1、不要勾搭我,我有一百种方法撩你。 Don't hook me up. I have 100 ways to lift you.

2、主动太累,你我都深有体会。 I am so tired to take the initiative. I have a deep understanding of you.

3、你会不会把我的事,当笑话讲给她听。 Will you tell her my business when you tell a joke.

4、你很凑巧,总是在我最需要你的时候走开。 You happen to be walking away when I need you most.

5、你每一次的出现,总是让人很难以释怀。 Every time you appear, it's hard to let go.

6、你的心是一片柔软的湖,盛满了微凉的泪。 Your heart is a soft lake, full of cold tears.

7、别说我很好,我那么好,你为什么不要! Don't say I'm good, I'm so good, why don't you!

8、只要爱着一个人,也就永远会有失望的时刻。 As long as you love someone, there will always be a moment of disappointment.

9、因为离别,我们才懂得了珍惜。 Because of leaving, we know how to cherish.

10、多少时候,因为得不到,所以假装不想要。 How often, because can't get, so pretend not to want.

11、失去故土的花朵,回不去,却也离不开。 The flowers that lost their native land can not go back, but they can not be separated.

12、失望多了,期望就少了。 When you are disappointed, you will have less expectation.

13、她觉得很不快乐,她想要新的生活。 She felt very unhappy, she wanted a new life.

14、好了,不想了,不纠结了,我选择错过你。 OK, no, no more tangle. I choose to miss you.

15、如果你独自一人笑了,那是真心的笑。 If you laugh alone, it's a real laugh.

16、学会了照顾别人,却忘了如何心疼自己。 Learn to take care of others, but forget how to hurt yourself.

17、害怕冷却喜欢冬天,害怕失望却喜欢你。 Fear of cooling like winter, fear of disappointment but like you.

18、工作依旧很忙碌,依旧能够做到有条不紊。 Work is still busy, and still be able to be orderly.

19、很多事情你尽力了,就够了,别再折磨自己。 A lot of things you try to do, enough, don't torture yourself.

20、心中有了牵挂,生活就有了动力。 With the worry in mind, life has a motive force.

21、悲伤的思绪,使整个空间变得压抑,沉重。 Sad thoughts make the whole space oppressive and heavy.

22、情不知所起,一往而深。 I don't know where I'm going.

23、我也终于明白:烟比女人亲,伤肺不伤心。 I also finally understand: smoke is more intimate than women, lung injury is not sad.

24、我们不会分开太久哦,山顶的风景才最好看。 We won't be apart for too long. The scenery on the top of the mountain is the best.

25、我只是想再瞧你一瞧,我怕再也瞧你不到。 I just want to see you again. I'm afraid I won't see you again.

26、我怕冷却爱上了雪,我怕痛却爱上了你。 I am afraid that cooling fell in love with snow, I am afraid of pain but I love you.

27、我恨自己,怎么也学不会你那种绝情。 I hate myself, how can you learn that kind of love.

28、我看湿了眼睛,你也还是我的风景。 I see wet eyes, you are still my scenery.

29、我荒废了时间,时间便把我荒废了。 I waste time, and time will waste me.

30、我蹲在路边,哭泣得像个孩子。 I squatted on the side of the road and cried like a child.

31、我遇见你的时候,就知道有一天你会走。 When I met you, I knew that one day you would go.

32、执迷,还是看淡,人各有志吧。 Obsession, or indifferent, people have their own aspirations.

33、挤不进的世界,很庆幸我提前调了头。 Fortunately, I was ahead of schedule.

34、提起你还是心酸,却不再像从前那么喜欢。 It's still sad to mention you, but I don't like it as much as I used to.

35、明明很孤单,却偏说一个人真好。 I am very lonely, but I think it's very nice to say.

36、曾经以为你就是氧气,原来只是闹剧。 I thought you were oxygen, it was just a farce.

37、曾经的我很可爱,至少笃定着天长地久。 I used to be lovely, at least I have a long time.

38、有的人说不清哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了。 Some people can't tell where it is good, but no one can replace it.

39、比起怒骂,沉默才是最彻底的失望。 Silence is the most complete disappointment than to scold.

40、爱情,是比任何武器的伤害都来得大。 Love is more than any weapon damage.

41、生活很暗,抱歉,我也没有光。 Life is dark. Sorry, I don't have light either.

42、真正放弃了才知道,我从未后悔过。 I never regret it until I really give up.

43、累积的失望太多,热情再多也会碎落满地。 Too much disappointment accumulated, enthusiasm will be broken down.

44、纵使黑暗荒芜,仍有星光点点。 Even if the darkness is barren, there are still stars.

45、舍不得变成陌生人,也回不到同路人。 I can't be a stranger, and I can't go back to the same people.

46、触摸不到的幸福,再努力也是徒劳。 No effort is futile for happiness that cannot be touched.

47、迷雾遮挡了星光,但星辰一直在那里。 The fog obscured the stars, but the stars were there all the time.

48、适可而止的放弃,至少不会输的太狼狈。 Give up, at least not lose too embarrassed.

49、长大了,承受的多了,学会的也就多了! Grow up, bear more, learn also more!

50、青春,带着希望而来,失望而归。 Youth, with hope, disappointed and return.