1、不经历风雨,怎么迎接暴风雨。 How to meet the storm without wind and rain.
2、不要放弃,你要配的上自己的野心,也不要辜负了所受的苦难。 Don't give up. You should be worthy of your ambition and live up to your suffering.
3、人生无完美,曲折也风景,只有随遇而安,才能随心所欲。 There is no perfect life, twists and turns also scenery, only when you are at ease, can you do as you please.
4、余生不用你指教了,愿你过的好,并让我一无所知。 I don't need your advice for the rest of my life. Wish you a good life and let me know nothing.
5、你不去当厨子可惜了,甩锅甩的那么厉害。 It's a pity that you won't be a cook. You're so good at throwing the pot.
6、你不用对每个过客负责,也不用对每个路人说教。 You don't have to be responsible for every passer-by or preach to every passer-by.
7、你怕被误会,我怕被嘲笑。 You are afraid of being misunderstood, I am afraid of being ridiculed.
8、你说放弃一个在乎的人得对他有多失望才舍得离开。 You said to give up a care about how disappointed he had to be willing to leave.
9、假如你从来未曾害怕受窘受伤害,好就是你从来没有冒过险。 If you've never been afraid of embarrassment or injury, the good thing is that you've never taken a risk.
10、出去走走,你的感受会不一样。不必装作孤独,也别说你悲伤。 Go out for a walk and you'll feel different. Don't pretend to be lonely, and don't say you are sad.
11、前尘往事,缘尽散。彼岸花开,两不见。 The past and the past are scattered. On the other side of the river, the flowers bloom and disappear.
12、只是因为我太爱了,所以分手后我们不要做朋友。 Just because I love you so much, we don't want to be friends after we break up.
13、在我心里,爱只有一份,一辈子只能给一个人。 In my heart, there is only one love, only one person in my life.
14、外向是生活所需,孤独是自我享受。 Extroversion is the need of life, loneliness is self enjoyment.
15、如果给不了一生一世的承诺,就不要给风花雪月的爱情。 If you can't give a lifetime commitment, don't give romantic love.
16、孤单是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤单。 Loneliness is a person's Carnival, carnival is a group of people's loneliness.
17、孤独者并不是想孤独,而是周围找不到同类。 The loner doesn't want to be alone, but can't find the same kind around.
18、学会适应,你就会让你的环境变的明亮。 Learn to adapt, you will make your environment bright.
19、害怕与你重逢,又渴望与你相见。 Afraid to meet you again, and eager to meet you.
20、寂寞的时候抽抽烟,孤单的时候喝喝酒,一个人的世界才精彩。 Smoking when lonely, drinking when lonely, a person's world is wonderful.
21、对于一个长得很失败的人来说,照完镜子就相当于看完鬼片。 For a person who looks like a failure, looking in the mirror is like watching ghost movies.
22、当一个人先从自己的内心开始奋斗,他就是个有的人。 When a person starts to struggle from his own heart, he is someone who has something.
23、当一个地方没有太多的东西值得留恋的时候,那么只有离开。 When a place has not too many things to be nostalgic, then only to leave.
24、很庆幸的是,我走过的路有我喜欢的风景。我心悦之,必不悔之。 Fortunately, the scenery I like is on my way. I will never regret what I like.
25、我不喜欢一个人的夜晚,却习惯了一个人的夜晚。 I do not like a person's night, but used to a person's night.
26、我们绕了这么一圈才遇到,我比谁都更明白你的重要。 We came across after such a circle. I know more about you than anyone else.
27、我们都擅长不动声色,如我们也擅长爱而不得。 We are all good at keeping quiet, for example, we are also good at love.
28、我就是想耍耍脾气,啥让你是我男朋友呢。 I just want to play my temper. What makes you my boyfriend.
29、我的琴声呜咽,泪水全无。 My zither whimpered, and there were no tears.
30、我走的那天我决定不掉泪,迎着风撑着眼帘,用力不眨眼。 The day I left, I decided not to shed tears. I held my eyes against the wind and tried not to blink.
31、所有不明真相的,都赶着投胎。 All those who don't know the truth are in a hurry to be reincarnated.
32、找你聊天不回,可以啊,我等,可千万别让我逮着你发说说。 I can't chat with you back. I'll wait. Don't let me catch you.
33、担忧不会清空明日的烦恼,它只会丧失今日的勇气。 Worry will not empty tomorrow's troubles, it will only lose today's courage.
34、最近负能量爆棚,可不可以和世界请个假,我想暂时离开一下。 Recently negative energy burst, can you take a leave with the world, I want to leave for a while.
35、桃李春风一杯酒,江湖夜雨十年灯。最怕分离的人,往往先走。 Peach and plum spring breeze a cup of wine, river lake night rain ten years lamp. Those who are most afraid of separation often go first.
36、死神给你指明了道路的终点,但爱人在身旁说:来,我陪你走完。 Death shows you the end of the road, but the lover says: come, I'll accompany you through.
37、每个人都在发奋努力,奋不顾身,不是只有你受尽委屈。 Everyone is working hard, regardless of himself, not only you are aggrieved.
38、没有承受困难的能力,就没有希望了。 Without the ability to bear difficulties, there is no hope.
39、烟我抽得起,架我打的起,酒我喝得起,唯独爱情我输不起。 I can afford to smoke, fight, drink, but I can't afford to lose love.
40、爱一个人时,吸进去那么多勇气,最后吐出来的却全是叹息。 When you love someone, you suck in so much courage, but what you spit out is sigh.
41、爱情也需要及时转身的孤勇,挥别错的,才能和对的相逢。 Love also needs the lonely courage to turn around in time, to wave goodbye to the wrong, to meet the right.
42、生活本是痛苦,是思想和哲理使其升。 Life is pain, it is thought and philosophy that make it rise.
43、电梯明明是站着的,为什么每次都说是坐电梯。 The elevator is standing. Why do you always say that you take the elevator.
44、白发带花君莫笑,岁月从不败美人。 White hair with flowers, don't laugh, years never defeat beauty.
45、突如其来的遇见,始料不及的欢喜。 Unexpected encounter, unexpected joy.
46、翻脸不如翻身,生气不如争气。 It's better to turn over than to turn over. It's better to be angry than to strive.
47、花繁柳密处拨得开,方见手段;风狂雨骤时立得定,才是脚跟。 When the flowers and willows are in full bloom, you can see the means; when the wind and rain are stormy, you can stand still, which is the heel.
48、越长大越发现,自己的负面情绪,只能一个人默默消化掉。 The more I grow up, the more I find that my negative emotions can only be digested by myself.
49、还没死,就别把自己当废物。还活着,就好好地过活。 Don't treat yourself as a waste before you die. Live well while you are still alive.
50、选一款自己喜欢的面具,因为你要带一辈子。 Choose a mask you like, because you have to wear it all your life.