1、一儿一女,一夫一妻,一世一双,夫复何求。 One son and one daughter, one husband and one wife, one life and one pair, what can a husband ask for.

2、一切来得太突然,希望一切平安。 Everything comes too suddenly. I hope everything is safe.

3、一夜之间一贫如洗,喜得贵子。 He was destitute overnight and had a son.

4、上辈子的小情人,要来跟我偷情了。 The little lover of my last life is coming to have an affair with me.

5、世界上多了个小生命,多了个伟大的母亲,感恩。 There are more small lives and more great mothers in the world. Thank you.

6、丫头别怕,这辈子爸爸会永远保护你。 Girl, don't be afraid. My father will protect you forever in this life.

7、乃生男子,载寝之床。载衣之裳,载弄之璋。 He is a born man and a bed for sleeping. Clothes carrying clothes, Zhang carrying tricks.

8、今天家里来了个人,还配了枪,我该怎么办? Today, a man came to my family with a gun. What should I do?

9、今天我就要教教你什么是规矩,什么是体统。 Today I'm going to teach you what rules are and what style is.

10、今生有幸,为你额娘。 I'm lucky to be your e Niang in this life.

11、从此之后就有了软肋,宝贝,欢迎你来到这个世界。 Since then, there has been weakness, baby, welcome to this world.

12、从此以后,我的软肋又多了一处,心又多了分牵挂。 Since then, I have one more weakness and one more concern in my heart.

13、从此我多了一个小情人,老公多了一个小情敌。 Since then, I have a little lover and my husband has a little rival.

14、以后家里,又添了一双筷子了。 Later, I added a pair of chopsticks at home.

15、余生任由你,无理取闹,撒娇抱抱。 For the rest of your life, let you make trouble without reason and act like a spoiled hug.

16、你是哈哈哈巧克力,乖巧刻骨又努力。 You are mother's chocolate, clever and hard-working.

17、你是爸爸妈妈不期而遇的温暖,无限期爱你。 You are the unexpected warmth of mom and dad. I love you indefinitely.

18、你是爸爸妈妈,生生不息的希望。 You are mom and Dad, endless hope.

19、你的可爱,治愈一切不可爱。 Your loveliness heals all loveliness.

20、你让我的世界万般凌乱,但也万般美好。 You make my world messy, but also beautiful.

21、俗话说,生儿子好听,生女儿好命,你的命太好了。 As the saying goes, it's good to have a son and it's good to have a daughter. Your life is too good.

22、保护好你们的小白菜,我家的小猪要出栏了。 Protect your cabbages. My pig is going to be sold.

23、儿女是债,欠债还债无债不来。 Children are in debt. They can't pay their debts without debt.

24、初次见面,我却仿佛爱了,你很久。 When I first met you, I seemed to love you for a long time.

25、十个月前下的订单,今天终于到货啦。 The order placed ten months ago finally arrived today.

26、十月怀胎,才能为家庭诞生一个可爱的生命;十年拼搏,才能为人生铸就一项伟大的事业。 October pregnancy can give birth to a lovely life for the family; Ten years of hard work can create a great cause for life.

27、各位有闺女的家长,请看好你们家的可爱小白菜,我家猪今天终于出栏啦。 Parents with daughters, please look after your lovely cabbage. My pig is finally out of the market today.

28、各位生闺女的同志们,看好你们家白菜,我家的猪今日出栏啦! Ladies and gentlemen, look after your cabbages. My pigs are out today!

29、吾家有喜,正式启动“带娃模式”。 My family is happy and officially launched the "baby model".

30、呀,呀呀呀,我写给你哈哈哈好多情书,你终于降临来看啦。 Ah, ah, ah, you finally came to see many love letters I wrote to your mother.

31、喜提人生新角色:妈妈。 Xi ti's new role in life: Mom.

32、喜提新款不带说明书,裸机一枚。 Hi mention the new model without instructions, one bare metal.

33、嘿,小调皮鬼,终于见面啦!以后要乖乖的哦! Hey, naughty boy, we finally meet! Be good in the future!

34、在你羽翼未满前,我为你遮风挡雨,小朋友欢迎你。 Before your wings are full, I'll protect you from the wind and rain. Children welcome you.

35、大家的好,这是我儿子,今日是我儿此生都是我儿。 Hello, everyone. This is my son. Today is my son. I have been my son all my life.

36、夫人一声巨响,臭小子闪亮登场。 The lady made a loud noise and the smelly boy came on stage.

37、孩子别怕!未来爸妈陪你升级打怪兽。 Don't be afraid, child! In the future, your parents will accompany you to upgrade and fight monsters.

38、孩子,愿你今后,人见人爱,花见花开。 Child, may you be loved by everyone and flowers bloom in the future.

39、宝宝已顺利出生,母子平安,辛苦老婆了! The baby has been born smoothly, the mother and son are safe, and the wife is working hard!

40、小仙女你好呀,余生请多多指教。 Hello, little fairy. Please give me more advice for the rest of your life.

