1、不是同情,而是明白。 Not sympathy, but understanding.

2、不要说我变了,直接说你已经厌倦好了。 Don't say I've changed, just say you're tired.

3、不需要那么复杂、只需要你的一句我愿意。 It doesn't need to be so complicated, just need your sentence, I'd like to.

4、与其醒着面对坏心情不如就这样长眠不起。 It's better to be so sleepless than to be awake in a bad mood.

5、世界在大,没有你的地方也一样觉得冷清。 The world is big, and the place without you also feels lonely.

6、两人紧紧拥抱,从此再无拥抱。 They hugged each other tightly and never hugged again.

7、为什么不会先听我接受,在来怪我呢? Why don't you listen to me first and blame me?

8、为你相信天长地久,你却这样拍拍屁股就走。 Because you believe in eternity, but you just slap your ass and leave.

9、从今后,我不会再想你,连恨也不给你。 From now on, I will not think of you, even hate you.

10、你有你的万家灯火,我有我的浪迹天涯。 You have your lights, I have my wandering.

11、你爱的终究不是我,我爱的始终仍是你。 What you love is not me after all, what I love is still you.

12、你的青春,我的故事。 Your youth, my story.

13、假如凡事都失败,也许得爱恋先可以得胜。 If everything fails, maybe love can win first.

14、再回首,斯人已去,只堪回忆。 Looking back, Si people have gone, only memories.

15、再美的故事,终究会有一个悲伤的结局。 No matter how beautiful the story is, there will be a sad ending.

16、分手啦,再见吧,我们的感情到此结束吧! Break up, goodbye, our relationship is over now!

17、别再用沉默,去掩饰什么。 Don't use silence to cover up.

18、别用你的沉默,代替你所犯的错。 Don't substitute your silence for your mistakes.

19、别缠着往事不肯走,别赖着曾经不放手。 Don't cling to the past and refuse to leave. Don't cling to the past and never let go.

20、只有真诚地做人,才能换得最真诚的真心。 Only by being sincere, can we get the most sincere.

21、只要不离婚,我可以放下一切。 As long as I don't get divorced, I can put everything down.

22、和以往相似的傍晚、和曾经不一样的你。 The evening is similar to the past, and you are different.

23、喧闹的城市,独自走在街中显得如此萧条。 Noisy city, walking alone in the street seems so depressed.

24、嘴在逞强,心在投降。 The mouth is showing off, the heart is surrendering.

25、回忆过去,痛苦、的相思忘不了。 Memories of the past, pain, love can not forget.

26、太过悲伤的回忆,要怎样去忘记。 Too sad memories, how to forget.

27、太阳给了我温暖,却不能靠近。 The sun gives me warmth, but I can't get close to it.

28、如果喜欢你是在困扰你,我选择离开你。 If I like you is bothering you, I choose to leave you.

29、如果爱需要语言表示,那么哑巴怎么相爱? If love needs words, how can a mute love each other?

30、寂寞不是最痛苦的,想念才是最痛苦的。 Loneliness is not the most painful, miss is the most painful.

31、寒冷的夜,本就多愁。 The cold night, this much sorrow.

32、年轻时不多经历一点,等老了拿什么下酒。 When you are young, you don't experience more. When you are old, you can drink something.

33、徒留我一人,望你背影离我远去。 Leave me alone. I hope your back is far away from me.

34、心是我的,可里面装的全是你。 My heart is mine, but it's full of you.

35、心累A时候,连话都不愿意去说。 Heart tired, even words are not willing to say.

36、忘不掉也要忘掉,做不到也要做到。 If you can't forget it, you have to forget it. If you can't do it, you have to do it.

37、想来真怂,那么想你却不敢打扰你。 It's really nice to think of you, but I dare not disturb you.

38、感情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。 Feelings, either make people mature, or make people degenerate.

39、愿无岁月可回首,并以深情共余生。 May there be no time to look back and spend the rest of your life with deep love.

40、我们能有以前,但再也没有以后了。 We can have the past, but there is no future.

41、我只想对他好,却不知道怎么做才是最好。 I just want to be nice to him, but I don't know how to do it best.

42、我在河之彼岸,守望以前归来,归来无望。 I'm on the other side of the river. I'll come back before watching, but there's no hope.

43、我怕有一天我会忘记你,我要把你珍藏起来。 I am afraid that one day I will forget you. I will treasure you.

44、我想和你永久,你却对我说分手。 I want to be with you forever, but you say goodbye to me.

45、我拿你当成命,你把我当有病。 I take you as my life, you take me as sick.

