1、一个奇怪的想法,一颗不能被原谅的心! A strange idea, an unforgivable heart!
2、一曲倾城悲歌,曲终人散。 A sad song of falling City, the song ends and the people disperse.
3、不计后果的爱,最后却变成了痛的记忆。 Reckless love turns into painful memory.
4、久违放晴的天空,依旧留着你的笑容。 Long time no clear sky, still keep your smile.
5、五月的阳光,也无法照亮我的内心。 The sunshine of may can't light up my heart.
6、人生路我不熟,能否与你结伴而行。 I'm not familiar with the road of life. Can I go with you.
7、他宁愿沉默,她宁愿错过。 He would rather be silent, she would rather miss.
8、你不会回来,我不会再爱。 You won't come back, I won't love again.
9、你的幼稚,我的固执,都成了历史。 Your childishness and my stubbornness have become history.
10、即使关系变了,心里的位置依然如此。 Even if the relationship changes, the position of the heart is still the same.
11、向远方,遥望着哭泣。 Look far away and cry.
12、听书人笑了,说书人哭了。 The listener laughed and the storyteller cried.
13、在华丽的谎言,也掩饰不了你内心的虚伪。 In the gorgeous lie, also can't cover up your inner hypocrisy.
14、在坚强之前,我就学会一件事:逃避。 Before I was strong, I learned one thing: escape.
15、孤独是顽疾,走再远的路的都无法治愈。 Loneliness is a stubborn disease. No matter how far you go, you can't be cured.
16、对自己狠心,才让你幸福。 Being cruel to yourself makes you happy.
17、就算我们没有结果,我也想陪你走一段。 Even if we have no results, I also want to accompany you for a while.
18、就算是下地狱,我也要在地狱门口等你。 Even in hell, I will wait for you at the gate of hell.
19、幸福只是剧本里的形容词。 Happiness is just an adjective in the script.
20、异地谈的不是恋爱,是信任。 It's not love, it's trust.
21、彻夜难眠,更漏梦无。 I can't sleep all night, and I can't dream.
22、往前走,每一步都是未来。 Going forward, every step is the future.
23、很多时候,糊涂的睡着好过明白的醒着。 A lot of times, it's better to fall asleep in a muddle headed way than to wake up in a clear way.
24、心是我的,可里面装的是全是你。 My heart is mine, but it's full of you.
25、忠厚留有余地步,和平养无限天机。 Loyalty and kindness remain to a certain extent, and peace nourishes infinite opportunities.
26、想放肆的大声唱歌,来发泄那抑郁的情绪。 I want to sing loudly to vent my depression.
27、想要歇斯底里的,把痛喊出来。 If you want to be hysterical, shout out the pain.
28、成千上万个路口,总有一个人要先走。 Thousands of intersections, there is always one person to go first.
29、我不是怪你,只是感到失望。 I don't blame you. I'm just disappointed.
30、我不熬夜了,漂亮比你重要。 I won't stay up late. Beauty is more important than you.
31、我们重新开始吧,我还爱你。 Let's start over. I still love you.
32、我只是爱你,我从不认为它是个错。 I just love you. I never think it's a mistake.
33、我在绝望中行走,还会怕什么绝望。 When I walk in despair, I will be afraid of despair.
34、我开始懂了有些爱只在心里。 I began to understand that some love is only in the heart.
35、我笑自己死性不改还期盼能回到过去。 I laugh at myself and hope to go back to the past.
36、我这所剩无几的感情,已经被你剥夺完了。 You have deprived me of my few feelings.
37、放弃很简单,可忘记一个人却很难。 It's easy to give up, but it's hard to forget someone.
38、明知情深是害,可我依然固执的死性不改。 Knowing that love is harmful, but I am still stubborn.
39、是时光遗失了我们,还是我们丢弃了时间。 Time lost us, or we lost time.
40、最后的最后,我们终究还是错过。 In the end, we still miss it.
41、有时候就是想大哭一场,说不出的情绪。 Sometimes I just want to cry, I can't express my emotion.
42、来日纵使,千千阙歌。 In the future, thousands of songs will be sung.
43、没有信任,爱会不牢。 Without trust, love will be unstable.
44、爱情的道路越走越长,而心却越来越凉。 The road of love is longer and longer, but the heart is colder and colder.
45、爱本是泡沫怪我没有看破才如此难过。 AI Ben is a bubble monster. I was so sad that I didn't see it.
46、生活不易,希望我们都能被温柔以待。 Life is not easy, I hope we can be treated gently.
47、用力告别,巅峰相见! Say goodbye and meet at the top!
48、眼泪没有太多,只是可以为你流成河。 Tears are not too much, just can flow into a river for you.
49、纯白的黑,纯黑的白,是你的颜色。 Pure white black, pure black white, is your color.
50、背叛需要代价,背叛会有报应吗? Betrayal needs price. Will betrayal have retribution?
51、花开半朵,执念依旧。 Half a flower, obsession is still.
52、蓝色的窗帘上,有我淡蓝色的忧伤。 On the blue curtain, there is my light blue sadness.
53、被欺骗算什么,早已习惯一个人的感觉。 What is being cheated? I'm used to the feeling of a person.
54、要留下几次眼泪,才知道对自己好一点。 To leave a few tears, just know to yourself a little bit better.
55、说过要做好朋友,最后,是谁先放了手。 Said to be a good friend, in the end, who let go first.
56、走你的路,不要回头看。 Go your way, don't look back.
57、趁我还爱你,你可不可以不要错过我? Can you not miss me while I still love you?
58、还是小时候好,一颗糖足以忘掉所有。 It's better to be a child. One sugar is enough to forget everything.
59、退出了我的世界,却还占据着我的记忆。 Out of my world, but still occupy my memory.
60、除了忙就是烦。除了累还是累。 In addition to busy is boring. In addition to tired or tired.