1、上帝不能无处不在,因此他创造了母亲。 God can't be everywhere, so he created mother.

2、世上最累人的事,莫过于虚伪的过日子。 The most tiring thing in the world is to live a hypocritical life.

3、人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。 As long as you don't lose your direction, you won't lose yourself.

4、人遗子孙以财,我遗子孙以清白。 People leave their children with wealth, and I leave them with innocence.

5、入田观察,从小看大。 In the field observation, from small to big.

6、劝君莫打三春鸟,子在巢中盼母归。 I advise you not to beat the spring bird, the son in the nest looking forward to the mother.

7、吃尽味道盐好,走遍天下娘好。 It's good to eat salt and travel all over the world.

8、哀哀父母,生不养儿不知父母恩。 I feel sorry for my parents. I don't know if I have children.

9、唯独母爱最高尚。 Only maternal love is the highest.

10、国威不可内伤,家丑不可外扬。 Don't hurt your country.

11、在家靠父母,出外靠朋友。 Parents at home and friends at home.

12、女人固然是脆弱的,但母亲是坚强的。 Women are vulnerable, but mothers are strong.

13、女人固然是脆弱的,母亲却是坚强的。 Women are fragile, but mothers are strong.

14、女是娘的罗裙带。 A woman is a woman's skirt belt.

15、孩子不好慢慢教,哪有挖井只一锹。 It's not easy for children to teach slowly. There is no way to dig a well with only one shovel.

16、孩子是母亲的生命之锚。 Children are the anchor of mother's life.

17、家兴出孝子,家败出妖孽。 The family produces filial son, and the family loses the evil spirit.

18、德行与技艺,是子孙最美的产业。 Virtue and skill are the most beautiful industries for posterity.

19、恩欲报,怨欲忘;报怨短,报恩长。 Gratitude to repay, resentment to forget; short complaint, long reward.

20、投之以桃,报之以李。 A peach in return for a plum.

21、教子光说好,后患少不了。 If you teach your son well, you will have to suffer.

22、斗气不养家,养家不斗气。 If you don't support your family, you don't have to fight.

23、树小扶直易,树大扳伸难。 It is easy to hold a small tree straight, but difficult to stretch a large tree.

24、母亲的击打决不会使孩子残废。 A mother's blow will never cripple a child.

25、母亲的心是儿女的天堂。 A mother's heart is a paradise for her children.

26、母亲的爱是永远不会枯竭的。 Mother's love is never exhausted.

27、母爱是世间最伟大的力量。 Maternal love is the greatest power in the world.

28、母爱是世间最真挚的爱。 Maternal love is the most sincere love in the world.

29、母爱最高尚。 Maternal love is the highest fashion.

30、母行千里而不愁,儿行千里母担忧。 Mother line thousands of miles without worry, children line thousands of miles, mother worried.

31、淡看世事去如烟,铭记恩情存如血。 Look down on the world, go like smoke, remember that kindness is like blood.

32、游子身上衣,慈母手中线。 The coat of a wanderer's body, the thread of a loving mother's hand.

33、父母之恩,水不能溺,火不能灭。 The kindness of parents, water can not drown, fire can not be extinguished.

34、若一家自相纷争,那家就站立不住。 If a house quarrels with itself, it cannot stand.

35、要知父母恩,怀里抱儿孙。 You should know the kindness of your parents and hold your children and grandchildren in your arms.

36、走遍天下娘好,吃遍天下盐好。 It's good to travel all over the world. It's good to eat salt all over the world.