46、我是有多么舍不得离开,尽管全都是伤害。 How reluctant I am to leave, even though it's all hurt.

47、我曾想过去追风,追到海角天涯远。 I used to want to go after the wind and the ends of the earth.

48、我有所念人,隔在远远乡。 I'm far away from home.

49、我的单纯早被这座城市的物质与空虚埋葬。 My simplicity has long been buried by the material and emptiness of this city.

50、我给过你的,再也给不了别人。 I gave it to you. I can't give it to anyone else.

51、挫折可以打击我;但不可以击败我。 Setbacks can hit me, but they can't beat me.

52、早知如此,当初不要相遇就好了。 If only I had known that, I would not have met at the beginning.

53、时间一分一秒过去、感情一点一点消失。 Time goes by, feelings disappear.

54、是我的你给我放下,不是我的你特么也别碰。 It's mine. You put it down. It's not mine. Don't touch it.

55、曾经和你走过的路,都藏在回忆里。 Once and you walked the road, are hidden in memories.

56、没有失恋过一次,你都不知道自己有多贱。 Never been lovelorn once, you don't know how cheap you are.

57、没有那么便宜,让你拥有还容忍你耍个性。 Not so cheap, let you have also tolerate you play personality.

58、活在虚假的社会,干嘛用真实的自己面对。 Living in a false society, why face it with your true self.

59、流转的时光,诠释了我们青春年华后的沧桑。 The flowing time interprets the vicissitudes of our youth.

60、海边的烟火,绚烂着我的寂寞。 Seaside fireworks, gorgeous with my loneliness.

61、淡了,散了,累了,原来的那个你呢? Light, scattered, tired, the original that you?

62、爱、多么弱智的一个词、我却弱智的当真了。 Love, how retarded a word, I was retarded seriously.

63、爱上你等于爱上了悲,放开手却喜欢颓废。 Falling in love with you is equal to falling in love with sadness, let go but like decadence.

64、爱上你,我输得彻底。 Falling in love with you, I lost completely.

65、爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子就空了! Love is like an hourglass, heart full, brain empty!

66、爱的反面不是恨,而是漠然。 The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.

67、爱而不得的人那么多,偏偏有我。 There are so many people who can't love, but I am.

68、牵着你的手,闭着眼睛走我也不会迷路。 Holding your hand and walking with my eyes closed, I won't get lost.

69、生活不是电影,没有那么多不期而遇。 Life is not a movie. There are not so many unexpected encounters.

70、生活只要努力过拼搏过,才有资格不后悔。 Life as long as the efforts have been hard, only qualified not to regret.

71、留着一个号码,不过是为了守候—个人。 Keep a number, just to wait for someone.

72、看着你的头像跳动,为什么我的心悸动不已。 Looking at your head beating, why my heart palpitates unceasingly.

73、看见你就躲避的我,怕打扰到你幸福的世界。 See you to avoid me, afraid to disturb your happy world.

74、真心是不可再生的,用尽了就是用尽了。 True is not renewable, exhausted is exhausted.

75、离开以后,大声的告诉他我爱你,与你无关。 After leaving, tell him loudly that I love you, it has nothing to do with you.

76、穷极一生,做不完一场梦。 I can't finish a dream in my poor life.

77、突然之间,心情低落,不知所措。 All of a sudden, I feel down and at a loss.

78、经受了火的洗礼泥巴也会有坚强的体魄。 After the baptism of fire, mud will have a strong body.

79、若不是你来了又去,我本可以适应孤独。 If you had not come and gone, I could have adapted to loneliness.

80、被搁浅的爱,是怪你无情还是逃不过宿命。 Stranded love, is it because you are merciless or can't escape fate.

81、记忆变成碎片,那是因为里面装满了心碎。 Memory becomes fragment, that is because it is full of heartbreak.

82、说要一直陪我的人,最后都忘记了我的存在。 Those who said they would accompany me all the time forgot my existence in the end.

83、说过多少次了,一亿以下Z买卖众要请示! How many times have you said that you need to ask for instructions from the buyers and sellers of less than 100 million people!

84、还记得樱花正开,还未懂跟你示爱。 I still remember the cherry blossom is in bloom, I still don't know how to show my love to you.

85、那些伤害怎能用一句对不起、就可以释怀的。 How can those hurt be relieved with a word of sorry.

86、雨下过后的晴天,光线做成了桥梁。 On a sunny day after the rain, the light made a bridge.

87、黄粱一梦,倾厦而醒。 A dream is a dream.