1、一辈子是多久,一辈子就是我爱你那么久。 How long is a lifetime, a lifetime is that I love you so long.

2、不可自拔的,除了别人地里的萝卜,还有我对你的爱。 Can not extricate themselves, in addition to other people's field radish, and I love you.

3、不求被全世界宠爱,只求这一生是你一个人的例外。 Don't ask to be loved by the whole world, just ask that this life is an exception to you.

4、不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。 If you don't know what sadness is, you won't really appreciate happiness.

5、也许你不是最好的,但你绝对是万里挑一。 Maybe you're not the best, but you're definitely one in a million.

6、人总是会老的,希望到时,你仍在我身边。 People will always be old, I hope you will still be by my side.

7、你的一生我只借一程。这一程便是余生。 I'll only borrow one way in your life. This is the rest of your life.

8、你的名字是我读过最短的情诗,我很喜欢你,像春去秋来,海棠花开。 Your name is the shortest love poem I have ever read. I like you very much, like spring goes by and autumn comes, and Begonia flowers bloom.

9、你的手第一次牵上我的手的触感,我一辈子都忘不掉。 I can't forget the touch of your hand for the first time in my life.

10、你的灵魂太空旷了,寂寞的只剩下回声。 Your soul space open, lonely only echo.

11、你知道我在想你吗?每天我都在梦里想你,我已被你的一切所征服。 Do you know I miss you? Every day I miss you in my dream, I have been conquered by all you have.

12、你离我远吗?一点也不,藏在我的心里呢。 Are you far away from me? Not at all, hidden in my heart.

13、初次见面,没什么可以送你的。不如就把我送给你吧。 There's nothing I can give you for the first time. Why don't you just give me to you.

14、叶子的离去,不是因为风的追求,而是树的不挽留。 Leaves leave, not because of the pursuit of the wind, but the tree does not retain.

15、在这季节交替中,我陪你看这日升日落的昼夜往复。 In the alternation of seasons, I accompany you to watch the day and night of rising and setting.

16、如果我当场晕倒,你一定要替我做人工呼吸,记住吸的时候要用力。 If I faint on the spot, you must do artificial respiration for me, remember to inhale hard.

17、如果没法忘记他,就不要忘记好了。真正的忘记,是不需要努力的。 If you can't forget him, don't forget. It doesn't take effort to really forget.

18、学做好吃的给你,然后看着你幸福的吃光。 Learn to make delicious food for you, and then watch you eat up happily.

19、希望我这个小朋友,让你牵挂让你难忘。 I hope that my little friend, let you care, let you unforgettable.

20、当我想起了那首歌,回忆拉回过去种种,那是我们曾经爱过的片刻。 When I think of that song, memories pull back to the past, that is the moment we once loved.

21、我一生荒芜,唯记得同你在一起时,笑的盎然肆意,哭的酣畅淋漓。 My life is desolate, only remember when I am with you, laugh wantonly, cry heartily.

22、我什么都没了,可是我有了你的真心陪伴,这真的好好。 I have nothing, but I have your sincere company, which is really good.

23、我想去远方走走,左手拿着行李箱,右手牵着你的手。 I want to go for a walk in the distance, with the trunk in my left hand and your hand in the right hand.

24、我有两个可爱之处你知道吗?一个是我可爱,另一个是我可爱你了。 I have two lovely things, you know? One is that I am cute, and the other is that I love you.

25、所谓风花雪月,就是我想跟你谈个恋爱。 The so-called romantic love is that I want to fall in love with you.

26、把那誓言轻轻戴在你的手指,从此俩个人生生世世。 Put the oath on your finger, and you will live forever.

27、时间能冲淡痛苦,但是,我并不想用时间来治愈一切。 Time can dilute the pain, but I don't want to use time to cure everything.

28、星星是银河递给月亮的情书,你是世间赠于我的恩赐。 Stars are love letters from the Milky way to the moon. You are a gift from the world to me.

29、春光明媚的早晨,在安静的小镇里,我幸福的生活着。 Spring morning, in the quiet town, I live a happy life.

30、最好的感觉是想你想到哭。最好的享受是有你的陪伴。 The best feeling is to think of you crying. The best enjoyment is to have your company.

31、最好的爱人一定能在时光里相守,在困苦中相牵,在老去中相望。 The best lovers must be able to stay together in time, hold each other in hardship, and look at each other in old age.

32、最怕我们的爱最终会输给时间,败给距离。 Most afraid that our love will eventually lose to time and distance.

33、有时候爱情只是因为寂寞,需要找一个人来爱,即使没有任何结局。 Sometimes love just because of loneliness, need to find a person to love, even if there is no end.

34、此刻我很挂念你,请为我小心照顾自己。 Now I miss you very much. Please take care of yourself for me.

35、每天我的动力就是见到你,并和你说说话。 Every day my motivation is to see you and talk to you.

36、每次你看我的时候,我都在看别处,而你在看处时,我都在看你! Every time you look at me, I'm looking away, and when you're looking, I'm looking at you!

37、爱你的人,偶尔会像个孩子,偶尔却像一个严厉的教官。 Love you, sometimes like a child, but occasionally like a strict instructor.

38、爱情就像财富,有赖于命运之轮,它始终处于剧烈的上下颠簸之中。 Love is like wealth, which depends on the wheel of fate. It is always in a violent ups and downs.

39、爱情是一朵生长在悬崖峭壁边缘上的花,想摘取就必须要有勇气。 Love is a flower growing on the edge of a cliff. If you want to pick it, you must have courage.

40、爱情有着奇妙的魔力,它使一个人为另一个人所倾倒。 Love has a wonderful magic. It makes one person fall for another.

41、突如其来的负面情绪,心里委屈的要掉泪。 Sudden negative emotions, the heart of injustice to tears.

42、说什么弱水三千我只取你一瓢饮,何来的弱水三千,我眼里只有你。 Say what weak water 3000, I only take you a ladle to drink, how come of weak water 3000, I only have you in my eyes.

43、请原谅我太贪心,陪你情窦初开,还想陪你两鬓斑白。 Please forgive me for being greedy. I want to accompany you with gray temples.

44、谁伤害过你,谁击溃过你,都不重要。重要的是谁让你重现笑容。 It doesn't matter who hurt you or who defeated you. What matters is who makes you smile again.

45、谈恋爱真的很麻烦,所以以后就麻烦你了。 It's really troublesome to fall in love, so I'll trouble you later.

46、谢谢你让我遇见你,一路虽远,不觉漫长,时间很短,回忆一生。 Thank you for letting me meet you, although the way is far, I don't feel long, the time is very short, recollection life.

47、越喜欢你的人,就会对你做出越幼稚的动作。 The more people like you, the more naive they will act on you.

48、这是一条友谊的规律:一旦疑心从前门走进,爱情就会从后门溜走。 It's a rule of friendship: once suspicion comes in through the front door, love slips through the back door.

49、重要的不是他有多好,而是他对你有多好。 What matters is not how good he is, but how good he is to you.

50、麻烦你把手头的事情先放一放,我们来谈个有关一辈子的大事情。 Please put the things in hand for a while, let's talk about a life-long event.