1、不知名的朋友也是朋友。 Unknown friends friends too.

2、不能做朋友的人,也就不能**人。 That can't be friends, also can't love people.

3、与有权势的人交朋友是靠不住的。 To make friends with powerful men are unreliable.

4、与朋友交,言而有信。 Your word and a friend.

5、世界上最难寻觅而又最易失去的是朋友。 Search and hardest thing in the world is the most easy to lose a friend.

6、于顺境中交朋友只需费一举手之劳;在困厄时寻找友谊简直比登天还难。 To make friends in prosperity just charge a little effort; At the time of hardship for friendship than ascend day also difficult.

7、交友投分,切磨箴视。 Dating for points, cut wear pro.

8、交情不像蘑菇,在树林子里是找不到的;孩子!它是长在心里的。 Friendship is not like a mushroom, not to be found in the woods; A child! It is long in mind.

9、交易场上的朋友胜过柜子里的钱款。 The court's friend is better than money in the cupboard.

10、亲之割之不断,疏者属之不坚。 Kiss cut constantly, a river is not strong.

11、亲戚是不可选择的,而朋友却可以。 Relatives is not to choose, and friends can.

12、人们缺少心灵;他们不肯和心灵交朋友。 People lack of the mind; They refuse to make friends with the mind.

13、人最大的爱无过于为朋友献身。 Man's greatest love is dedicated to friends.

14、什么样的人,交什么样的朋友。 What kind of person, what kind of friends.

15、你若聪明,莫把那人当作朋友,假如他和你的敌人交情深厚。 If you are smart, don't put that person as a friend, if he and the attachment of your enemies.

16、使我们摔跤的往往是我们的朋友。 Our wrestling tend to be our friend.

17、保持友谊的最好办法就是任何事情也不假手于他,同时也不借钱给他。 The best wayto keep friendship is anything nor the rubber hand in his, also don't lend money to him.

18、保持友谊的最好的办法是不出卖朋友。 The best way to keep friendship is not to betray friends.

19、兄弟可能不是朋友,但朋友常常如兄弟。 A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is often as brothers.

20、勉强保持友谊是最难堪的。 Keep the friendship is the most embarrassing. To meet friends, she must first a friend.

21、半个朋友,就是半个叛徒。 Half a friend, that is, half a traitor.

22、单单一个有智慧的人的友谊,要比所有愚蠢的人的友谊还更有价值。 A wise man's friendship alone, than all the stupid people friendship is more valuable.

23、友情的语言,不是文字,而是意义。 The language of friendship, not words but meaning.

24、友谊不能成为一种交易;相反,它需求最彻底的无利害观念。 Friendship can't be a deal; On the contrary, it needs the most thoroughly of no interest concept.

25、友谊之光像磷火,当四周漆黑之际最为显露。 The light of friendship like wildfire, when surrounded by dark during the show.

26、友谊使欢乐倍增,悲痛锐减。 Friendship make joys and sorrows.

27、友谊只能在实践中产生并在实践中得到保持。 Friendship can only be created in the practiceand keep in practice.

28、友谊既不需要奴隶,也不允许有统治者,友谊喜欢平等。 Friendship does not need to slave, also there is no ruler, friendship like equality.

29、友谊是一个神圣而又古老的名字。 Friendship is a sacred and ancient name.

30、友谊是一棵可以庇荫的树。 Friendship is a tree can patronage.

31、友谊是两颗心真诚相待,而不是一颗心对另一颗心敲打。 Friendship is two hearts treat each other sincerely, instead of one heart to another heart beat.

32、友谊是个无垠的天地,它多么宽广啊! Friendship is an immensity of heaven and earth, how broad it!

33、友谊是美德之手段, Friendship is the means of virtue, and itself is a virtue, is a common virtue.

34、友谊真是一样最神圣的东西,不仅值得特别推崇,而是值得永远赞扬。 Friendship is really the most sacred, which merits not only special praise highly, but also eternal praise.

35、友谊,那是心灵的神秘的结合者,生活的美化者,社会的巩固者。 Friendship, that is the mystery of the soul, the combination of the beautifier of life, the consolidation of social.


37、啊!良心!良心!人类最忠实的朋友。 Ah! Conscience! Conscience! Man's most loyal friend.

38、喜欢斥责别人的人,不是交朋友的材料。 Like scolding others, not to make friends.

39、在“友谊”的机械装置上使用“礼貌”这种精炼油实为明智之举。 On the mechanism of "friendship" with "polite" this kind of refined oil is wise.

