 I thought you were my light, but I didn't expect you to be my injury.

31、我留下最后一滴泪,不留任何挂念的离开。 I leave the last tear, leaving nothing to worry about.

32、我的故事不动人,只是那个少年惊艳了我的青春。 My story is not moving, but that boy surprised my youth.

33、早知道伤心总是难免的,你又何苦一往情深。 As long as you know that sadness is inevitable, why are you so devoted.

34、曾经的不懂爱情,换来了好痛好痛的伤口。 Once did not understand love, in exchange for a good pain good pain wound.

35、有些人说了再见后,转眼一生,转瞬,就是一世。 Some people say goodbye, the twinkling of an eye life, twinkling of an eye, is a life.

36、有些人,来到你的身边只是为你给你上一课。 Some people come to you just to teach you a lesson.

37、欺骗、比背叛来得伤人。 Cheating hurts more than betrayal.

38、歌里都唱着分手快乐,殊不知分手哪来的快乐。 Songs are singing happy break-up, but I do not know where the happy break-up.

39、灼灼桃花十里,取一朵放在心上,足矣。 Burning peach ten li, take one on the heart, enough.

40、爱情是一个笑话,笑死了别人,笑疼了自己。 Love is a joke. It kills others and hurts yourself.

41、男人,再苦再累也要挺住了,谁让咱们是男人! Men, no matter how hard or tired, we have to hold on. Who let us be men!

42、给你一个背影,换你一阵伤心。 Give you a back, for you a sad.

43、被恨的人没有痛苦,恨人的人却遍体鳞伤。 Those who are hated have no pain, but those who hate are black and blue.

44、请允许我尘埃落定,用沉默埋葬过去。 Please allow me to settle the dust and bury the past with silence.

45、越是对你视而不见,越是对你挂念。 The more I turn a blind eye to you, the more I miss you.

46、那样奢侈的想把所有都丢掉,一个人去流浪。 So extravagant want to throw away all, a person to wander.

47、阳光很好,风很好,云朵很好,我没有你也很好。 The sun is good, the wind is good, the clouds are good, I'm good without you.

48、随便今后你跟谁暧昧,我都不会再皱一下眉。 No matter who you are having an affair with in the future, I won't frown again.

49、难过怎么说得清楚,失落怎么能感同身受。 Sad how to say clearly, how to feel lost.

50、风很*,但它孤独。 The wind is free, but it is lonely.