1、万里*眼底收,大千世界目中明。 In the eyes of thousands of Li rivers and mountains, we can see clearly in the vast world.
2、两只眼睛比一只眼睛看得清楚。 Two eyes see better than one.
3、人人享有看见的权利。 Everyone has the right to see.
4、任何水晶眼镜对眼睛都有害。 Any crystal glasses are harmful to the eyes.
5、保护老年人视力,提高生活质量。 Protect the eyesight of the elderly and improve the quality of life.
6、关爱老年人的眼睛,享有看见的权。 Care for the eyes of the elderly and enjoy the right to see.
7、动员起来,让白内障盲人重见光明。 Mobilize, let cataract blind people see light again.
8、心灵窗户,用心呵护。 The window of mind, care with heart.
9、您的心灵窗户,我们为您呵护。 Your heart window, we care for you.
10、拥有好视力,生活更给力。 Awesome eyesight makes life more powerful.
11、擦亮心灵之窗,开阔全新眼界。 Open the window of mind and broaden new horizons.
12、时时刻刻爱眼,健健康康生活。 Love your eyes all the time and live a healthy and healthy life.
13、没有比根本不用眼睛看的人更瞎了。 No one is more blind than a man who doesn't use his eyes at all.
14、爱护眼睛,世界等你去发现。 Love your eyes, the world is waiting for you to discover.
15、爱护眼睛,为消除可避免盲而努力。 Take good care of your eyes and strive to eliminate avoidable blindness.
16、爱护眼睛,享受光明。 Love your eyes and enjoy the light.
17、爱护眼睛,你我同行。 Take good care of your eyes.
18、爱护眼睛,拥抱光明。 Love your eyes and embrace the light.
19、爱护眼睛,让生命的阳光更精彩。 Love your eyes and make the sunshine of life more wonderful.
20、爱眼护眼始于心,科学用眼践于行。 Eye care begins with heart, and scientific practice with eyes.
21、爱眼护眼,专业专注。 Eye care, professional focus.
22、爱眼爱生活,健康心相约。 Love your eyes, love your life, and have a healthy heart.
23、珍爱视力,光明人生。 Cherish your eyesight and live a bright life.
24、眼睛会泄露心中的秘密。 The eyes will reveal the secrets of the heart.
25、眼睛虽小,可以看到整个世界。 Small as your eyes are, you can see the whole world.
26、睛彩世界,眼见为实。 Seeing is believing.
27、科学用眼,精彩无限。 Scientific eye, wonderful infinite.
28、美丽新视界,健康新生活。 Beautiful new vision, healthy new life.
29、防治近视,珍爱光明。 Prevention and treatment of myopia, cherish light.
30、防盲进社区,关注眼健康。 Prevention of blindness into the community, pay attention to eye health.
31、青光眼可致盲,早期防治极重要。 Glaucoma can cause blindness, early prevention and treatment is very important.
32、预防近视,从今天开始。 Prevention of myopia, starting today.
33、预防青少年近视,人人有责。 It is everyone's responsibility to prevent juvenile myopia.
34、预防青少年近视,从一点一滴做起。 Prevention of juvenile myopia, starting from bit by bit.