1、一个人爱上小溪,是因为没有见过大海。 A man falls in love with a stream because he has never seen the sea.
2、不要轻易说爱,许下的诺言就是欠下的债。 Don't say love easily. A promise is a debt.
3、主动久了突然感觉好累,请允许我离开。 Take the initiative for a long time, suddenly feel tired, please allow me to leave.
4、人潮中,怕失散所以轻轻拉你的手。 In the crowd, afraid to be separated, so gently pull your hand.
5、你不能把这个世界,让给你所鄙视的人。 You can't give the world to the people you despise.
6、你做了我的逃兵,却成了她的盖世英雄。 You've been my deserter, but you've become her hero.
7、你在我的面前,把爱情玩转的如此花哨。 You in front of me, the love play so fancy.
8、你对我的爱,像手中沙,渐渐流走了。 Your love for me, like the sand in your hand, gradually flows away.
9、你说你流泪了!流泪是因为你打了哈欠。 You said you shed tears! Tears because you yawn.
10、傀儡的爱,是痛苦的。 The love of puppets is painful.
11、兵荒马乱,独留一纸信笺。 War is in chaos, leaving only a piece of letterhead.
12、凄凄,惨惨,戚戚。 Sad, miserable, sad.
13、刚要成熟,又要老去,时光,好不经用。 Just want to mature, but also old, time, no use.
14、别丢下我,我还没有长大。 Don't leave me. I'm not grown up yet.
15、到了最后的最后,我们还是形成了陌生路。 In the end, we still formed a strange road.
16、即使错过,也是两个人心照不宣的选择。 Even if they miss it, it's their tacit choice.
17、原来你,宁愿错过也不会主动。 Originally, you would rather miss than take the initiative.
18、回头看这一路,我们改变真的好多。 Looking back, we have changed a lot.
19、失恋不会死,一年,是期限! Lovelorn will not die, a year, is the deadline!
20、好想把自己埋起来,让时间冲淡一切。 I really want to bury myself and let time dilute everything.
21、如果人生能够重来,我还会这样做。 If I could live my life again, I would do it again.
22、如果我们还有以后,那就天长地久。 If we have a future, it will last forever.
23、如果没有钱,我会成为谁的谁! If there is no money, I will become who's who!
24、孤单的是人,寂寞的是心。 Lonely is the person, lonely is the heart.
25、山中已经花发,你可是那山居雅客。 You are the elegant guest in the mountain.
26、往事不要再提,人生尽是风雨。 Don't mention the past, life is full of wind and rain.
27、待我长发及腰,少年你还在不在。 When my hair achieves waist length, are you still there?
28、情感的伤,只有谁人爱得深的人才会懂。 Emotional injury, only those who love deeply will understand.
29、感觉不到被爱的时候,你得识趣。 When you don't feel loved, you have to be smart.
30、我们的笑容,只能显示在记忆的底片里。 Our smile can only be shown in the negative of memory.
31、我凡事都看的开,这并不影响我记仇。 I'm open-minded in everything. It doesn't affect my revenge.
32、我喜欢看着你笑,那样美丽的笑着。 I like to see you smile, so beautiful smile.
33、我姓苏,所以输给了你。 My name is Sue, so I lost to you.
34、我是个孤独患者,却没有药可以治疗。 I'm a lonely patient, but there's no medicine for it.
35、我没有再畏惧,即使是一个人。 I'm not afraid anymore, even one person.
36、我用力抱紧自己,无法感到那一丝丝温暖。 I hugged myself hard and couldn't feel the warmth.
37、我的梦狠狠碎过,却不能忘。 My dream has been broken, but I can't forget it.
38、我的等待,成全了谁的幸福? Whose happiness has my waiting fulfilled?
39、我终于赚了两个亿,一个失意一个回忆。 I finally made two hundred million, one frustrated and one recalled.
40、我至今还记得他为谁红了眼眶,痛到发狂。 I still remember who he was red eye socket, pain to madness.
41、所谓错过,不是错了,而是过了。 The so-called miss, not wrong, but over.
42、把快乐寄托在别人身上,总难免会失望。 If you place your happiness on others, you will inevitably be disappointed.
43、有一个人,偷偷地关注,却从不打扰。 There is a person, secretly attention, but never disturb.
44、枫叶落尽了秋末,却落不尽我的哀寞。 Maple leaves fall to the end of autumn, but not my loneliness.
45、每天等你到那么晚,就是想跟你说几句话。 Every day when I wait for you to arrive so late, I just want to say a few words to you.
46、没有人在意的结果,做了给谁看。 No one cares about the results, who did it for.
47、深情不及久伴,相爱不及现实。 Deep love is less than long company, love is less than reality.
48、烟花易冷,人心易凉。 Fireworks are easy to cool, people are easy to cool.
49、烟雾袅绕的寂寞,毒药滋长的容貌。 The loneliness of smoke curling around, the appearance of poison growing.
50、爱情想的太清楚的话,就会顾虑太多。 If you think too clearly about love, you will worry too much.
51、爱情都是这么悲哀,只会回忆那过期的爱。 Love is so sad, will only recall that expired love.
52、笑时没心没肺,哭时却痛到窒息。 Laugh heartless, cry pain to suffocate.
53、素描人生,一生所寻觅的正是这份宁静。 Sketch life, life is looking for this quiet.
54、谁欠谁一生,谁等谁一生。 Who owes who lives, who waits for who lives.
55、走便走,留便留,一切与我无关。 It's nothing to do with me.
56、距离产生A不是美,而是第三者。 Distance does not produce beauty, but a third party.
57、踮起脚尖,我们就能离幸福更近一点吗? On tiptoe, can we be closer to happiness?
58、这场戏里,不好意思,我自作多情了。 In this scene, I'm sorry, I'm so amorous.
59、那滴泪,你为谁而落? Who are you falling for?
60、郁郁寡欢,愁眉不展。 Depressed and sad.