1、一日就旧,情何以堪。 One day old, how can you feel.

2、一梦三年全是你颜。 A dream for three years is your face.

3、不再钟情,顺其自然。 No longer love, let it be.

4、不爱的爱情,永不会变坏。 Love without love will never get worse.

5、东京下的雨,会打湿巴黎。 The rain in Tokyo will wet Paris.

6、为你赌注,义无反顾。 Bet for you, never look back.

7、人们走向我,然后路过我。 People come up to me and pass me by.

8、人会变,梦会醒,心会碎。 People will change, dreams will wake up, heart will break.

9、人心难测,十世为情。 It's hard to measure people's minds. Ten generations are feelings.

10、从今后,远书归梦两悠悠。 From now on, it will be a long journey from books to dreams.

11、他会发光,深拥必伤。 He will shine, deep embrace will hurt.

12、会说会笑,一身骄傲。 Can say, can laugh, a proud.

13、你别皱眉,我走就好。 Don't frown. I'll go.

14、你我本无缘,全靠我花钱。 You and I didn't have a chance. It's all my money.

15、你的背影,似曾相识。 Your back, familiar.

16、你看着月色,而我望着你。 You look at the moon, and I look at you.

17、你陪我一程,我念你一生。 You accompany me, I miss you all my life.

18、其实,我也曾在乎过。 Actually, I used to care.

19、减少依赖,降低期待。 Reduce dependence and expectations.

20、半夏彼岸,似水流年。 On the other side of pinellia, time flies.

21、华胥一引,乱世成殇。 Hua Xu, a guide, troubled times into a war.

22、叹容观止,风华灼灼。 Sighing and sighing, the beauty is burning.

23、因为在乎,所以伤心。 Because care, so sad.

24、孤单的是人,寂寞的是心。 Lonely is the person, lonely is the heart.

25、宁愿孤独,也不挽留。 I would rather be lonely than stay.

26、对得起人家,亏欠了自己。 To be worthy of others is to be in debt to oneself.

27、屏幕上的字,键盘上的泪。 Words on the screen, tears on the keyboard.

28、当时的热情,烫伤了自己。 The enthusiasm at that time scalded me.

29、思念无果、转瞬滂沱。 Miss fruitless, instant torrent.

30、想离别,永远的寂寞。 Want to leave, forever lonely.

31、想象的温度,回身的失望。 The temperature of imagination, the disappointment of turning back.

32、感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。 When I feel the flowers splashing tears, I hate the birds.

33、我在怀念,你不再怀念的。 I miss it. You don't miss it anymore.

34、我在过马路,你人在哪里。 I'm crossing the road. Where are you.

35、我本无心,何来伤心。 I didn't mean to be sad.

36、我的美丽,自己享受。 I enjoy my beauty.

37、放空整个心脏,独留一人。 Empty the whole heart and leave one person alone.

38、故人以北爱已荒凉。 North of my old friend, love is desolate.

39、日子是崭新的,你是我的。 The day is brand new, you are mine.

40、有时候,想退出这个世界。 Sometimes, I want to quit the world.

41、望君烟水阔,挥手泪沾巾。 Looking forward to your broad water and smoke, you can wave your hand with tears.

42、没有感受,灵魂被你拖走。 No feeling, the soul is dragged away by you.

43、流年、在等谁的相濡以沫。 LiuNian, who are you waiting for.

44、爱你是围城,愿一生心疼。 Love you is besieged, willing to love all my life.

45、现在在听歌,有点睡不着。 Now I'm listening to music, I can't sleep.

46、百毒不侵,怕她入心。 A hundred poisons are invincible. I'm afraid she will come into my heart.

47、盛夏光年,遇见离殇。 In midsummer, I met Li Shang.

48、相思不是病,却能要人命。 Acacia is not a disease, but can kill people.

49、看的开一点,伤就少一点。 If you open up a little, you will get less injury.

50、睹物思人,物是人非。 Seeing things and thinking about people, things are right and people are wrong.

51、秋天该很好,你若尚在场。 Autumn should be good, if you are still here.

52、若无君相守、日日皆哀愁。 If you don't have a king, you will be sad every day.

53、若无相欠,怎会相见。 If there is no debt, how can we meet.

54、落花人独立,微雨燕双飞。 The falling flower people are independent, and the micro swifts fly together.

55、跌倒了,爬起来再哭。 Fall down, get up and cry.

56、轻摸眼眶,仍有余凉。 If you touch your eyes, you will still feel cool.

57、遗憾千万,个人不同。 I'm sorry. I'm different.

58、那记得的,才是活过。 What you remember is to live.

59、醉在现实,醒在梦里。 Drunk in reality, wake up in a dream.

60、青春尚早,莫道虚华。 Youth is still early, don't be vain.