1、三伏刮南洋,河心做稻场。 In the middle of the river, rice fields are made in the middle of the river.

2、三月三,冻死老身单;五月五,冻死老寡妇。 On March 3, the old woman died of cold; on May 5, the old widow was frozen to death.

3、三月二十遇晴天,农人地里捡黄金。 On March 20, when it was sunny, farmers picked up gold in their fields.

4、九月九个雾,十月十个霜。 Nine fogs in September and ten frosts in October.

5、五月一个鬼,不是天干就是水。 May is a ghost, either dry or water.

6、入伏刮北风,当时雨咚咚。 It was raining heavily when the north wind was blowing.

7、八月十五火烧天,来年必定大天干。 The sky will burn on August 15, and there will be plenty of dry weather in the coming year.

8、六月初三落一阵,家家办个黄谷囤。 On the third day of June, every family ran a Huanggu store.

9、冬至悬春四十五,再加六十是清明。 Winter solstice hanging spring 45, plus 60 is Qingming.

10、几时霜降几时冬,四十五天就打春。 When the frost comes down, when winter comes, spring comes in forty-five days.

11、到了大雪无雪落,明年大雨定不多。 There will be no heavy rain next year.

12、北风立秋,秋谷无收。 The north wind begins autumn, and autumn Valley has no harvest.

13、十月无霜,碓里无糠。 There is no frost in October, no chaff in the pestle.

14、十月有个小阳春,收割播种忙不赢。 There is a little spring in October, harvest and sowing are busy.

15、土地嗲嗲打扇,棉花多收几担。 The land whines and plays the fan, the cotton receives several loads more.

16、处暑处暑,处处有雨。 There is rain everywhere.

17、处暑就把白菜移,十年准有九不离。 In the heat of summer, the cabbage will be moved. Nine times in ten years.

18、夏至有雷高田熟,低田水浸不收谷。 Summer solstice has thunder, high field ripe, low field water immersion does not harvest grain.

19、大旱小旱,不过五月十三。 A big drought and a small drought, but may

20、头伏萝卜二伏芥,避开三伏种菠菜。 Radish on the head, mustard on the second, and spinach on the third.

21、头麻见秧,二麻见糠,三麻见霜。 The first hemp sees the seedling, the second hemp sees the chaff, the third hemp sees the frost.

22、小寒大寒不冷,小暑大暑不热。 It's not cold when it's small and cold, but not hot when it's small and hot.

23、小寒节日雾,来年五谷富。 Winter festival fog, the next year's grain rich.

24、惊蛰不冻,冷到芒种。 It is cold to the grain of grain.

25、春打五九尾,不种芝麻不后悔。 No regrets.

26、春打六九尾,种田碰到鬼。 Spring hit six or nine tails, farming encountered ghosts.

27、有呷舆龋就看五月二十八。 Whether you have a sip or not, it depends on May

28、未到惊蛰起雷声,家家农田无收成。 Before the sound of thunder, every family's farmland has no harvest.

29、正月初一晴,农田好收成。 It's sunny at the beginning of the first month, and the farmland has a good harvest.

30、正月雷打雪,二月雨不歇,三月干了田,四月秧长节。 In January, thunder blows snow, in February, rain does not stop, in March, the field is dry, and in April, the rice seedling Festival.

31、正月青蛙叫,秧田整两道。 It's called Zhengtian.

32、湿了龙的衣,干死笼里鸡。 Wet dragon's clothes, dry dead cage chicken.

33、白露无雨,百日无霜。 White Dew without rain, a hundred days without frost.

34、白露难得十日晴。 White Dew is seldom sunny in ten days.

35、离伏十日热死牛,离九十日冻死狗。 Ten days away, cattle die of heat, ninety days of freezing dogs.

36、种豆不怕早,麦后有雨赶快搞。 It's not too early to plant beans. If there's rain after wheat, do it quickly.

37、穷人不听富人哄,楝树打苞就泡种。 If the poor do not listen to the rich, the neem trees will sprout.

38、立冬阴,一冬温;立冬晴,一冬凌。 It is cloudy at the beginning of winter, warm in winter, sunny in winter and ice in winter.

39、立春要晴,雨水要淋。 It should be sunny at the beginning of spring, and rain should be drenched.

40、立秋一场雨,一担谷子九斗米。 At the beginning of autumn, a load of millet and nine buckets of rice.

41、芒种忙忙栽,夏至谷驮胎。 In summer solstice, grain is loaded with grain.

42、长齐夏至,短齐冬至。 Long Qi summer solstice, short Qi winter solstice.

43、雨打芒种头,沟渠无水流。 Rain hit the head of grain, ditch no water.

44、雨落七月七,阴雨连绵十月一。 The rain falls on July 7, and it rains continuously on October

45、雷打秋,一半收。 Lei Da Qiu, half harvest.

46、飞杨花,种棉花。 Flying poplars, growing cotton.

47、麦黄不喜风,有风减收成。 Wheat does not like the wind, the wind reduces the harvest.

48、黄熟收,干熟丢。 Yellow ripe harvest, dry ripe lose.