1、**es will only get worse and worse.

2、一个人,也要好好做饭,好好吃饭,好好玩耍。 A person, also want to cook well, eat well, play well.

3、三餐常思农夫苦,日用不忘众生恩。 Three meals often reflect on the hardships of farmers, daily use does not forget the kindness of all living beings.

4、上帝为你关上一道门的同时,还会顺带夹你的脑子。 When God closes a door for you, it will also pinch your brain.

5、不是不爱了,而是爱累了。 It's not that I don't love you anymore, but that I am tired.

6、不要过分的去批评别人,了解了一切,就会宽恕一切。 Don't criticize others too much. If you understand everything, you will forgive everything.

7、世界上多的是南辕北辙,少的是殊途同归。 In the world, there are many different paths, but few paths lead to the same goal.

8、世间的温柔皆如干净的云朵和你。 The gentleness of the world is like clean clouds and you.

9、为你走走停停,最后还是没等到你这片风景。 Stop and go for you, I didn't wait for your scenery in the end.

10、习惯不能忘记一切,只能麻木一切。 Habit can not forget everything, can only numb everything.

11、人,偶尔大醉一次,似乎无可厚非。醒来,就是再生。 People, once in a while drunk, seem to have nothing to blame. Wake up, it's regeneration.

12、任何没有回应的事情,都不值得你去做。 Anything that doesn't respond is not worth doing.

13、你上辈子积了多少德、遇上了我。 How many virtues have you accumulated in your last life and met me.

14、你保护世界,我保护你。 You protect the world, I protect you.

15、你别赤脚在这草地上散步,我的花园里到处是星星的碎片。 Don't walk barefoot on the grass, my garden is full of fragments of stars.

16、你如一颗繁星,陨落在我心间。 You are like a star, falling in my heart.

17、你无聊么,要是无聊,就放个屁,自己抓着玩去! Are you bored? If you are bored, just fart and play by yourself!

18、你是孤岛,而我是永远上不了岸的潮。 You are an island, and I am the tide that will never reach the shore.

19、你的一切遥不可及,唯有思念寸步不离。 All of you are far away, only missing you.

20、你的一句对不起,就这样让我痛苦了一辈子。 I'm sorry. I've been suffering all my life.

21、你的过去我涉足不了,你的未来一定有我。 I can't get involved in your past. I must be in your future.

22、做生命的舞者,只要心跳还在,演出就没有落幕。 Be the dancer of life. As long as the heart keeps on beating, the show will never end.

23、像我这种人,你除了宠着也没有其他办法。 You can't do anything but spoil people like me.

24、叫我滚,滚了。叫我回来,对不起,滚远了。 Tell me to go away. Go away. Tell me to come back. I'm sorry. Get out of here.

25、哪有什么放不下的人,到头来都是放不过自己。 There is no one who can't let go. In the end, they can't let go of themselves.

26、在可爱的电车沿线,除了夏天,禁止入内。 Along the lovely tram, except in summer, no entry is allowed.

27、坏人不会一直坏,但贱人只会越来越贱。 Bad people will not be bad all the time, but

28、太阳能维修,月亮可更换,星星不闪包退换。 Solar maintenance, the moon can be replaced, stars do not flash package return.

29、女为悦己者容,我为自己荣。 I am proud of myself.

30、如果不能赢得整个人生,少输就是赢。 If you can't win the whole life, lose less is win.

31、如果你相信自己,你可以做任何事。 If you believe in yourself, you can do anything.

32、嫉妒是一把刀,最后不是插在别人身上,就是插进自己心里。 Jealousy is a knife. In the end, it is either inserted in others or in one's own heart.

33、孤独的人不会伤害别人,只会不断地伤害自己罢了。 Lonely people don't hurt others, they just hurt themselves constantly.

34、就在一次次日升月落里,再爱一次人间。 On the next day, I love the world again.

35、属于我的,会一直记着,不属于我的,我只能学着若无其事。 Belong to me, will always remember, do not belong to me, I can only learn as if nothing happened.

36、很多时候,上天的眷顾要靠自己的坚忍来保护。 Most of the time, God's blessing depends on his perseverance to protect.

37、心底最柔软的阳光、来自于你孩子般的模样。 The softest sunshine in my heart comes from your childlike appearance.

38、愿生活不太拥挤,愿笑容不必刻意! Wish life is not too crowded, wish smile don't need to be deliberate!

39、我们的生命,就是以不断出发的姿势得到重生。 Our life is reborn with the posture of constantly starting.

40、我们要向前看,不错过些歪瓜劣枣怎么知道什么是好。 We have to look forward, good over some crooked melon bad jujube how to know what is good.

41、我只拥有,一个人的寂寞,一个人的天空。 I only have, a person's loneliness, a person's sky.

42、我已经疲惫得承受不了任何,关于我们爱情的打击。 I'm too tired to bear any impact on our love.

43、我的青春有了你,]有爱情也甜蜜。 My youth is sweet without love with you.

44、我要在你平庸无奇的回忆里,做一个闪闪发亮的神经病。 I want to be a shining psycho in your mediocre memories.

45、放我一个一个人生活,请你双手不要再紧握。 Let me live alone, please don't hold your hands tightly.

46、最黑的黑的是背叛,最疼的疼的原谅。 The darkest is betrayal, the most painful is forgiveness.

47、有本事带我回家见家长,不然别说跟我谈恋爱。 Have the ability to take me home to see my parents, otherwise don't talk about falling in love with me.

48、满怀希望的人往往易于冲动,一旦失望了,反而倒冷静了。 People who are full of hope tend to be impulsive. Once they are disappointed, they will calm down instead.

49、灼灼桃花,三千繁华,却似世间独独只有一个他。 Burning peach blossom, three thousand prosperous, but it seems that there is only one him in the world.

50、爱时毫无保留,走时绝不回头。 Love without reservation, never look back when you go.

51、父母与子女之间的关系总会慢慢变得疏远,要接受这个事实! Accept the fact that the relationship between parents and children will gradually become estranged!

52、狼心狗肺,总好过撕心裂肺。 It's better to be a wolf than a rip.

53、猛然发现,我早已将你的模样刻在心上,再无他人之地。 Suddenly found that I have already engraved your appearance in my heart, no other place.

54、等我头发花白,牙齿掉光的时候能不能和你牵手看夕阳! When my hair is gray and my teeth are all gone, can I watch the sunset hand in hand with you!

55、蒹葭霜霜一白露,万盏灯火为谁留。 Jianjia frost a white dew, thousands of lights for whom to stay.

56、血染*的画,怎敌你眉间一点朱砂。 How can a bloody painting defeat a little cinnabar between your eyebrows.

57、衣香鬓影掩过了几声叹息,冷眼看过了霓虹几场别离。 After a few sighs, I saw several parting scenes of neon with cold eyes.

58、谁苍白了谁的等待,谁无悔着谁的执着。 Who pale who wait, who have no regrets who persistent.

59、这个天地,我来过,我奋战过,我深爱过,我不在乎结局。 This world, I came, I fought, I loved, I don't care about the outcome.

60、那么长的时间里都是我一个人,懦弱下来怎么行。 I've been alone for such a long time. How can I be cowardly.

61、长大了才知道,原来爱而不得,是世间常态。 Grow up to know that the original love but not, is the normal world.