1、一日不读口生,一日不写手生。 One day do not read oral students, one day do not write manual students.

2、三日不读书,便觉语言无味。 If you don't read for three days, you feel that your words are tasteless.

3、不为穷变节,不为贱易志。 Don't betray for the poor, don't be cheap and easy.

4、不怕别的,有勇气就不放弃。 Don't be afraid of anything else. Don't give up if you have the courage.

5、不自强而成功者,天下未之有也。 There is no such thing as success without self-improvement.

6、人惟患无志,有志无有不成者。 A man has no ambition but suffering, and there is no failure if he has a will.

7、人生是一种无法抗拒的前进。 Life is an irresistible advance.

8、人生苦短,应及时行乐。 Life is short, you should have fun in time.

9、以言责人甚易,以义持己实难。 It is easy to blame others with words, but difficult to hold yourself with righteousness.

10、伟大的力量存在于我们的内心。 Great power exists in our hearts.

11、低调,取舍间,必有得失。 Keep a low profile. There must be gains and losses between choices.

12、你什么都没有,所以你只能拼命! You have nothing, so you have to work hard!

13、你有多努力,就有多幸运。 How hard you work, how lucky you are.

14、你要明白前途比爱情更重要。 You should understand that the future is more important than love.

15、做事过于苛求,反把事情弄坏。 If you are too demanding, you will ruin things.

16、先努力优秀,再大方拥有。 First strive for excellence, and then have it generously.

17、创新激发潜能,潜能带动创新。 Innovation stimulates potential and potential drives innovation.

18、前方无绝路,希望在转角。 There is no dead end ahead. I hope it's around the corner.

19、努力只能及格,拼命才能优秀。 Hard work can only pass, hard work can be excellent.

20、即使生命如尘,仍愿岁月如歌。 Even if life is like dust, I still wish years and months are like songs.

21、即使第次跌倒,也要第次站起来。 Even if you fall for the first time, stand up for the second time.

22、只有不快的斧,没有劈不开的柴。 Only an unhappy axe, no firewood that can't be split.

23、只有做好今天,才能梦想明天。 Only by doing well today can we dream of tomorrow.

24、只要在路上,没有到不了的地方。 As long as you are on the road, there is no place you can't reach.

25、只要热情犹在,哪怕青春消逝。 As long as enthusiasm remains, even if youth fades.

26、困难越大,荣耀也越大。 The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory.

27、奋斗改变命运,拼搏成就辉煌。 Struggle to change destiny, struggle to achieve brilliance.

28、如果今天不走,那么明天就要跑。 If you don't go today, you will run tomorrow.

29、学习独立,也学会照顾好自己。 Learn to be independent and take care of yourself.

30、学习,永远不晚。 It's never too late to learn.

31、学会忘记,善忘是一件好事。 Learn to forget, forgetfulness is a good thing.

32、岂能尽如人意,但求无愧于心。 You can't be as good as you want, but you should be worthy of your heart.

33、弱者相信命运,强者把握命运。 The weak believe in fate, and the strong grasp it.

34、彩虹风雨后,成功细节中。 After the rainbow wind and rain, the details of success.

35、心志决定命运,态度决定高度。 Mind determines fate, attitude determines height.

36、心若有所向往,何惧道阻且长。 If your heart yearns for something, why do you fear obstacles and grow.

37、必须在奋斗中求生存,求发展。 We must strive for survival and development in struggle.

38、悲落叶于劲秋,喜柔条于芳春。 Sad leaves in autumn, like soft strips in spring.

39、感谢所有磨难,让我成为斗士。 Thank you for all the hardships that made me a fighter.

40、成功在眉宇之间——信心。 Success lies between the eyebrows - confidence.

41、成功的秘密在于坚持理想。 The secret of success is to stick to your ideals.

42、我之所以能,是因为我相信能。 I can because I believe I can.

43、我们渴望成功,首先要志在成功。 We aspire to success, we must first aim at success.

44、我们能够失望,但不能盲目。 We can be disappointed, but we can't be blind.

45、无奢望者有福,因其永不失望。 Blessed are those who have no extravagance, for they will never be disappointed.

46、既然选择远方,就注定风雨兼程。 Since you choose to be far away, you are doomed to wind and rain.

47、智慧总是在孤独中生根。 Wisdom always takes root in solitude.

48、有努力就会成功。 If you work hard, you will succeed.

49、有多大的思想,才有多大的能量。 How much thought, how much energy.

50、柴门闻犬吠,风雪夜归人。 The wood gate hears the barking of dogs and returns at night in the wind and snow.

51、每一次努力,都是幸运的伏笔。 Every effort is a lucky foreshadowing.

52、每天告诉自己一次:我真的很棒。 Tell yourself once a day: I'm really great.

53、没有人能令你失望,除了你自己。 No one can disappoint you except yourself.

54、没有伞的孩子必须努力奔跑。 Children without umbrellas must run hard.

55、浪费时间等于浪费生命。 Wasting time is a waste of life.

56、海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 Although we reside in far corners of the world, having a good friend is akin to having a good neighbor.

57、点燃星星之火,扬起梦想风帆。 Light a spark and raise the sail of dreams.

58、独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻。 Learning alone without friends is humble and unheard of.

59、用活书,活用书,用书活。 Live with books, live with books, live with books.

60、用爱心来做事,用感恩的心做人。 Do things with love and be a man with a grateful heart.

61、知不足者好学,耻下问者自满。 Those who know little are eager to learn, and those who are ashamed to ask are complacent.

62、积累知识,胜过积蓄金银。 Accumulating knowledge is better than accumulating gold and silver.

63、站得更高才能看得更远。 Stand higher to see farther.

64、给猴一棵树,给虎一座山。 Give the monkey a tree and the tiger a mountain.

65、要改变命运,首先改变自己。 To change your destiny, first change yourself.

66、要改变命运,首先要改变自己。 To change your destiny, you must first change yourself.

67、读书越多,越感到腹中空虚。 The more you read, the more empty you feel.

68、读好书就是同许多高尚的人谈话。 Reading good books is talking to many noble people.

69、读过一本好书,像交了一个好友。 Reading a good book is like making a good friend.

70、贵在坚持、难在坚持、成在坚持。 The value lies in persistence, the difficulty lies in persistence, and success lies in persistence.

71、越努力工作,运气就越好。 The harder you work, the better your luck.

72、钻石没有瑕疵,所以光彩夺目。 The diamond is flawless, so it shines brightly.

73、阳光下做人,风雨中做事。 Be a man in the sun and work in the wind and rain.

74、阳光落在春的枝头,日子便绿了。 When the sun falls on the branches of spring, the days are green.

75、雄心壮志是茫茫黑夜中的北斗星。 Ambition is the Big Dipper in the boundless night.

76、非学无以广才,非志无以成学。 There is no talent without learning, and there is no learning without ambition.