1、不爱了,分开吧,祝你一切都好。 Do not love, separate it, I wish you all the best.

2、两人紧紧拥抱,从此再无拥抱。 They hugged each other tightly and never hugged again.

3、个人自扫门前雪,莫管他人瓦上霜。 I sweep the snow in front of my door. Don't worry about the frost on others' tiles.

4、予你情诗三行,愿你有酒有梦有远方。 Three lines of love poems for you, may you have wine, dream and distance.

5、你的爱太廉价。 Your love is too cheap.

6、你若安好,便是晴天霹雳。 If you are safe, it will be a bolt from the blue.

7、你过得不好,我就放心了。 I'll be relieved if you don't have a good time.

8、分手,真心祝福;生活,负重前行! Break up, sincere blessing; life, load ahead!

9、前任再见,前任再也不见。 Goodbye, my predecessor. I'll never see him again.

10、单身的好处就是理所当然的浪。 The good thing about being single is the natural wave.

11、吃不了的都带腥,忘不掉的都来劲。 What you can't eat is fishy, and what you can't forget is exciting.

12、各自安好! Take care of ourselves.

13、各自安好,互不打扰。 Be safe and do not disturb each other.

14、后来只剩下了你和我,没有了我们。 Then it was just you and me, without us.

15、哪怕没能在一起,也希望你过得好。 I hope you have a good life even if you can't be together.

16、失去我,再也不会遇到下一个我。 Without me, I will never meet the next one.

17、奶茶这么好喝,自己喝两杯不好么。 Milk tea is so good to drink. It's not good to drink two cups by yourself.

18、差一点,我们就只是差一点。 Almost, we're just about.

19、希望你和我的好朋友生个女儿。 I hope you and my good friend have a daughter.

20、希望你过得好,希望我不知道。 I hope you have a good life. I hope I don't know.

21、感情是云,缘分如风,相遇欢喜。 Love is cloud, fate is like wind, meet happy.

22、愿你习惯曲终人散,不再为谁独伤悲! May your habits end and no longer grieve for others!

23、我不是抛弃你,我只是放你走。 I'm not abandoning you, I'm just letting you go.

24、我尽力爱了,没留遗憾。 I tried my best to love, but I didn't leave any regrets.

25、我想你,但我不会去找你。 I miss you, but I won't go to you.

26、我本来就不快乐,还要为你难过。 I am not happy originally, but also sad for you.

27、敬往事一杯硫酸,再爱不回头。 To the past, a glass of sulfuric acid, and never look back.

28、既然分开,不要再联系了。 Now that we are separated, don't contact again.

29、旧爱不忘,新欢不得。 Old love never forgets, new love never forgets.

30、曾经爱过的人,希望你过得比我好。 Once loved people, I hope you live better than me.

31、曾经相爱一场,再见,亦是朋友。 Once in love, goodbye, is also a friend.

32、有一种悲凉,不能说,只能靠敛藏。 There is a kind of sadness, which can't be said, but can only be concealed.

33、没人知道,我有多喜欢你。 No one knows how much I like you.

34、爱是一个过程,并不是一个禁锢。 Love is a process, not a *.

35、玩够了,记得回来。 Enough fun. Remember to come back.

36、白头偕,永结同,早生贵。 With a white head, with a permanent knot, early birth of expensive.

37、祝你不举,举也秒射。 I hope you don't lift it and shoot it for seconds.

38、祝你以后的女朋友,一个比一个丑。 I wish your future girlfriends more ugly.

39、祝你右手长茧。 I wish you a cocoon in your right hand.

40、祝我找到一个和你一样的人。 I wish I could find someone like you.

41、等待你的关心,等到我关上了心。 Wait for your concern until I close my heart.

42、要保持一种神秘,不能让你再熟悉我。 To keep a kind of mystery, I can't let you know me again.

43、要有多坚强,才敢念念不忘。 How strong we must be before we dare not forget.

44、请不好假装对我好,我很傻,会当真的。 Please don't pretend to be nice to me. I'm stupid and I'll take it seriously.

45、请逼自己优秀,然后骄傲的生活。 Please force yourself to be excellent, and then live a proud life.

46、谢谢你对我施舍般的爱,祝你幸福。 Thank you for your kind love and wish you happiness.

47、谢谢你离开我,我很好。 Thank you for leaving me. I'm fine.

48、走好不送。 I don't want to see you off.

49、这一世,夫妻缘尽至此。 In this life, husband and wife come to this end.

50、这世界很大,这世界人很多。 The world is very big. There are many people in the world.