40、在业务的基础上建立的友谊,胜地过在友谊的基础上建立的业务。 In the business established on the basis of friendship, resort a business founded on the basis of friendship.

41、在情谊方面,世界好像是一个小商贩,它只能把情谊零星地出售。 In the aspect of friendship, the world seems to be a small, it can only sell friendship piecemeal.

42、在无利害观念之外,互相尊敬似乎是友谊的另一要点。 In the absence of an idea, respect for each other seems to be another point of friendship.

43、在欢乐时,朋友会认识我们,在患难时我们会认识朋友。 In the joy, the friends will know us, we will meet friends in trouble.

44、在紧急时舍弃你的朋友不可信赖。 In an emergency to abandon your friends do not trust.

45、在背后称赞我们的人就是我们的良友。 Those who praise us behind our friend.

46、宁可少说一句笑话,不愿失去一位朋友。 Rather than saying jokes, not want to lose a friend.

47、富裕带来荣誉,富裕创造友谊,穷人到哪儿都是下人。 Create friendships bring honor, rich rich, where the poor are inferior.

48、对众人一视同仁,对少数人推心置腹,对任何人不要亏负。 Bared his heart to all alike, to a few, to anyone not wrong one another.

49、开诚布公与否和友情的深浅,不应该用时间的长短来衡量。 The depth of the honesty and friendship, it should not be measured by the length of time.

50、很多显得像朋友的人其实不是朋友,而很多是朋友的并不显得像朋友。 Many who look like friends is not friends, but many are friends does not appear like friends.

51、志道者少友,逐利者多俦。 Chi dao friends less, Chou more profit.

52、忠实的朋友是菩萨的化身。 A faithful friend is the embodiment of the bodhisattva.

53、情妇虽然要新的才有趣,朋友还让旧的好。 Mistresses, although only new and interesting, still let old friends better.

54、愚蠢的朋友比明智的敌人更糟糕。 Wise than a foolish friend worse enemy.

55、找到朋友的唯一办法是自己成为别人的朋友。 Is the only way to find friends to become one.

56、挑选朋友要慎重,更换朋友要更慎重。 Choose my friends carefully, and change of friends is more cautious.

57、挚友如异体同心。 1 friend such as concentric.

58、掘井须到流,结交须到头。 Digging Wells to the stream, making must end. Gentleman's bad at not confidant, and letters to friends.

59、撇开友谊,无法谈青春,因为友谊是点缀青春的最美的花朵。 Despite the friendship, can't talk about youth, because friendship is the most beautiful flowers adorn youth.

60、文士满华堂,不如一直友。 The teachers of the ITO, as always.

61、最好的朋友是那种不喜欢多说,能与你默默相对而又息息相通的人。 The best kind of friend is the kind don't like to say more, silently with you relative and straw.

62、朋友之义,务在切直以升于善道者也。 Friend, transaction is cut straight to rise to good also.

63、朋友之义,难在义字千变万化。 Friend, is the righteous word.

64、朋友是你送给自己的一份礼物。 A friend is a present which you give yourself.

65、朋友是同一灵魂寄在两个躯壳中。 Friends are the same soul in two bodies.

66、朋友有如凤毛麟角,因为人有千差万别。 Friends are like rare, because people have varied widely.

67、朋友间的不和,就是敌人进攻的机会。 Between friends, the opportunities of foes.

68、求爱的人得爱;舍身友谊的人有朋友;殚精竭虑而创造幸福的人便有幸福。 Makes people to love. Give people have friends of friendship; Stressed and create happiness there is happiness.上一页12下一页

69、没有友谊,世界仿佛失去了太阳。 There is no friendship, no sunshine in the world.

70、没有真挚朋友的人,是真正孤独的人。 Not sincere friend, is the person who really lonely.

71、百年心如同,谁限河南北? Heart is like one hundred, who limit of north henan?

72、真诚的友谊好像健康,失去时才知道它的可贵。 True friendship is like sound health, the value of which is seldom known until it is lost.

73、真金不怕火炼,患难考验友谊。 True gold fears not the fire, adversity test friendship.

74、知心朋友相隔千山万水,也似近在咫尺。 Bosom friends despite geographical distance, seemed to close at hand.

75、结交非贤者,难免生爱憎。 Make not the sage, unavoidably have hate.

76、要成好人,须得好友。 To make good man, to be friends.


78、贫游不可忘,久交念敦敬。 Poverty is not to be forgotten, for a long time to pay, worship.

79、那此忘恩的人,落在困难之中,是不能得救的。 That this ingratitude, fall in trouble, can't be saved.
