1、不尊重学生,就是不尊重自己。 Don't respect students, just don't respect myself.
2、不能总是牵着他的手走,而还是要让他独立行走,使他对自己负责,形成自己的生活态度。 Can't always go, holding his hand, but still want to let him walk, make him responsible for yourself, form their own attitude towards life.上一页12下一页
3、亲其师,信其道,恶其师,疏其道。 Close its division, to its faith, its division, thin its way.
4、人生的目标在于不断追求,人生的价值在于奉献。 Goal in life is to continuously pursue, the value of life lies in dedication.
5、人类本质中最殷切的需求是渴望被肯定。 Human nature is the most demand in the desire to be sure.
6、使学生对教师尊敬的惟一源泉在于教师的德和才。 Make students to respect teachers and just is the only source of teachers.
7、倾注心血的爱能使孩子们早日鲜花绽放! Dedicated efforts of love can make the children early flower.
8、先学会做人,再学会知识。 Learning life, and then to learn knowledge.
9、兴趣是创造一个欢乐和光明的教学环境的只要途径之一。 Interest is to create a happy and bright teaching environment as long as one way.
10、勤勤恳恳工作,快快乐乐生活,堂堂正正做人。 Diligent work, happy life, a dignified life.
11、博学耐心宽容,是教师最基本的素质。 Learned patience, tolerance, is the most basic quality teachers.
12、只有爱才是最好的教师,它远远超过责任感。 Only love is the best teacher, it is far more than the sense of responsibility.
13、培养人,就是培养他对前途的希望。 Train a person, is to cultivate his hope for the future.
14、多一把衡量的尺子,就会多出一批好学生。 More than a measuring ruler, will be more than a group of good students.
15、好的先生不是教书,不是教学生,乃是教学生学。 Good Sir Not teaching, not teaches students, but teaches students learn.
16、如果谁希望自己的儿子尊重他和他的命令,他自己便应十分尊重他的儿子。 If who want to respect him and his command, the son of his own and should be respected his son.
17、学高为师,身正为范;百年大计,教育为本。 Learn Gao Weishi, body is for fan; In one hundred, education for this.
18、对人民来说,第一是面包,第二是教育。 For the people, the first it is bread, the second is education.
19、对双亲来说,家庭教育首先是自我教育。 For parents, family education is the first self education.
20、得不到别人的尊重的人,往往有最强烈的自尊心。 Can't get others' respect for people, often have the most strong self-esteem.
21、感人肺腑的谈话,能医治孩子心灵的创伤。 Moving the conversation, to heal the kids.
22、捧着一颗心,不带半根草去。 Holding a heart, don't take half a piece of grass.
23、教学的艺术不在于传授的本领, In the teaching of art is not impart ability, but in the incentive sensei.
24、教师施爱宜在严爱与宽爱之间。 The teacher ShiAiYi in tough love and love between wide.
25、教师是孩子的镜子,孩子是老师的影子。 Teacher is the mirror of the child, the child is the shadowof the teacher.
26、教师最大的幸福就是看到孩子们在成长! Teacher's biggest happiness is to see the children to grow up!
27、教师的工作是激发孩子对人生无限的好奇心。 The teacher's job is to inspire children infinite curiosity about life.
28、教给学生能借助已有的知识去获取新的知识,这是最高的教学技巧之所在。 To teach students to use the existing knowledge to obtain new knowledge, this is the highest teaching skills.
29、教育学生,从爱出发,爱是一种特持久而深刻的感情。 Education students, set off from love, love is a kind of lasting and profound affection.
30、教育的目的,是替年轻人的终生自修作准备。 The purpose of education is to prepare for young people's lifelong study.
31、没有疑问就等于没有学问。 Without a doubt is not knowledge.
32、热爱孩子是教师生活中最主要的东西。 The most main love child is a teacher's life.
33、纳百川,容学问,立德行,善人品。 Bacc the capacity, knowledge, khalid, good character.
34、让我们用自己的行和自己的心去教育我们的孩子。 Let us use their own and their own heart to education of our children.
35、这个世界,既不是有钱人的世界,也不是有权人的世界,而是有心人的世界。 This world, neither the rich world, also is not belong to the world, but impossible to a willing heart.