1、一个人在世界A角落,连寂寞都在笑我太堕落。 A person in the corner of the world, even lonely are laughing at me too degenerate.

2、之所以这么努力,是因为我想要的都很贵。 The reason why I work so hard is that what I want is very expensive.

3、亲爱的,如果有人追你,你要说你有我了。 Honey, if someone pursues you, you have to say you have me.

4、人生不是坐等暴风雨过去,而是学会在雨中起舞。 Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.

5、人生如同故事,重要的并不在有多长,而是在有多好。 Life is like a story. What matters is not how long it is, but how good it is.

6、人生最好的三种状态:不期而遇、不言而喻、不药而愈。 The three best states of life: unexpected encounter, self-evident, healing without medicine.

7、今天的我你爱理不理,明天的我还来找你。 Today I you ignore, tomorrow I will come to you.

8、他身上的味道好像你,我不由自主地跟在后面差点红了眼眶。 His body tastes like you, I can't help but follow behind, almost red eyes.

9、以前爱一个人、形影不离。现在爱一个人、放在心里。 I used to love a person and never leave. Now love a person, in the heart.

10、你只是一念之间,我却是深情一场。 You are just a thought, but I am a deep feeling.

11、你的孤独是因为你既希望有人关心,又不想被谁过分打扰。 You are lonely because you want to be cared for and not be disturbed by others.

12、你的眼里有星辰,有清风,有世间万物,唯独无我。 There are stars in your eyes, there is breeze, there are all things in the world, but there is no me.

13、你给的承诺就像星星一样,那么多,但是我永远也得不到! Your promise is like a star, so much, but I will never get it!

14、保持微笑,埋藏骄傲。 Keep smiling and bury pride.

15、全天下最好的东西都应该归我所有,包括你! The best things in the world should belong to me, including you!

16、冬至,是一年里能想你最久的夜晚。 Winter solstice is the longest night I can miss you in a year.

17、到了一定时候,就是你和旧衣服分别的时候了。 At a certain time, it's time for you to separate from the old clothes.

18、努力是会上瘾的,特别是当你尝到一些甜头的时候。 Hard work can be addictive, especially when you taste something sweet.

19、喜欢惹你生气,然后在你气鼓鼓的腮帮子上啵一个。 I like to make you angry, and then I'll pop one on your angry cheek.

20、因为太爱你了,爱你爱得我不能呼吸。 Because I love you so much that I can't breathe.

21、她习惯了寂寞,或者说,她一个人的时候更自在。 She is used to loneliness, or she is more comfortable when she is alone.

22、如果我们能够久别重逢,我希望你别来无恙。 If we can see each other for a long time, I hope you will be all right.

23、岁月静好,只想数着你的心跳,慢慢地陪着你变老。 Years of quiet good, just want to count your heartbeat, slowly accompany you grow old.

24、念你的时光比相爱长,要多绝望,才会百毒不侵。 Read your time longer than love, to more despair, will be invincible.

25、愿我们所爱,终会在恰当的时候睁开双眼,看见爱。 May our loved ones open their eyes and see love at the right time.

26、成年人可以自己照顾自己了,小孩子才需要别人的照顾哦。 Adults can take care of themselves. Children need to be taken care of by others.

27、我以为我很颓废,今天我才知道,我早已经报废了。 I thought I was very decadent, today I know, I have already scrapped.

28、我们再也不会像以前那样,以彼此为不可替代。 We will never replace each other as before.

29、我们没有改变不了的未来,只有不想改变的过去。 We have no future that we can't change, only the past that we don't want to change.

30、我们要飞到那遥远地方,看一看这世界并非那么凄凉。 We want to fly to that distant place and see that the world is not so desolate.

31、我喜欢你,无关风月。我愿你好,即使后来你与我全然无关。 I like you. It's nothing to do with Fengyue. I wish you well, even if you have nothing to do with me.

32、我很清楚,任何一个美好的承诺都有个有效期限。 I am very clear that any good promise has a deadline.

33、我想像了多少个场景,可笑的是你每个都在。 How many scenes have I imagined? The funny thing is that you are all here.

34、我的前世也许是只鸟。—如果你是一只鸟,那我也是一只鸟。 My previous life may have been a bird. If you are a bird, so am I.

35、我要的不是你们的陪伴,是你们打心底的关心。 What I want is not your company, but your deep concern.

36、我还停留在这座孤岛,眺望海的那边,等待你的返航。 I still stay on this island, looking out to the other side of the sea, waiting for your return.

37、戒掉了与你互道晚安的习惯,于是习惯了失眠。 Get rid of the habit of saying good night to each other, so get used to insomnia.

38、故事里的忠告,出淤泥而不染的奥妙。 The advice in the story is the secret of the mud.

39、时间可以冲淡一切,但也可以证明一切。 Time can dilute everything, but it can also prove everything.

40、是我的你别动,不是我的你也给我放那。 It's mine. You don't move. It's not mine. You put it for me.

41、更奇妙的是很久以前就断了联系,却仍念念不忘。 What's more wonderful is that I broke the connection a long time ago, but I still remember it.

42、曾经最长情的陪伴,如今只剩我看你与别人笑颜依旧。 Once the company of the longest love, now only I see you and others smile still.

43、有些人不能忘,因为不舍得,有些人必须忘,因为不值得。 Some people can not forget, because they are not willing to, some people must forget, because it is not worth it.

44、每个人最终和自己越长越像。 Everyone will eventually grow more and more like themselves.

45、玉竹曾记凤凰游,人不见,水空流。 Yuzhu once recorded the phoenix tour, the people are not seen, the water flows empty.

46、离开你其实并不可怕,可怕的是我要收起对你的依赖。 It's not terrible to leave you. What's terrible is that I have to put away my dependence on you.

47、自己做出决定,才是精彩的人生。 Making your own decisions is a wonderful life.

48、舒服就是人生的高利贷,现在可以不还,以后加倍偿还。 Comfort is the usury of life. You can not pay it now, but double it later.

49、领卷子的时候,就买好打火机。 When you get your papers, buy a lighter.

50、飞逝的是时光,遗忘的是过往,留下的是心伤,刻骨的是散场。 What flies is time, what is forgotten is the past, what is left is heartbreak, what is incisive is the ending.