1、in a super fun super funny TV program, my belly laugh pain! The open? The vacant? Ha ha, happy April fool's day!
2、一岁吃喝嫖赌抽,两岁坑蒙拐骗偷。此人年少有出息,长大以后智商低。明知这人就是你,还要坚持看到底! One year old food and drink piao wager,'re incapable to steal at the age of two。 The man years rare promise, low IQ when I grew up。 Knowing that this person is you, still have to see on the bottom!
3、以前我只知道,小猪不会说话,就知道哼哼,可是后来遇到了你,才知道原来你比小猪还会哼,正说你呢,你还哼! Before, I only know that the pig can't talk, just know hum, but later met you, just know originally you than pig will hum, say, how about you,do you still hum!
4、你了解宋词吗?请大声地念五遍这首宋词:暗痕春,步惊春娥怯还奔,暗眉闹姿,似纱挂,暗使歌娥摆舞。 Do you know the song? Please read aloud five times this first song lyrics: dark mark in the spring of step jing spring afraid also ran to the posture, dark eyebrow like yarn hang, dark make song moths swing dance。
5、你对我真的很好,把我当亲兄弟一样对待,对我的照顾真是无微不至。我要好好报答你,这不我正吃红烧肘子呢,你快过来。帮我洗碗吧! It's really good to me, you treat me as brothers, for me is very protective of他。我想好好回报你,不是我要吃酱油肘肘炖肉,你赶快过来。帮我洗碗!
6、你将要去他方远行,真诚的朋友为你送行,凛冽的寒风挡不住我们的友情,我握住你的手说“好好改造,争取减刑” !You will go to other travel, sincere friends to see you off, to resist the cold wind of our friendship, I hold your hand and said "good reformation, fight for their sentence!
7、你已在我们监视范围,不要左看右看!你现在只有把手机放在地上,然后先前走,不能回头! You have been in our monitoring scope, don't left see right to see! You now only put mobile phone on the ground, then walk earlier, can't turn back!
8、你帅你帅,头顶一窝白菜,身披一条麻袋,腰缠一根海带,自认为是东方不败,其实是衰神二代! You handsome you handsome, the top of the head a nest of cabbage, wearing a sack, waist a stick of kelp, thought is east don't hurt, is actually a failure god the second generation!
9、你怒气冲冲的冲进某单位,嚷道:这里是动物保护协会吗?工作职员:是啊,请问是谁欺负你了? You angry rushed into one unit, rang way: here is the animal protection association? Working staff: yes, could you tell me who bully you?
10、你有天使的面孔,魔鬼的身材,就连你放屁的姿势都那么优美。可在大庭广众之下,控制一下节奏好吗? Do you have a angel face, devil figure, even you fart posture is so beautiful。 Can in public under, control the tempo?
11、你比镜子还能反映我的缺点,你比庄子还博学多才,你比孙子还有谋略。所以我们都亲切的叫你:“镜庄孙子”。 You than mirror can reflect my faults, youthan zhuangzi Renaissance, you than grandchildren and discretion。 So we all kind of call you: "mirror zhuang grandson"。
12、你的写作水平很高,你的文采也很好,你的语句也很优秀,如果再努力奋斗两三年,我看水平也跟我差不多了,哈哈,愚人节快乐。 Your writing is very high, your gift is also very good, your statement is very good also, if you hard work for two or three years, I see level also told me about, ha ha, happy April fool's day。
13、你的国语标准请跟我一起念:万万望望、望旺万旺、万腕忘忘、万旺万旺……好了,狗狗别叫了,吃骨头罗。愚人节快乐! Your mandarin standard please say with me: never looked, looked prosperous Wan Wang wrist, forget the forgotten, Wan Wang Wan Wang…… Well, the dog dog don't call, eating bones。 Happy April fool's day!
14、你真是个天才DD天生的蠢才,毕业于哈佛DD哈尔滨佛学院,长得也不错DD长得这样真的不是你的错! You're a genius - born fool, graduated from harvard, Harbin institute of buddhist studies, looks pretty good also, this really isn't you of wrong!
15、你站在人群中,被轻柔的风吹起的长发,像人间最美的旋律,在我心头久久回荡,使我想说:你的假发要掉了……今天可是愚人节哦! You stand in the crowd, the gentle wind blowing hair, as the world's most beautiful melody, echoed in my mind for a long time, I want to say: you dropped your wig to…… Today is April fool's day!
16、你绝情一闪而过令我顿时迷失自我,我真想把你留住,但沉浸在今生难忘的一刹间,我不能让你走,我大叫:抓贼啊! You girlfriend。may a flash I suddenly lost myself, I really want to keep you, but immersed in a memorable moment, this life I can't let you go, I cry, stop thief!
17、你酷,你酷,你喝水在水库,睡觉在古墓,嘴里流瀑布,四肢像枕木,你当你是貂禅吕布,其实你是南极土著。 You cool, you cool, you drink water in the reservoir, to sleep in the tomb, the mouth flow waterfall, limbs like a sleeper, you when you're diau charn lyu3 bu4, actually you are indigenous South Pole。
18、假如我不向你求婚,我会后悔一辈子,由于你是我的惟一。愚人节快乐! If I don't propose to you, I will regret a lifetime, because you are the one for me。 Happy April fool's day!
19、做家具的是木材,懂诗词的是秀才,众人想的是钱财,看消息的是蠢才。 Do furniture is lumber, understand poetry is scholar, they think of is money, the message is a fool。
20、因网络扩建,您的手机如出现信息不良,请将手机使劲往地上砸,如有困难,我们24小时免费上门服务! Appear because of the network expansion, such as your mobile information, please phone the floor to hit hard, if you have difficulty, we 24 hours door-to-door service for free!
