1、一言之善,重于千金。 A good word is more important than a thousand gold.

2、上善若水,水利万物而不争。 The best is like water, water conservancy and all things do not dispute.

3、临难为善,尤为可贵。 It is particularly valuable to be good in the face of difficulties.

4、人之为善,百善而不足。 People are good, but not enough.

5、人之初,性本善。 Man's nature at birth is good.

6、古今世家大族,无非行善积德。 Ancient and modern aristocratic families all do good deeds and accumulate virtues.

7、向善之人易得福。 He who is good is blessed.

8、善书久读,自得受用。 A good book is worth reading for a long time.

9、善人者,人亦善之。 A good man is a good man.

10、善念是因,善行是果。 Good thoughts are the cause and good deeds are the results.

11、善是精神世界的阳光。 Goodness is the sunshine of the spiritual world.

12、善良的心就是太阳。 A good heart is the sun.

13、善说不如善做,善始不如善终。 It is better to be good at saying than to do, and better to start than to end well.

14、善,即修身律己,即心想他人。 Good is self-cultivation and self-discipline, that is, thinking about others.

15、尽心为善,法无定法。 There is no fixed law for doing good with all one's heart.

16、有善行之,无善静思。 There are good deeds, not good meditation.

17、来者不善,善者不来。 The good will not come.

18、灵魂最美的音乐是善良。 The most beautiful music of the soul is kindness.

19、用心为善,无处不善。 Do good with your heart.

20、美是善的象征。 Beauty is the symbol of goodness.

21、行善一生,安详一生。 A good life, a peaceful life.

22、锄一恶,长十善。 One evil, ten good.