1、一个人的境界,受限于眼光。——《大江大河》 One's realm is limited by one's vision.
2、一夜种马,一生钟情。——《有种你爱我》 I love horses all my life.
3、不要说不可能,没有什么不可能。——《教父》 Don't say impossible, there is nothing impossible.
4、不记得也好,忘记也是一种幸福……——《功夫》 Not to remember, forget is also a kind of happiness
5、你是上帝吗?不,我是电影导演。——《楚门的世界》 Are you God? No, I'm a film director.
6、你给我站住!你打人,不像话!——《天下无贼》 Stop! You beat people, it's not like words!
7、你要想中彩票,必须先挣钱买彩票。——《夜行者》 If you want to win the lottery, you must first earn money to buy the lottery.
8、你这司南转成这样,妖怪魔力转圈圈?——《无心法师3》 You Sinan turn like this, monster magic circle?
9、偏见往往会模糊了真相。——《十二怒汉》 Prejudice tends to blur the truth.
10、做人要厚道!——《天下无贼》 Be kind!
11、凭你的智慧,我唬得了你吗?——《唐伯虎点秋香》 Can I bluff you with your wisdom?
12、只要笑一笑,没什么事情过不了!——《微笑pasta》 Just smile, there's nothing wrong with it!
13、叶先生,说句真心话,我心里有过你。——《一代宗师》 Mr. Ye, to tell you the truth, I had you in my heart.
14、喜欢就会放肆,但爱就是克制。——《后会无期》 To like someone is to run wild, but to love someone is to restrain.
15、好男人就是我,我就是曾小贤。——《爱情公寓》 Good man is me, I am Zeng Xiaoxian.
16、如果我知道怎么戒掉你,那该有多好。——《断背山》 If only I knew how to quit you.
17、强者自救,圣者渡人。——《肖申克的救赎》 The strong help themselves, the saints save others.
18、德善,你想要什么,我全都给你买。——《请回答1988》 Deshan, I'll buy you everything you want.
19、怀吉,你带我回去,我不要被困在这里。——《清平乐》 Wygie, you take me back. I don't want to be trapped here.
20、想要什么就得去努力,去追求。——《当幸福来敲门》 If you want something, you have to work hard and pursue it.
21、我于人间全无敌,不与天战与谁战?——《将夜》 I am invincible in the world. Who will fight against heaven?
22、我何冤之有?只恐人言可畏,人言可畏!——《阮玲玉》 What's wrong with me? I'm afraid that people's words are terrible!
23、我叫余欢水,我想换个活法。——《我是余欢水》 My name is Yu huanshui. I want to change my life style.
24、我命由我不由天。——《太极张三丰》 My life depend on myself not the fate.
25、我第一眼看到你就想跟你一生一世。——《河东狮吼》 The first time I saw you, I wanted to be with you all my life.
26、我说过,我再也不会回到*去了。——《盗火线》 I said, I'll never go back to *.
27、我读书少,不要骗我!——《精武门》 I read little, don't cheat me!
28、斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。——《怦然心动》 If you are a rainbow, you will know when you meet the top.
29、有些事,烂在肚子,或许更有意义。——《烈日灼心》 Some things, rotten in the stomach, maybe more meaningful.
30、来吧,让我也高兴高兴!——《拨云见日》 Come on, make me happy too!
31、爱是一种修行。——《非诚勿扰2》 Love is a kind of practice.
32、留下来,或者我跟你走。——《海角七号》 Stay or I'll go with you.
33、罗宾森太太,你是在挑逗我吧?——《毕业生》 Mrs. Robinson, are you teasing me?
34、能力越大,责任越重。——《蜘蛛侠》 The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.
35、要圣旨,咱们给他写一个。——《新龙门客栈》 For the edict, let's write one for him.
36、谁能告诉我,人死之后是有没有灵魂的?——《祝福》 Who can tell me if there is a soul after death?
37、这女人要是不漂亮啊,她就得当良家妇女。——《娘道》 If this woman is not beautiful, she must be a good woman.
38、郎心自有一双脚,隔山隔水有来期。——《一代宗师》 Lang Xin has his own feet, across the mountains and across the water, there is a period.
39、飞是小李飞刀的飞,刀是小李飞刀的刀。——《国产007》 Fly is the fly of Xiao Li's flying knife, and the Dao is the knife of Xiao Li's flying knife.
40、高,实在是高。——《地道战》 High, really high.