1、一花一草皆生命,一枝一叶总关情。 A flower and a grass are all life, a branch and a leaf always close feelings.

2、为了校园一片绿,珍惜脚下每颗草。 For a green campus, cherish every grass under your feet.

3、习惯决定成绩,细节决定命运。 Habit decides achievement, detail decides destiny.

4、保护土地资源,营造生命绿洲。 To protect land resources and build an oasis of life.

5、保护地球,就从美化校园开始吧! To protect the earth, start with beautifying the campus!

6、保护环境,就是爱惜生命。 To protect the environment is to cherish life.

7、保护环境,有益健康。 Protecting the environment is good for health.

8、保护自然界,关爱家园。 Protect nature and care for home.

9、做地球哈哈哈好孩子,保护她。 Be a good child of earth mother and protect her.

10、判天地之美、析万物之理。 Judge the beauty of heaven and earth and analyze the principle of all things.

11、动物是我们朋友,保护动物就是保护我们自己。 Animals are our friends. Protecting animals means protecting ourselves.

12、多一份绿色,多一份健康。 More green, more healthy.

13、学校是我家,人人都爱它。 The school is my home and everyone loves it.

14、尊崇自然、敬畏生命。 Respect nature and revere life.

15、小草对您微微笑,请您把路让一让。 Grass smile to you, please give way to the road.

16、小草青青,脚下留情。 The grass is green, be merciful under your feet.

17、手下留情,脚下留青。 Be merciful and stay green at your feet.

18、提倡绿色生活,实施清洁生产。 Advocate green life and implement clean production.

19、有了您的呵护,才有我们这个美丽的世界。 With your care, we have this beautiful world.

20、每天节约一滴水,难时拥有太平洋。 Save a drop of water every day, and have the Pacific Ocean when it's hard.

21、爱护身边的绿化,重建美好家园。 Take good care of the greening around and rebuild a beautiful home.

22、爱绿护绿,保护环境;勤俭节约,珍惜资源。 Love green, protect the environment; thrifty, cherish resources.

23、环境与人类共存,资源开发与环境保护协调。 Environment and human beings coexist, resource development and environmental protection coordinate.

24、球只有一个,失去它,我们到哪里去寻找家园。 There is only one ball. If we lose it, where can we find our home.

25、生命如此短暂,请不要将我伤害。 Life is so short, please don't hurt me.

26、用我们的双手,保护我们的地球。 Protect our earth with our hands.

27、由俭如奢易,由奢入俭难。 It is easy to change from thrifty to extravagant.

28、痰吐在地,辱写在心。 Phlegm on the ground, dishonor written in the heart.

29、砍伐树木,害人害己。 Cutting down trees does harm to others and oneself.

30、破坏环境句,就是破坏我们赖以生存的家园。 To destroy the environment is to destroy the homeland on which we live.

31、给我一片绿,还你一片荫。 Give me a piece of green, give you a shade.

32、绿色环保大家创,生态发展奔小康。 Green environmental protection everybody creates, the ecology develops toward the well-off society.

33、绿色,永恒的美;校园,永远的家! Green, eternal beauty; campus, forever home!

34、节能做的好,朝朝无烦恼。 Do well in energy saving, facing no worries.

35、花草树木都是宝,没它我就不行了。 Flowers, plants and trees are treasures. I can't do without it.

36、草儿绿、花儿香,环境优美人健康。 Green grass, fragrant flowers, beautiful environment and healthy people.

37、莫放松点,莫轻视微。 Don't relax, don't despise the micro.

38、请高抬贵脚,听,小草在哭泣。 Please raise your feet, listen, the grass is crying.

39、追求绿色时尚、走向绿色文明。 The pursuit of green fashion and green civilization.

40、追求美好生活,应先拥抱绿色! The pursuit of a better life, should first embrace green!