1、三餐不过饱,无病活到老。 Three meals but full, no disease, live forever.

2、不喝隔夜茶,不喝过量酒。 Don't drink tea overnight. Don't drink too much alcohol.

3、不干不净、吃了生病,干干净净、吃了没病。 Dirty, eat sick, clean, eat disease free.

4、主粮掺杂粮,蒸饭喷喷香。 Main grain mixed with mixed grains, steamed rice spray fragrance.

5、人不学,不知义,玉不琢,不成器。 If you don't learn, you don't know justice. If you don't polish jade, you don't make a tool.

6、人愿长寿安,要减夜来餐。 People wish to live a long life and have a short dinner at night.

7、刀不磨要生锈,人不学,要落后。 If you don't sharpen your knife, you should rust. If you don't learn, you should fall behind.

8、吃米带点糠,成年保健康。 Eat rice with some bran, adult health.

9、吃饭先喝汤,肠胃不受伤。 Eat first soup, stomach and intestines do not hurt.

10、多吃咸盐,少活十年。 Eat more salt and live less ten years.

11、大路不走草成窝,人不挺胸背成驼。 The road does not walk, grass into a nest, people do not hold back into a camel.

12、好吃不痴胀,痴胀伤五脏。 Delicious not crazy bloating, Chi bloating hurt the five internal organs.

13、娇惯的孩子不成功,溺爱的孩子不孝顺。 Spoiled children are not successful, doting children are not filial.

14、小树修剪好自然长,小孩调教好自成才。 Small trees are pruned and grow naturally, and children are trained to become talents.

15、少吃荤,多吃素,健康又幸福。 Eat less meat, more vegetarian, healthy and happy.

16、少成若天性,习惯成自然。 Less is nature, habit is nature.

17、成功的孩子不操心,操心的孩子难成功。 Successful children don't worry, worried children can't succeed.

18、早吃好,午吃饱,晚吃巧。 Eat well in the morning, eat well in the afternoon, and eat skillfully in the evening.

19、早餐天天有,晚上减一口。 Breakfast is available every day, and one bite at night.

20、春不减衣,秋不加冠。 Spring does not reduce clothing, autumn does not add crown.

21、晚上吃少,饮食节制身体好。 Eat less at night, eat moderate, good health.

22、有静有动,无病无痛。 There are static and dynamic, no disease, no pain.

23、朝食三片姜,胜过人参汤。 Three slices of ginger are better than ginseng soup.

24、男人不可百日无姜,女人不可百日无糖。 Men should not be without ginger, women should not be sugar free for a hundred days.

25、精细粮食巧搭配,少荤多素有营养。 Fine grain is skillfully matched, less meat and more vegetables are nutritious.

26、细嚼烂咽,身体强健。 Chew and swallow well, and your body will be strong.

27、能忌烟和酒,活到九十九。 Wine and tobacco can make you live.

28、若要饭菜吃得香,细品慢咽嚼成浆。 If you want the food to be delicious, eat it slowly and chew it into pulp.

29、要想感冒少,常洗冷水澡。 If you want to have less cold, take a cold bath.

30、要想身体健,就得天天练。 If you want to be healthy, you have to practice every day.

31、要想身体好,早餐要吃好。 If you want to be healthy, have a good breakfast.

32、话多不值钱,吃多不香甜。 Words are not worth much, but food is not sweet.

33、锲而不舍,金石可镂。 Perseverance is the key to success.

34、饭前一碗汤,不用进药房。 A bowl of soup before meals, do not enter the pharmacy.

35、饭前喝口汤,永远没灾殃。 A drink of soup before a meal is never a disaster.

36、饭前喝汤,苗条健康。 Drink soup before meals, slim and healthy.

37、饭前应宜先喝汤,胜似健身良药方。 It is better to drink soup before meals than to keep fit.

38、饭后喝汤,越长越胖。 After eating soup, the longer the fatter.