1、不要为了别人的错误惩罚自己。 Don't punish yourself for other people's mistakes.

2、不要把我想的那样的复杂!好么?我只不过单纯的想要你们好。 Don't make it as complicated as I think! Okay? I just want you to be nice.

3、人生就像是愤怒的小鸟,失败了总有几只猪在嘲笑。 Life is like an angry bird. When it fails, there are always some pigs laughing at it.

4、今天的风吹向你下了雨,我说所有的酒,都不如你。 Today's wind blows to you and it rains. I say all the wine is inferior to you.

5、你必须在额上流汗,以资获得你的面包。 You have to sweat on your forehead to get your bread.

6、你把她逼到了成熟,她的爱便再也不像原来。 You make her mature, and her love will never be the same.

7、你热吗?那就想想你喜欢的人吧,想着想着心就凉了。 Do you feel hot? Then think about the person you like, and your heart will be cold.

8、你给的世界,满满的都是爱。 The world you give is full of love.

9、你要记得,你是仙女,你是喝露水的,所以你不能再吃了。 You have to remember, you are a fairy, you drink dew, so you can't eat any more.

10、其实我再去爱惜你又有何用,难道我这次抱紧你未必落空。 In fact, it's no use for me to cherish you again. I may not fail to hold you tightly this time.

11、别看不上你老婆挑的东西,你也不过就是其中之一。 Don't look down on your wife's choice, you are just one of them.

12、后来才发现爱你是一种习惯,让我学会和你说一样的谎。 Later found that love you is a habit, let me learn to tell the same lie with you.

13、在别人眼中的成熟与稳重,只是曾经纯真的傻笑后沉寂下的痛。 In other people's eyes, mature and steady, but once innocent giggle after the pain of silence.

14、坑是自己挖的,跳也是自己跳的,最后爬不出来的也是自己。 The pit is dug by oneself, the jump is also jumped by oneself, and the last one that can't climb out is also oneself.

15、女人,恋爱的时候,就像与世隔绝般。 Women, when they are in love, are isolated from the world.

16、她的手只有我的手四分之三那么大,可我还是没能抓住。 Her hand was only three-quarters the size of mine, but I still couldn't catch it.

17、对你的喜欢就像今天的天气晴空万里,温度不减。 My love for you is just like today's weather, with clear sky and constant temperature.

18、对我来说,只要能确定你我在这一刻的存在就够了。 For me, it's enough to be sure that you and I exist at this moment.

19、小时候谁跟我玩谁就是朋友,长大后谁是我朋友我就跟谁玩。 When I was a child, who played with me was a friend. When I grew up, who was my friend, I would play with him.

20、山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。 If the mountain is not high, there will be immortals; if the water is not deep, there will be dragons.

21、平凡人生要用平凡的心去对待,你的人生将会更精彩。 Ordinary life should be treated with ordinary heart, your life will be more wonderful.

22、幸运的是今生遇到了你,遗憾的是只是遇到了你。 Fortunately, I met you in this life. Unfortunately, I just met you.

23、很多时候,因为没有选择的缘故,人们往往走对了路。 Many times, because there is no choice, people tend to go the right way.

24、心里话,有人听就是温暖;郁闷事,有人懂就是幸福。 Heart, some people listen to is warm; depressed things, some people understand is happiness.

25、态度决定一切。细节决定成败,习惯成就人生。 Attitude is everything. Details decide success or failure, habit makes life.

26、想念会渗透到夜里,各自下雨,失眠是因为你没有带伞。 Miss will penetrate into the night, the rain, insomnia is because you did not take an umbrella.

27、愿此生终老温柔,白云不羡仙乡。 May this life be gentle and white clouds do not envy fairyland.

28、我一个人,怀念我们仨。 Alone, I miss the three of us.

29、我宁愿在这乱世中,享受我别样的孤独。 I would rather enjoy my other loneliness in this troubled world.

30、我没有想过要感动你,我只是把我觉得好的都给你。 I didn't want to move you, I just give you what I feel good.

31、我的演技一定特别好,我难过都没人知道。 My acting must be very good. I'm sad that no one knows.

32、我给不了你全世界,但是我可以把我的全世界给你。 I can't give you the whole world, but I can give you my whole world.

33、既然走了就别对我假惺惺作态了,我还用不着你来可怜。 Now that you're gone, don't pretend to me. I don't need you to pity me.

34、明明每天无所事事,却也感觉不到半点轻松。 I have nothing to do every day, but I don't feel relaxed.

35、暧昧让人变的贪心,知道等待失去意义。 Ambiguous people become greedy, know that waiting is meaningless.

36、有工作是幸福的,会工作是快乐的。 It's happy to have a job, and it's happy to work.

37、有时候我们蒙住眼睛就可以欺骗自己,世界很黑,很安全。 Sometimes we can deceive ourselves by blindfolded. The world is dark and safe.

38、有时候,折腾一下只为了证明自己的重要性。 Sometimes, just to prove your importance.

39、有没有那么一首歌,唱的你撕心裂肺,听的你痛彻心扉。 Is there such a song, singing your heart, listening to your heart.

40、治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱,一起都会变的更加简单。 The only way to cure the trauma of love is to love twice as much, and it will become easier together.

41、爱别人不如爱自己,至少自己会对自己不离不弃。 It's better to love yourself than to love others. At least you will never leave yourself.

42、爱情在十七岁,只是一个令人徒然疼痛的遥不可及的字眼。 Love at the age of seventeen is just a distant word that makes people feel pain in vain.

43、爱是寂寞的谎,缘分是谎言的传播者。 Love is a lonely lie, fate is the spread of lies.

44、玩弄感情,才是最不能让人忍受的渣行为。 Playing with feelings is the most intolerable behavior.

45、现实教会我不痛不痒不在乎,不闻不问不动情。 Reality taught me not to care, not to ask, not to be moved.

46、走的最急的是最美的风景;伤的最深的是最真的感情。 Go the most urgent is the most beautiful scenery; hurt the deepest is the most real feelings.

47、走过路过看过做过,所以一笑而过。 I've seen it and done it, so I laugh it off.

48、这世界就是个巨大的娃娃机,我站在橱窗周围,只想要你。 This world is a huge doll machine, I stand around the window, just want you.

49、选择的时候也意味着放弃经得住失去,才守的到繁华。 When choosing, it also means giving up. Only when you can stand loss, can you keep prosperity.

50、雨天的时候,云朵看到的这座城市,会不会像个流动的花园。 When it's rainy, will the city seen by the clouds look like a flowing garden.