1、一个人怕孤独,两个人怕辜负。 One is afraid of loneliness, two are afraid of failure.

2、一哄就好的人,活该受尽委屈。 People who just coax them deserve to be wronged.

3、一头扎进你怀里,你的胸膛就是我的沙漠。 A head into your arms, your chest is my desert.

4、一巴掌扇醒我所有的痴心与妄想,然后我滚。 A slap fan wake up all my infatuation and delusion, and then I roll.

5、一秒钟的爱,一秒钟的分手,一生的遗忘。 A second of love, a second of breakup, a lifetime of forgetting.

6、不懂我,就不要乱评论我。 Don't comment on me if you don't understand me.

7、人生的真理,只是藏在平淡无味之中。 The truth of life is just hidden in the insipid.

8、你又不是我,你凭什么说我怎么怎么样。 You're not me. How can you tell me.

9、你可能也不爱我,只是刚好遇见我。 You may not love me either, but you just met me.

10、你对我多重要,我后悔没让你知道。 I regret not letting you know how important you are to me.

11、你是失望,是难堪,是填不满的黑色。 You are disappointed, embarrassed and dissatisfied.

12、你没想象中那么恋旧,回忆换不回你的温柔。 You don't think so nostalgic, memories can't change your gentleness.

13、你能对我停止忽冷忽热吗?我受不了了。 Can you stop being hot and cold to me? I can't bear it.

14、再烫的开水也会凉,不合适的人终会散。 No matter how hot the boiled water is, it will be cool, and the unsuitable people will disperse.

15、出轨的对象好比旧行李弃之可惜看着碍眼。 The object of derailment is like old luggage, but it's a pity that it gets in the way.

16、分开后,我的手再也触不到你的温度。 After separation, my hands can no longer touch your temperature.

17、别人在等送伞,而我在等雨停。 Others are waiting for the umbrella, while I am waiting for the rain to stop.

18、别撑了,你又不是雨伞。 Come on, you're not an umbrella.

19、原来我们的改变,都是那么地容易。 It turns out that our changes are so easy.

20、她再也没对我说晚安,我的失眠也再没好过。 She never said good night to me, and my insomnia never got better.

21、如果你是来了还会走的人,请你错过我。 If you are the one who will come and go, please miss me.

22、如果我不在你身边,你被别人拐走了怎么办? What if I'm not with you and you're abducted?

23、小时候喜欢过年,长大后害怕过年。 I like Chinese new year when I was young, but I'm afraid of it when I grow up.

24、希望的希望,成为了失望的失望。 The hope of hope becomes the disappointment of disappointment.

25、当孤单已成习惯,谁懂我微笑背后的谎言。 When loneliness has become a habit, who knows the lie behind my smile.

26、得不到安全感,所以我把*还给你。 There's no sense of security, so I give you my freedom.

27、心累了,也就什么都不想解释了! Heart tired, also don't want to explain anything!

28、愿你遇见一个人,过踏踏实实的日子! May you meet someone and live a down-to-earth life!

29、我去过你住的城市,却没勇气去见你。 I've been to the city where you live, but I don't have the courage to see you.

30、我好懒,懒得连自己心里的人都懒得换。 I'm so lazy that I don't even want to change the people in my heart.

31、我怕闭上眼睛,你就占据了我的整个脑海。 I'm afraid if I close my eyes, you'll occupy my whole mind.

32、我有一生,半生孤独,半生寂寞。 I have a life, half lonely, half lonely.

33、我有病,你是药,但我忘了,是药分毒。 I'm sick. You're the medicine, but I forgot that it's the medicine that divides the poison.

34、我欠他的早已还清,他欠我的也不必再还。 What I owe him has already been paid off, and what he owes me need not be paid back.

35、我爱他,我瞒着所有人爱他。 I love him. I love him from everyone.

36、我知道我不够重要,所以你离开的潇洒。 I know I'm not important enough, so you're leaving smartly.

37、我试着不去想你,但,我做不到。 I try not to think about you, but I can't.

38、所谓繁花不过一梦,我曾用爱雕刻时光。 The so-called flowers but a dream, I used to carve time with love.

39、把对你的记忆全部删除,留下最初的空白。 Delete all of your memory, leaving the initial blank.

40、把长发剪了吧,不吹晚风不喝烈酒。 Cut your long hair, no evening wind, no liquor.

41、无力许你一生笑,但求思我不愁容。 I can't make you laugh all your life, but I don't look sad.

42、既然已回不到过去,还不如想想自己的未来。 Since you can't go back to the past, you might as well think about your future.

43、时间过得真快啊,一眨眼你就喜欢上别人了。 How time flies! In the blink of an eye, you fall in love with others.

44、最痛苦的真相,也好过最甜蜜的谎言。 The most painful truth is better than the sweetest lie.

45、有些人特别好,但总觉得不认识会更好。 Some people are very nice, but they always think it would be better not to know each other.

46、火烧云很美,却拼凑不出你熟悉的脸孔。 Fire cloud is very beautiful, but you can't piece together a familiar face.

47、爱情像泡沫,一触碰就破。 Love is like a bubble.

48、男生不擅长说分手,但他可以逼你说分手。 Boys are not good at breaking up, but they can force you to break up.

49、若我所有的深情你都懂,那就别辜负。 If you know all my affections, don't let me down.

50、违心话说得太多,听得自己都发呕。 If you talk too much against your will, you will feel sick.