1、一人难顺百人意,一墙难挡八面风。 It's hard for a man to follow a hundred wishes, but it's hard for a wall to keep out all kinds of wind.
2、一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。 A year's plan is spring, and a day's plan is morning.
3、万事劝人休瞒昧,举头三尺有神明。 All things advise people to stop hiding, raise their heads three feet to have a god.
4、不怕不懂道理,就怕懒于学习。 If you don't understand the truth, you are afraid of being lazy in your studies.
5、不怕念起,只怕觉迟。 Don't be afraid to think, just afraid to feel late.
6、乱丝难理,泼妇难治。 It's hard to deal with the mess, but it's hard to treat the bitch.
7、人一物,千金不移。 Everything is worth a thousand dollars.
8、人世一大梦,俯仰百变,无足怪者。 There is no wonder that a great dream of the world changes in its pitch.
9、人多遮黑眼,兵多吃闲饭。 More people cover their eyes, more soldiers eat idle meals.
10、人恶人怕天不怕,人善人欺天不欺。 The wicked are afraid of heaven, but the good deceive heaven.
11、人情似纸张张薄,世事如棋局局新。 Humanity is like sheets of paper, and the world is like a new chess game.
12、人生何处不相逢,莫因小怨动声色。 Where life does not meet, not because of small complaints.
13、人生处万类,知识最为贤。 Life is in all kinds, knowledge is the best.
14、人贫志短,马瘦毛长。 A man is short in ambition and a horse is thin and hairy.
15、假作真时真亦假,真作假时假也真。 False is true when it is true, and true is true when it is false.
16、刀无钢刃不锋利,人无意志不坚定。 A knife without a steel blade is not sharp, and a man has no will to be unswerving.
17、刚离水灾,又蹈冰涧。 Just after the flood, I went throughthe ice stream again.
18、刹人可恕,情理难容。 Brake can be forgiven, but it's hard to tolerate.
19、千年田地八百主,田是主人人是客。 There are 800 landlords in the field for a thousand years, and the landlord is the guest.
20、千锤成利器,百炼成纯钢。 Thousands of hammers make sharp weapons and hundreds of steels.
21、各人生死各人了,管人闲事受人磨。 Every man dies and every man interferes and suffers.
22、善恶到头终有报,只争来早与来迟。 Good and evil will always be rewarded, and we only strive to come sooner or later.
23、圣王之民不馁,治平之世无盗。 The people of the Saint King are not discouraged, and there is no robbery in a peaceful world.
24、天上众星皆拱北,世间无水不朝东。 All the stars in the sky are arched to the north, and there is no water facing the east.
25、奢侈者,危亡之本。 Luxury is the root of peril.
26、好义固为人所钦,贪利乃为鬼所笑。 Good righteousness is admired, but greed is laughed at by ghosts.
27、妙药难医冤孽病,横财不富命穷人。 It is hard to cure injustice by magic medicine, but fortune does not make poor people rich.
28、娥眉本是婵娟刃,杀尽风流世上人。 E-mei is a beautiful blade, killing all the people in the world.
29、宁做穷人脚下土,不做财主席上珍。 Better be the foot of the poor than the treasure chairman Shangzhen.
30、守口不谈新旧事,知心难得两三人。 If you keep your mouth shut and don't talk about old and new things, you'll rarely have two or three confidants.
31、富家山野有人瞅,贫居闹市无人问。 There are people in the rich countryside and no one in the poor city.
32、山中自有千年树,世上难逢百岁人。 Mountains have their own thousand-year-old trees, the world's rare centenarians.
33、得食猫儿强似虎,褪毛鸾凤不如鸡。 Cats are better than tigers, and chickens are worse off.
34、情太切伤心,欲太烈伤身。 Love is too heartbreaking, too intense to hurt the body.
35、投亲不如访友,访友不如下店。 Visiting friends is better than visiting relatives. Visiting friends is better than going down to stores.
36、放着快活不会享,何苦自已寻烦恼。 If you are happy, you won't enjoy it. Why bother yourself?
37、既食君禄,当尽君事。 He who eats monarchs and luxuries should do his best in monarchy.
38、易涨易退山溪水,易反易覆小人心。 Easy to rise, easy to fall back, easy to overturn the hearts of the people.
39、有吃万事足,无罪一身轻。 Everything is enough to eat, and you are not guilty.
40、枯木逢春犹再岁,人无两度再少年。 Dead wood is still young in spring, and no one is young twice.
41、树老根多,人老识多。 There are many roots in trees, but many people know.
42、欲知世情须尝胆,会尽人情暗点头。 If you want to know the world, you must have courage and nod your head in secret.
43、毁身每是作恶日,成名皆在行善时。 Destruction is always a bad day, fame is ingood time.
44、求人须求大丈夫,济人须济急时无。 He who asks for help needs an elder husband.
45、狗眼看人低,人穷狗也欺。 Dogs look down on people and bully poor dogs.
46、用心计较般般错,退步思量事事难。 It's hard to think backwards when you're thinking about common mistakes.
47、由来富贵三更梦,何必楚楚苦用心。 From the beginning, rich and noble three more dreams, why painstaking efforts.
48、百闻不如一见,百见不如一干。 Seeing is better than hearing, doing is better than seeing.
49、砂锅不捣不漏,木头不凿不通。 The casserole won't break, the wood won't cut.
50、秋至满山皆秀色,春来无处不花香。 From autumn to the mountains are beautiful, and from spring flowers are everywhere.
51、立下凌云志,敢去摘星星。 Ling Yunzhi, dare to pick the stars.
52、红粉佳人休说老,风流浪子莫叫贫。 Don't talk about old age for a beautiful pink lady, but don't call a vagrant poor.
53、纵令然诺暂相许,终是悠悠路行心。 Even if promised temporarily, it is a long way to go.
54、美人卖笑千金易,壮士穷途一饭难。 Beauty laughs a thousand gold, but a strong man has a hard time getting a meal.
55、胜者为王败者寇,只重衣冠不重人。 The winner is the king and the loser, who only emphasizes clothes but not people.
56、茫茫四海人无数,那个男儿是丈夫。 There are countless people all over the world. That man is a husband.
57、菜没盐无味,话没理无力。 The dishes are tasteless and salt-free, and the words are unreasonable and powerless.
58、蜂多出王,人多出将。 More bees than kings, more people than generals.
59、见庙就烧香,见佛就磕头。 When you see the temple, you burn incense, and when you see the Buddha, you kowtow.上一页12下一页
60、该放手时就放手,得饶人处且饶人。 When it's time to let go, let go, and let go.
61、贫无达士将金赠,病有高人说药方。 Poor people give gifts of gold, and those who are sick say they have prescriptions.
62、远水难救近火,远亲不如近邻。 Far waters do not save near fires. Far relatives are better than near neighbours.
63、重赏之下,必有勇夫。 There must be brave men under reward.
64、门前拴上高头马,不是亲来也是亲。 A horse with a high head tied to the front door is neither a relative nor a relative.
65、靠人终是假,跌倒自已爬。 If you depend on others, you will fall and climb.
66、饱暖思淫欲,饥寒起盗心。 Warm thoughts, lust, hunger and cold steal.
67、鬼神可敬不可谄,怨家宜解不宜结。 Ghosts and gods can be respected and not flattered, and it is not appropriate to settle the grudges of the family.
68、黑馍多包菜,丑人多作怪。 Black steamed bun is full of cabbages, and ugly people are full of mischief.
69、鼓破乱人捶,墙倒众人推。 Drums are broken and beaten, walls are pushed down.
70、龙泪落地,亢旱三年。 Dragon's tears fell to the ground, three years of drought.