1、一念起,万水千山;一念灭,沧海桑田。 A thought, a thousand rivers and mountains; a thought out, vicissitudes of life.

2、不就是分手,别夸大了寂寞。 Don't exaggerate the loneliness.

3、乌云蔽月,人迹踪绝,说不出如斯寂寞。 Dark clouds cover the moon, traces of people, can not say so lonely.

4、也许会放不下,可却不能再牵她的手。 May not put down, but can no longer hold her hand.

5、人和人太熟,就知道刀子往哪里最痛。 If you are too familiar with people, you will know where the knife hurts most.

6、什么我都可以放弃,唯一放不下的是你。 I can give up anything. The only thing I can't let go is you.

7、他对你视而不见,你何必苦苦相念。 He doesn't see you. Why do you have to worry about each other.

8、你不懂我的沉默,又怎么会懂我的难过。 You do not understand my silence, and how will you know my sadness.

9、你吻过我的唇,我却不是你最爱的人。 You kiss my lips, but I'm not your favorite.

10、你永远不懂我伤悲,像白天不懂夜的黑。 You will never understand my sorrow, like the dark of day and night.

11、你的眼睛,是我永生不会再遇的海。 Your eyes are the sea I will never meet again.

12、你眼眶超载的眼泪,乘客是绝望和心碎。 Your eyes are overloaded with tears, passengers are desperate and heartbroken.

13、你背叛了天长地久我逃离了来日方长。 You've betrayed eternity and I've run away from the future.

14、你走了真好,我不用每天担心你会走。 It's nice of you to go. I don't have to worry about you every day.

15、其实爱有很多选择,我也可以给你*。 In fact, love has many choices, I can also give you freedom.

16、原来我以为的永恒,到头来曲终人散尽。 Originally I thought of eternity, in the end, the end.

17、回不来的东西我们只好假装从没拥有过。 We have to pretend that we have never had something that we can't come back to.

18、回忆好拥挤,到处都是你。 Memories are crowded, you are everywhere.

19、多少次我告诉自己,此情可待成追忆。 How many times have I told myself that this feeling can be remembered.

20、失去不一定再拥有,转身不一定最软弱。 Loss does not necessarily have, turn around is not necessarily the weakest.

21、当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。 When the possession is already lost, give up bravely.

22、想你的时候会很幸福,幸福的有点难过。 Think of you will be very happy, happy a little sad.

23、我不高贵,但不是每一个男人都有机会。 I'm not noble, but not every man has a chance.

24、我们笑着说再见,却深知再见遥遥无期。 We smile and say goodbye, but we know that goodbye is far away.

25、我做的再多,也比不上她什么都不做。 I can't do more than she does nothing.

26、我只是骗了他一天,他却骗了我一辈子。 I just cheated him for a day, but he cheated me all my life.

27、我突然很想忘了你,就像从未遇见你。 I suddenly want to forget you, as if I have never met you.

28、我被狠狠的抛弃了,他连愧疚都没有。 I was severely abandoned, he didn't even feel guilty.

29、明明只移走了你一个,却空了整个分组。 Obviously, only one of you was removed, but the whole group was empty.

30、是不是只有受伤害,才会被温柔以待。 Is not only hurt, will be treated gently.

31、曾经的海誓山盟,就是现在的一个屁。 Once the oath of commitment, is now a fart.

32、最怕在用了真心之后,得到的是背叛。 Most afraid of in the use of sincerity, get is betrayal.

33、最痛的痛,是我们永久都说不起的伤口。 The most painful pain is the wound that we can never afford.

34、有时候交谈变得空洞,沉默却想沟通。 Sometimes the conversation becomes empty, but the silence wants to communicate.

35、来不及说出我爱你,你已经远去。 It's too late to say I love you, you're gone.

36、此处相思可入骨,无情却被多情误。 Here Acacia can enter the bone, heartless but by the sentimental mistake.

37、每一个寂寞的夜晚,你是否也会怀念。 Every lonely night, will you miss it.

38、爱上一个人,就给了他伤害自己的能力。 Falling in love with a person gives him the ability to hurt himself.

39、爱情就像剥洋葱总有一层会让你流泪。 Love is like peeling an onion. There is always a layer that will make you cry.

40、爱情是留给懂得爱自己的人。 Love is for those who know how to love themselves.

41、离开你我过得很好,假装一切都很好。 I'm fine leaving you, pretending everything's fine.

42、精疲力尽的我、其实也想要拥抱的温柔。 Exhausted me, actually also want to embrace tenderness.

43、背叛者是没有容身之处的。 There is no place for betrayers.

44、若我离去,这世界上不会再有第二个我。 If I leave, there will be no second me in the world.

45、说分手的是我,念念不忘的也是我。 It's me who said goodbye, and it's me who never forget.

46、谁人曾照顾过我的感受,吻过我的伤口。 Who has taken care of my feelings and kisses my wounds.

47、谁都可以没有谁,而生活总是会继续。 Anyone can have no one, and life will always go on.

48、谢你一生宽忍,容我半世疏狂。 Thank you for your tolerance all your life and allow me to be insane for half my life.

49、费尽了最后的力气却还是抓不住你! I tried my best, but I still couldn't catch you!

50、踮起脚尖,我们就能离幸福更近一点吗? Stand on tiptoe, can we get closer to happiness?