41、小子,谢谢你没让你妈受太多苦,感恩你健康地来到我们身边,爸爸妈妈永远爱你。 Boy, thank you for not letting your mother suffer too much. Thank you for coming to us healthily. Mom and Dad love you forever.

42、小盆友们向世界问好啦,从此开启,一家四口的生活。 Little basin friends say hello to the world. From then on, the life of a family of four.

43、您好,您的快递“四脚吞金兽”已送到,请注意签收! Hello, your express "four legged gold eater" has been delivered. Please pay attention to signing for it!

44、感情稳固,奈何来了个小三。 Feelings are stable, but there's a junior.

45、感谢我亲爱的太太,从此又多了一个男人和我一起爱护你! Thank you, my dear wife, for loving you with me!

46、感谢老婆,从今以后我们爷俩一起保护你。 Thank you, wife. From now on, we will protect you together.

47、愿所有美好如期而至,平安喜乐。 May all good things come as scheduled, peace and joy.

48、我家小帅哥终于出生啦,母子平安。 My handsome boy was finally born. Mother and son are safe.

49、我家未来媳妇在哪?你老公在这呢! Where is my future daughter-in-law? Your husband is here!

50、我家迎来天蓬元帅,你家嫦娥注意了。 I welcome Marshal Tianpeng. Your Chang'e has paid attention.

51、我第一天报到,要向各位叔叔阿姨,爷爷奶奶问个好。 The first day I report for duty, I want to say hello to my uncles, aunts, grandparents.

52、我陪你长大,你健康快乐就好。 I'll grow up with you. Just be healthy and happy.

53、我陪你长大,你陪我变美,超级辣妈上线。 I grow up with you, you become beautiful with me, super hot mom online.

54、把母子平安迎接回来,开始了新的生活,新的旅程。 Welcome the mother and son back safely and start a new life and a new journey.

55、报告报告,一大波姑爷向我方山头靠近! Report, a big wave of uncle is approaching our mountain!

56、敌军已经到达战场,爸爸妈妈请做好准备。 The enemy has arrived at the battlefield. Please get ready, mom and dad.

57、日夜相对,仍百看不厌。 Day and night relative, still never tire of seeing.

58、日盼夜盼终于见到你的尊严,从此我便多了一份牵挂。 Hope day and night to finally see your dignity, and I have more concerns since then.

59、普天同庆,我当爹了,值得庆幸,孩子是个带把的。 The whole world celebrates together. I'm a father. Fortunately, the child is a man with a handle.

60、期待了这么多年的小棉袄,终于出现了。 The little cotton padded jacket, which had been looking forward to for so many years, finally appeared.

61、未来的路上,我陪你长大,你陪我变老。 On the way to the future, I will grow up with you and you will grow old with me.

62、本人生了一枚双子座男宝宝。 I gave birth to a Gemini boy.

63、欢迎你小帅哥,以后我老婆分你一半。 Welcome, handsome boy. My wife will give you half in the future.

64、欢迎魔界扛把子之一“牛魔王”的到来! Welcome the arrival of "ox demon king", one of the handles in the demon world!

65、母女平安!闺女别怕,爸爸一生保护你。老婆,辛苦了。 Mother and daughter are safe! Girl, don't be afraid. Dad will protect you all his life. Wife, hard work.

66、牛年暴富,喜得千金。 In the year of the ox, he became rich and happy.

67、瑞雪漂漂福满地,爆竹阵阵喜迎儿。 The snow drifted all over the ground, and firecrackers greeted her.

68、生了个儿子,貌似他爹一样帅气逼人,请各位大叔大妈大娘大婶放心。 I have a son. He looks as handsome as his father. Please rest assured.

69、看伦家的小手,好不好看? Look at Lun's little hand, isn't it good?

70、睡着是小天使,醒来却是小恶魔。 Sleeping is a little angel, waking up is a little devil.

71、终于卸货了,感谢你的到来,只有你真正跟我分享过心跳。 Finally, thank you for coming. Only you have really shared your heartbeat with me.

72、终我所有,保你这一生平安顺遂。 All I have will ensure your safety and success in this life.

73、经历各种生无可恋的疼痛过后,顺利诞下小棉袄一枚。 After experiencing all kinds of loveless pain, she gave birth to a small cotton padded jacket smoothly.

74、给大家介绍下,我儿子,今天刚生的。 Let me introduce my son, who was just born today.

75、老公情人来了,我的情人也来了,真是热闹啊,一起打仗吧。 My husband and lover are coming, and my lover is also coming. It's really lively. Let's fight together.

76、老天有眼,喜送龙凤胎!有乐共享,特此告知。 God has eyes. I like to send twins! We hereby inform you that Youle shares.

77、谢谢你光顾,我的小怪物,老爸会永远做你的大树! Thank you for your patronage, my little monster. Dad will always be your big tree!

78、身经十月苦,骨开十指难,女重五斤三,偕母同平安。 After ten months of bitter experience, the bone is difficult to open ten fingers. The woman weighs five kilograms and three. She is safe with her mother.

79、辛苦三十年,一夜回到*。 After thirty years of hard work, I returned to the pre liberation days overnight.

80、雄性,四脚吞金兽。 Male, four legged gold eater.