1、一个人的寂寞、两个人的错。 One person's loneliness, two people's fault.

2、一边感叹生活,一边重蹈覆辙。 While sighing about life, I repeat the same mistakes.

3、万般皆苦,只可自渡。 All things are bitter and can only be crossed by oneself.

4、世界以痛吻我,要我报之以歌。 The world kisses me with pain and asks me to sing in return.

5、他让你感动,也让你心痛。 He makes you moved and heartache.

6、余生一个叉路口,你我分开走。 For the rest of my life, you and I walk separately.

7、你别皱眉,我走就好。 Don't frown, I'll just go.

8、你怀抱天地,亦绝色迷离。 You embrace the world, but also absolutely blurred.

9、你放心敷衍我,借口我帮你找。 You don't worry about perfunctory me, excuse me to help you find.

10、你转身的一瞬,我萧条的一生。 The moment you turn around, my depressed life.

11、你那么懂事,一定没有人疼吧! You are so sensible, no one must be hurt!

12、分手那么久还是忘不了你! Break up so long still can't forget you!

13、原来,你把我一直当木偶玩。 Originally, you have been playing me as a puppet.

14、喝眼前的酒,忘身后的人。 Drink the wine in front of you and forget the people behind you.

15、在等你入睡,趁着醉意拥抱你。 I'm waiting for you to fall asleep and embrace you while I'm drunk.

16、好想拥有你,把你放心里。 I really want to have you and put you in my heart.

17、就当你没来过,我没爱过。 Just as if you didn't come, I didn't love.

18、就算很失望,笑容依然要灿烂! Even if very disappointed, the smile should still be brilliant!

19、带不走的承诺,放不下的痛。 The promise that can't take away, the pain that can't be put down.

20、心凉了,也就什么也不重要了。 When the heart is cold, it doesn't matter.

21、心累不由己,命累不由心。 Tired heart not from their own, tired life not from the heart.

22、心里这个位置,一直留给你的。 This position in my heart has always been left for you.

23、想着你睡去,梦着你醒来。 Think of you sleep, dream you wake up.

24、想让你吃醋,又怕你祝我幸福。 I want you to be jealous and afraid that you wish me happiness.

25、愿来生能做春风,流浪又*。 May the next life be a spring breeze, wandering and free.

26、我以为少了我,你会慌。 I thought you would panic without me.

27、我在怀念,你不再怀念的。 I miss it. You don't miss it anymore.

28、我有点累,但是我还是有点酷。 I'm a little tired, but I'm still a little cool.

29、我爱的很小心,却还是伤了心。 I love very carefully, but still hurt my heart.

30、我真的好想你,却不敢打扰你。 I really miss you, but I dare not disturb you.

31、找不到你的时候我宁愿一个人。 I'd rather be alone when I can't find you.

32、是不是我又给你失望了。 Did I disappoint you again.

33、曾经得不到的,现在不想要了。 I don't want what I didn't get.

34、最厉害的病毒,是爱和谎言。 The most powerful virus is love and lies.

35、最近访客,已经很久没有你了。 Recently, visitors have not had you for a long time.

36、毕竟,一生很短,少有圆满。 After all, life is short, and there is little fulfillment.

37、海底月捞不起,心上人不可及。 You can't catch the moon in the sea, and your sweetheart can't reach it.

38、爱你,就是嘴硬,心痛也不说。 Love you, is the mouth is hard, heartache also don't say.

39、爱和你都走了,最后只剩下我。 Love and you are gone, and I'm the only one left.

40、爱已时过境迁,恨已沧海桑田。 Love has changed, hate has changed.

41、童话已经结束,遗忘就是幸福。 The fairy tale is over, forgetting is happiness.

42、肠已断,人依旧,在天涯。 Intestines have been broken, people are still in the end of the world.

43、若只是喜欢,何必夸张成爱。 If only like, why exaggerate into love.

44、若是不想流泪,那就仰望天空。 If you don't want to cry, look up at the sky.

45、若终要失去,不如放开。 If you want to lose, it's better to let go.

46、谢你一生宽忍,容我半世疏狂。 Thank you for your tolerance all your life and allow me to be insane for half my life.

47、趋炎附势的小人,不可共患难! The villains who follow the trend should not share weal and woe!

48、过程很失败,结果很意外。 The process failed and the results were unexpected.

49、这万水千山,渡不过也罢。 It's a long way to go.

50、那么孤单,却说一个人真好。 It's so lonely, but it's nice to be alone.