1、e想一下造出大海,必先由小河川_始。 Don't think about creating the sea. You must start with a small river.
2、一个活在过去的人,是永远到不了未来的人。 A person who lives in the past will never reach the future.
3、一亩田园,一方原舍,回到乡村,悠然自在。 One mu of countryside, one side of the original house, back to the countryside, leisurely and comfortable.
4、不一次次受伤,怎会一点点坚强。 If you don't get hurt again and again, how can you be a little strong.
5、不以己不说,亦使人之不说。 If you don't talk to yourself, you will make others don't talk.
6、不把自己的悲惨当悲惨,就没人敢轻视你。 If you don't treat your misery as misery, no one dares to despise you.
7、不敢生病,因为没有人照顾! Dare not get sick, because there is no one to take care of!
8、不要埋怨别人让你失望了,怪你自己期望的太多了。 Don't blame others for letting you down. Blame yourself for expecting too much.
9、世上的路,有时,只能一个人走。 Sometimes the road in the world can only be taken by one person.
10、世如面镜,人仿事同;内反外正,表里如一。 The world is like a mirror, people imitate things; The inside is opposite and the outside is positive, and the outside is the same.
11、为避免酒多误事,请在酒醉时保持清醒状态。 To avoid too much alcohol, please stay awake when you are drunk.
12、人不可有傲气,但不可无傲骨。 One must not be arrogant, but one must not be without pride.
13、人总有现实趋利的一面,有钱好办事,没钱事难成。 People always have a realistic profit side. It's easy to do things with money, but it's difficult to do things without money.
14、人永远在追求快乐,永远在逃避痛苦。 People are always pursuing happiness and avoiding pain.
15、人生失与得,失就是得,得就是失。 Loss and gain in life, loss is gain, gain is loss.
16、人的修养,在于领悟,也在于静修。 People's cultivation lies in understanding and meditation.
17、佛,无处有,佛,又无处不在。 Buddha, nowhere, Buddha, everywhere.
18、勤梳头勤洗脸,就是倒霉也不显。 Combing your hair and washing your face frequently is not bad luck.
19、原谅我总爱笑,我怕苦被别人知道。 Forgive me for always laughing. I'm afraid of being known by others.
20、喜欢一个人,会卑微到尘埃里,然后开出花来。 Like a person, will be humble to the dust, and then open flowers.
21、在你我的时间尽头,一切都将化成云烟。 At the end of your and my time, everything will turn into smoke.
22、在你面前除了装傻,无能为力的我还能做些什么。 In front of you, I can do nothing but pretend to be stupid.
23、处顺境怕的是放松,处逆境怕的是放弃。 In good times, you are afraid of relaxation, in adversity, you are afraid of giving up.
24、大度的人每晚睡觉前会原谅所有的人和事。 Generous people forgive everyone and everything before going to bed every night.
25、天之道利而不害,人之道为而不争。 The way of heaven is beneficial but not harmful, and the way of man is not controversial.
26、女人美丽如花,柔情似波,清新如茶,丰富如歌。 Women are beautiful as flowers, tender as waves, fresh as tea and rich as songs.
27、如果你是来了还会走的人,那我宁愿错过你。 If you are a person who will go when you come, I'd rather miss you.
28、孤独的时光,才是最好的增值期。 Lonely time is the best value-added period.
29、学会认错。人不可能无错,不会认错本身就是错。 Learn to admit your mistakes. People can't be free from mistakes. They can't admit that mistakes are themselves mistakes.
30、宁愿笑着累,也不要哭着享受。 I'd rather be tired with a smile than enjoy it with a cry.
31、将心比心,设身处地为别人想一想,体会别人心意。 Compare heart to heart, put yourself in other people's shoes, and feel other people's feelings.
32、庸者在泪水中懊悔昨天,而智者在汗水中把握今天。 The mediocre regrets yesterday in tears, while the wise grasp today in sweat.
33、开始为了梦想而忙,后来忙得忘了梦想。 At first, I was busy for my dream, and then I was so busy that I forgot my dream.
34、微笑面对温暖,感动于一份遇见。 Smile in the face of warmth, moved by a meeting.
35、心清了,才能照见万物的本性。 Only when the heart is clear can we see the nature of all things.
36、总有那么一个人,藏在心底,消失在生活里。 There is always such a person, hidden in the bottom of my heart, disappeared in life.
37、患难困苦,是磨炼人格之最高学校。 Adversity and hardship are the highest schools to temper one's personality.
