1、一个人再努力,也撑不起两个人的天空。 One can not support the sky of two people if one tries hard.

2、一张残叶的飘落,承载的不仅仅是记忆,还有思念。 A leaf of the falling, bearing not only memory, but also miss.

3、七月的风和八月的雨,无力的爱和遥远的你。 The wind of July and the rain of August, the powerless love and the distant you.

4、人生来孤独,却渴望拥抱相似的灵魂。 Life is lonely, but eager to embrace similar souls.

5、他们没有逼我去死,只是善意的提醒我不要活着了。 They didn't force me to die, but they just kindly reminded me not to live.

6、你有没有很想,和谁重新认识一次。 Have you ever wanted to meet someone again.

7、你未开花,我已在;你已结果,我未走。 You are not blooming, I am; you have come to fruition, I have not gone.

8、你的心,是我去到世界尽头,也想回来的地方。 Your heart, is where I go to the end of the world and want to come back.

9、你给过我的,最终也会毫无保留的给别人,你别否认。 What you gave me will eventually be unreserved to others. Don't deny it.

10、努力做了,关心给了,不珍惜就算了。 Hard work, care for given, do not cherish even.

11、可以一天不吃饭,但不可以一天不想你。 You can not eat one day, but you can't miss you one day.

12、因为梦见你离开,我从哭泣中醒来。 Because I dream you leave, I wake up from crying.

13、在我们这个年纪,每增加一岁,纯真便死去一些。 At our age, every year we increase, innocence dies.

14、在过去就算能看见未来,只怕还是会逃避到现在。 Even if we can see the future in the past, I am afraid that we will escape to the present.

15、夜里独自享受着宁静,独自倾听着悲伤。 At night alone enjoy the peace, alone listening to sadness.

16、天再高又怎样,踮起脚尖就更接近阳光。 How high is the day, tiptoe is closer to the sun.

17、如果不能接受失去,人简直无法成长。 If we can't accept losing, people can hardly grow.

18、如果那一秒我没遇见你,是否这一秒就不会爱上你。 If I didn't meet you that second, I would not love you for that second.

19、当泪水划过嘴角,才知道那种苦涩的味道。 When tears across the corner of the mouth, only know that bitter taste.

20、心智贫穷的人只会空想,更不可能给你未来! The mentally poor will only think about it, and it is impossible to give you the future!

21、怎样的女人,才能入你的眼眸。 What kind of woman can you see.

22、感情的伤,只有那个爱得深的人才会懂。 The hurt of emotion, only the person who loves deeply will understand.

23、我一直在这里,等风也等你。 I've been here, waiting for the wind.

24、我不是回忆你,只是回忆那些伤害我的人。 I'm not recalling you, I'm just remembering the people who hurt me.

25、我不是温柔人,却为你做尽了温柔事。 I am not a gentle man, but I do everything for you.

26、我已经够糟糕了,别再拿我和别人比了。 I'm bad enough. Don't compare me to others.

27、我希望我是一阵风,那样我就能轻温你的酒窝。 I hope I'm a gust of wind, so I can light your dimples.

28、我永远不知道,我的习惯会让我错过什么。 I never know what my habits will let me miss.

29、我的感情,我自己收拾。 My feelings, I clean up myself.

30、我真的没有精力,再去尝试没有结果的感情了。 I really have no energy, and try to have no result again.

31、拍毕业照只要三秒可定格的却是三年。 It is three years that you can set your graduation picture in three seconds.

32、放下了很多事,扔掉了固执,可是你不会回来了! Put down a lot of things, throw away stubborn, but you will not come back!

33、新的,不一定是最好的,可能还是旧的好用。 New ones, not necessarily the best, may still be good use of the old.

34、时间走得太快,我还并不想面对未来。 Time goes too fast, I don't want to face the future yet.

35、明朗化的并不是我们的关系,而是迩看她的暧昧。 It is not our relationship that makes it clear, but you see her ambiguity.

36、有生之年,只诉温暖不言殇,倾心相遇,安暖相陪。 In my life, I only tell you warmth and not to say that I am sad. I love to meet you and I am happy to accompany you.

37、本以为你是一场美梦,没想到你是一场噩梦。 I thought you were a dream, but I didn't think you were a nightmare.

38、此刻的我你爱理不理,未来的我你高攀不起。 I am unreasonable at this moment, and you can't stand up to me in the future.

39、淡了就淡了吧,反正我也觉得累了。 Light on the light, anyway I feel tired.

40、爱一回,伤一回,不爱不后悔! Love once, hurt once, do not love not regret!

41、玉竹曾记凤凰游,人不见,水空流。 Jade bamboo once recorded phoenix tour, people are not seen, water flow.

42、用漫不经心的态度,过随遇而安的生活。 With a casual attitude, live a life of peace.

43、突然没有了期待,也欣喜不起来。 Suddenly, I can't get up with expectation.

44、累了,痛了,懂了,伤了,哭了,在也不要后悔了。 Tired, painful, understand, hurt, cry, do not regret in.

45、虽然每天吵吵闹闹、但你的肩膀总是会给我依靠。 Although you make noise every day, your shoulders always give me support.

46、路长,但求路长,一路风雨又何妨。 Road chief, but to seek long road, all the way rain and rain what is the matter.

47、那个身影,那个微笑,明明陌生却又热切。 That figure, that smile, clearly strange but eager.

48、醉了、醒了、懂了,原来不过是一个过客而已。 Drunk, awake, understand, originally just a passing.

49、黑夜埋没,你的温存。 Night is buried, your warmth.

50、默契,对我们来说是火星人的词汇。 Tacit, for us, is the word of the Martian.