21、地震不稀奇,洪水也不稀奇,火上喷发更不稀奇,最稀奇的是:小猪竟然会看信息! Earthquake not curious, not the flood fire erupted more not rare, the most surprising is that the pig should see information!
22、如果**规定一个人一生只能找一个女子,我情愿那个人就是你,我无怨无悔,至死不渝!但偏偏**没规定……那就算了! If government regulations can only be a person life looking for a woman, I would rather that person is you, I complaint or regret, to die! But it happened that the government didn't rule…… That even if!
23、如果你不是摩托罗拉那种防水的手机的话,看短信时请注意,别笑得口水流到机子上,那会坏的。 If you are not a MOTOROLA that waterproof phone, please pay attention to when watching SMS, don't laugh mouth water to the machines, it would be bad。
24、彩票中了五百万,业务提升为骨干;房子贷款已还完,睡醒一觉变貂禅。你美了吧! Lottery in five million, promoted as the backbone of business; The house loan has also finished, wake up sleep diau charn。 You are beautiful!
25、快打开电视,看41频道,在放超好玩超搞笑的电视节目 Quick turn on the television, watching channel
26、我愿意一生守在你的身边,冬天做你的棉被,夏天做你的电风扇。愚人节快乐! Keep in your side, I am willing to life make your quilt in winter, summer do your electric fans。 Happy April fool's day!
27、我是一块巨石,在此伫立多时。饱受千年风雨,望眼欲穿想你。只为和你相识,腾空将你压实,小样儿,压不死你老子不白活啦! I am a big rock, in the stand。 By one thousand years wind and rain, dream miss you。 Just for and you get to know each other, small kind son, compaction to vacate your pressure die you Lao tze not in vain!
28、我是冤魂,我死在你们寝室楼的地下室,去年我被肢解了,每天晚上我都向上爬,你能过来拉我一把么,我在你床边。 I am, my death in your dormitory building basement, last year I was dismembered, every night I up, can you come over to pull me a hand, I in your bed。
29、我活到如今还没撒过谎,但今天上天让我遇见你,我终于可以开张撒谎了:你帅呆酷毙了。 I live to now hasn't lied, but god let me meet you today, I finally opened can lie: you stay cool handsome。
30、手机保养新方法:每次开机后5秒钟内,将手机放入一盆清水中浸泡10分钟,手机的寿命将提高一倍。 New mobile phone maintenance methods: every boot after 5 seconds, the phone into a basin of clear water soak for 10 minutes, the service life of mobile phone will double。
31、放心,接收这条短信不会对你造成太大损失,仅仅会使你手机内存储的信息全部删除。 Rest assured, receiving this message you will not cause too much loss, just can make your phone delete all stored information。
32、无论你在哪里,只要仰天长笑,大叫三声“我是美女”,我就会出现在你面前。 No matter where you are, as long as the face upwards long laugh, shout three "I is beauty", I will appear in front of you。
33、最近表现不太好,跟我联系有些少,赶快给我道个歉,电话短信随你便,最好请我吃顿饭,我们还是好伙伴! Recent performance is not very good, contact me some little, get give me an apology, phone message with you, had better ask me to eat meal, we are still good partner!
34、有个乌龟没事干,潜入水底下个蛋,下完蛋后去找蛋,没有发现这个蛋,要问此蛋在哪里?正把手机短信看! A tortoise hazelnut, diving under an egg, to find egg under gone, have not found the egg, to ask where the eggs? Is the mobile phone short message!
35、权威人士透露,为更好地丰富人民的假日生活,进一步拉动假日经济,今年的五一节假期将会由去年的七天增加到十天! Insider, to better enrich people's holiday life, further boost the holiday economy, for the May Day holiday this year will increase by the last seven days to ten days!
36、爸爸今天打了我两次,第一次是因为看见了我手里两分的成绩单,第二次是因为成绩单是他小时候的。 Dad hit me twice today, because for the first time saw my hand two report card, the second is his childhood because transcripts。
37、祝你:打牌运气拉不住,豹子金花把把出,别人瞪眼你笑脸,别人掏钱你收钱。 Wish you: playing CARDS is not luck, the leopard golden flower hang out, others stare you smile, people pay you money。
38、紧急提醒:近日恐有雷电现象,出门时请把手机放在头上并将充电器连线插上拖于身后,用于避雷,切记! Emergency remind: recently could have lightning phenomenon, go out please put the phone on the head and to match the charger plug in drag in behind, used for lightning protection, remember!
39、经证实,你就是N年前逃亡的犯罪嫌疑人XXX,您已被警方控制,请速到**局自首。 It's proved that the fugitive suspects XXX, you are N years ago you have been controlled by the police, please surrender to the police。
40、警告:你的浴室在三个月前被安装了*,VCD将于三天后以特快专递寄给你,请注意查收! Warning: your bathroom in the three months ago was installed pinhole cameras, VCD will be sent to you by DHL in three days later, please find!
41、这是一条你必备的警告:由于黑客侵入你的手机系统,电池即被引爆!请立即将手机电池取下扔出五米距离。切记! This is a necessary warning you: because hackers your phone system, the battery is detonated。 Please'll take out the battery immediately threw five meters distance。 Remember that!
42、都说猪很懒,但我不这么认为。至少现在,我发现有一头猪正在看短信。 All say pig is very lazy, but I don't think so。 At least now, I found a pig is reading text messages。
43、鸡是用做下蛋的,牛是有活就干的,猫是挨家混饭的,羊是将来烤串的,狗是让人来惯的,你是等着出圈的。 Is used to lay eggs, chicken cow is living on dry, the cat went very seriously, sheep are barbecue in the future, a dog is a let a person to be used, you are waiting for ones。