1、一斗麦,一斗面,随夫贵,随夫贱。 A bucket of wheat and a bucket of noodles are expensive and cheap.

2、一日无食,父子忤逆;两日无食,夫妻忤逆。 A day without food, father and son disobedience; Two days without food, the husband and wife disobedient.

3、一朝情义淡,洋样不顺眼。 Once friendship is weak, foreign things are not pleasing to the eye.

4、不喝寅时酒,不骂酉时妻。 Don't drink Yinshi wine, don't scold Youshi's wife.

5、不是因为温暖才关爱,而因为关爱才温暖。 Love is not because of warmth, but because of love.

6、久别重逢当新婚,朝朝相处似仇人。 When we meet again after a long separation, when we are newly married, we get along like enemies.

7、乌云里的日头,狠婆娘的舌头。 The sun in the dark clouds, the cruel mother's tongue.

8、亲戚不伤百日和,夫妻不生百日气。 Relatives don't hurt the hundred day harmony, and couples don't get angry.

9、做官的儿子,不如讨饭的丈夫。 An official's son is better than a begging husband.

10、剔牙稀,挖耳聋,两口子越打越受穷。 Picking teeth is rare, digging is deaf, and the couple is poorer and poorer as they fight.

11、千千万万匹走马,换不来真正的爱情。 Thousands of horses can't get real love.

12、天上下雨地下流,两口子打仗不记仇。 It rained in the sky and flowed underground. The couple didn't hold a grudge when they fought.

13、夫妻同床睡,各在各心里。 Husband and wife sleep in the same bed, each in his heart.

14、夫妻吵嘴莫外歇,摸了脚板就亲热。 When a husband and wife quarrel, don't rest outside. They make out when they touch their feet.

15、好棉纺好纱,好妻持好家。 Good cotton, good yarn, good wife, good home.

16、好狗不叉鸡,好夫不打妻。 A good dog does not fork a chicken, and a good husband does not beat his wife.

17、妻贤夫祸少,子孝母心宽。 A good wife has few misfortunes for her husband, and a filial son has a wide heart for his mother.

18、婆娘管汉子,金银满罐子。 Women are in charge of men, and the pot is full of gold and silver.

19、嫁给扁担跟着走,嫁给柴火跟着焚。 Marry a shoulder pole and burn firewood.

20、孝顺儿女,赶不上半路夫妻。 Filial children can't catch up with couples on the way.

21、家无女人如庙堂,人没媳妇如和尚。 A house without a woman is like a temple, and a man without a daughter-in-law is like a monk.

22、家有千斤担,妻挑五百斤。 The family has a thousand jin load, and the wife carries five hundred jin.

23、少来妻老来伴,一日不见问三遍。 Ask three times a day if you don't see your wife.

24、床下打架,床上说话。 Fight under the bed and talk on the bed.

25、快乐溶于甜蜜中,幸福源于关爱间。 Happiness dissolves in sweetness, and happiness comes from love.

26、恋爱不是慈善事业,所以不能慷慨施舍。 Love is not charity, so you can't give generously.

27、情侣靠爱情生活,正象云雀靠韭葱生活一样。 Lovers live by love, just as skylarks live by leeks.

28、情绵绵,爱无边。 Love is endless.

29、有菜有酒是朋友,无柴无米是夫妻。 A friend with food and wine, a husband and wife without firewood and rice.

30、没有妒忌就没有爱情。 There is no love without jealousy.

31、爱情不能强迫。 Love cannot be forced.

32、爱情付报酬,劳苦也轻松。 Love pays, labor is easy.

33、爱情先甜后来酸。 Love is sweet before sour.

34、爱情和智慧,二者不可兼得。 Love and wisdom cannot have both.

35、爱情在市场上找不到。 Love cannot be found in the market.

36、爱情是温柔的,却又像荆棘一样刺人。 Love is gentle, but it stabs people like thorns.

37、爱情是盲目的。 Love is blind.

38、生活是鲜花,爱情是蜂蜜。 Life is flowers, love is honey.

39、男子种田看田边,女子织布看布边。 Man, woman, Weaver, look at the edge of the field.

40、男跑一贵,女跑一贱。 Men run expensive and women run cheap.

41、痴女子不嫌夫贫,穷汉子不嫌妻丑。 An infatuated woman doesn't think her husband is poor, and a poor man doesn't think his wife is ugly.

42、穿衣还是家机布,过夜还是亲夫妇。 Dress or machine cloth, spend the night or kiss a couple.

43、结发夫妻丑也好,双线补衣破也牢。 It's better to make a husband and wife ugly, but it's also better to mend the broken clothes.

44、老公是大树,情人是小草。 Husband is a big tree, lover is grass.

45、贫困与爱情,都难瞒过人。 Poverty and love are hard to hide.

46、贫穷一进门,爱情跳窗走。 When poverty comes in, love jumps out of the window.

47、跟到做官的当娘子,跟到杀猪的翻肠子。 Follow the official as a woman and the pig killer.

48、身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。 The body has no colorful Phoenix wings, and the heart has a touch of communication.

49、阴阳和,雨就降;夫妻和,家道成。 When Yin and yang are harmonious, rain will fall; A husband and wife make a family.

50、饥肠辘辘的时候,没人会想到亲嘴。 When you're hungry, no one wants to kiss.