38、惩罚自己的不仅有自己的失败,还有别人的成功。 Those who punish themselves not only have their own failures, but also the success of others.
39、我们的爱情,之所以寂寞,只是因为找不到对手。 Our love is lonely because we can't find an opponent.
40、我尽可能不去缅怀往事,因为来时的路不可能回头。 I try not to remember the past, because the road when I came can't turn back.
41、把拳头收回来是为了更有力地还击。 The fist back is to fight back more forcefully.
42、旁人给我非议,我还你笑着原谅。 Others criticize me, and I forgive you with a smile.
43、无论去哪儿,什么天气,记得带上自己的阳光。 No matter where you go, what weather, remember to bring your own sunshine.
44、时间没有让我忘了你,而是让我习惯了想你。 Time doesn't make me forget you, but makes me used to missing you.
45、有些人,狠一狠,就忘记了。 Some people, cruel, forget.
46、有些话说出口:要么一生,要么陌生。 Some say: either life, or strange.
47、树木结疤的地方,也是树干最坚硬的地方。 The place where trees scar is also the hardest place of the trunk.
48、梦中得吟诗天写,醉後挥毫笔有神。 I have to write poems in my dream, and I have a God when I'm drunk.
49、梦想只要能持久,就能成为现实。 As long as the dream lasts, it can become a reality.
50、比起轰轰烈烈,我更希望那将是一段细水长流。 I hope it will be a long stream rather than a magnificent one.
51、没有谁是天生快乐,笑着只是不想活得太累罢了。 No one is born happy, smiling, just don't want to live too tired.
52、渭水一竿闲试钓,武陵千树笑行舟。 The Weihe River is free to try fishing, and thousands of trees in Wuling are laughing.
53、爱情和工作都能使人对外界漠不关心。 Love and work can make people indifferent to the outside world.
54、爱情就像投资、有可能成功也有可能失败。 Love is like investment. It can succeed or fail.
55、现在付出多少,以后就能收获多少。 How much you pay now, how much you can gain in the future.
56、生活中最真实的幸福,最终都会归于平淡的生活。 The most real happiness in life will eventually be attributed to plain life.
57、百转千回爱A滋味,甘愿防守留下心碎。 The taste of love is willing to leave a broken heart.
58、真实的十分理智的友谊,是人生最美好的无价之宝。 True and rational friendship is the best priceless treasure in life.
59、突然发现,能够不变,就是一种最难得的幸福。 Suddenly found that being able to remain unchanged is one of the most rare happiness.
60、笑而不语是一种豁达,痛而不言是一种修养。 Laughter without words is an open-minded, pain without words is a self-cultivation.
61、累了,那就停下来,拍一拍灰尘,让心灵重归洁净。 If you are tired, stop and pat the dust to make your heart clean again.
62、腾不出时间娱乐,早晚会*腾。 If you can't spare time for entertainment, you will be forced to do it sooner or later.
63、自己活着,就是为了使别人活得更美好。 To live by oneself is to make others live better.
64、自己选择的路就该一步一步的走完。 The road you choose should be finished step by step.
65、自律和付出,才是一个人有成就的关键。 Self discipline and dedication are the key to one's success.
66、花儿是眼里的一个季节,芬芳是心中的一个季节。 Flowers are a season in the eyes and fragrance is a season in the heart.
67、解脱不是做不到,而是怕苦难。 Liberation is not impossible, but fear of suffering.
68、让我记起容易,但让我忘记我怕我是做不到。 It's easy for me to remember, but it makes me forget. I'm afraid I can't do it.
69、诚信是品牌,是信誉,更是竞争力。 Integrity is brand, reputation and competitiveness.
70、谁存在谁的心里,谁遗忘谁的等待。 Who exists in whose heart, who forgets who waits.
71、路,脚踏实地最好,人,明明白白才有人尊敬。 Road, down-to-earth is the best. People are respected only when they are clear.
72、身体是一幢漂亮的房子,灵魂只是借住在里面。 The body is a beautiful house, and the soul just lives in it.
73、酒逢知己要少饮,话到舌尖留三分。 Drink less wine when you meet a close friend, and leave three points at the tip of your tongue.
74、金钱无法弥补道德缺陷,诚信能够提升人生品位。 Money can't make up for moral defects. Honesty can improve the quality of life.
75、青葱时光里花开花谢,一年一年我们学会长大。 The flowers bloom and fade in the green time, and we learn to grow up year by year.
76、风景在路上,带一颗从容的心慢慢欣赏。 The scenery is on the road. Enjoy it slowly with a calm heart.