1、一个人只有一个心脏,却有两个心房。 A man has only one heart but two atria.
2、一个人的旅行,独自的彷徨。 A person's travel, alone hesitation.
3、三块钱的可乐,第一口值两块钱。 Three yuan coke is worth two yuan for the first bite.
4、不是所有人都会像他那样惯着我。 Not everyone will be as used to me as he is.
5、与你相见,是我最美的相遇。 Meeting you is my most beautiful meeting.
6、世间文字八万个,唯有情字最杀人。 There are 80000 words in the world, only the word "love" kills the most.
7、也许你很了不起,但我未必看得起。 You may be great, but I don't have to look up to it.
8、你别回头看我,你眼里的星星是她。 Don't look back at me. The star in your eyes is her.
9、你年轻么?不要紧,过两年就老了。 Are you young? It doesn't matter. I'll be old in two years.
10、你很好,可是我太美了,你配不上。 You're very nice, but I'm too beautiful for you.
11、你是我的平方,除了你还是你。 You are my square, except you or you.
12、你的话,我连标点符号都不信。 I don't believe in punctuation.
13、你要是听话,就给你一个么么哒。 If you are obedient, I'll give you a moo.
14、全世界的丑,都被你承包了吧! The ugliness of the whole world is contracted by you!
15、初瘾真的成瘾,亦欲真的抑郁。 First addiction is really addictive, but also want to be really depressed.
16、别人看我是荒谬,我看自己是绝伦。 Others see me as ridiculous, I see myself as peerless.
17、别老是问我是不是冷,直接抱着我! Don't always ask me if I'm cold, just hold me!
18、别自以为是,你在我眼里什么都不是。 Don't be conceited. You are nothing in my eyes.
19、别闹了,对不起,反正都是你有理。 Don't make a fuss. I'm sorry. You're the one who's right.
20、勤能补拙是良训,一分辛苦,一分才。 Diligence can make up for one's weakness is good training, one is hard work, another is talent.
21、可去一身皮囊,不卸铮铮傲骨。 Can go to a leather bag, do not unload Zheng Zheng proud bone.
22、吧唧一口,吃掉难过。 I'm sorry to eat.
23、含泪播种的人,一定能含笑收获。 Those who sow with tears will reap with a smile.
24、吹牛逼,毁自己。扯人蛋,找难看。 Brag. Ruin yourself. It's hard to see.
25、外面好冷啊,我想住在你心里。 It's cold outside. I want to live in your heart.
26、奋不顾身离开的人,没必要挽留。 There is no need to detain those who leave in desperation.
27、宁可清贫自乐,不可浊富多忧。 It is better to be poor and happy than to be rich and worried.
28、对象没有不要紧,奶茶不喝会伤心。 It doesn't matter if you don't drink milk tea.
29、待君归来时,共饮长生酒。 When you come back, drink Changsheng wine together.
30、心到痛处,谁还卑微的挽留。 Heart to the pain, who is still humble to stay.
31、想想自己的错,就会忘却别人的过。 If you think about your own mistakes, you will forget others.
32、我一点也不喜欢你,别总想我了。 I don't like you at all. Don't think about me.
33、我们今生的交会,我会用几世去回味。 We meet in this life, I will use several generations to aftertaste.
34、我很好哄,但你嫌麻烦。 I'm good at coaxing, but you're troublesome.
35、我流着泪,微笑的去面对你们的幸福。 I shed tears, smile to face your happiness.
36、数学里有句话,过程错了就是错了。 There is a saying in mathematics that if the process is wrong, it is wrong.
37、是你让我欢喜,也是你让我哭泣。 You make me happy, and you make me cry.
38、没有一视同仁,我有要宠的宝贝。 No discrimination. I have a pet.
39、爱你那么累,我又不想半途而废。 Love you so tired, I don't want to give up halfway.
40、爱情像泡沫,一触碰就破。 Love is like a bubble.
41、男人和钱,其他免谈。 Men and money, nothing else.
42、留不住的人,慢走不送。 Those who can't stay can't walk.
43、相爱却不能相恋,相恋却不相爱。 Love but can't love each other, love but do not love.
44、看得见的伤口,迟早有一天会痊愈的。 A visible wound will heal sooner or later.
45、眼睛在为你下雨,心却在为你打伞。 The eyes are raining for you, but the heart is holding an umbrella for you.
46、眼里是阳光,笑里是坦荡。 Eyes are sunshine, smile is magnanimous.
47、言念君子,温其如玉。 If you read a gentleman, you can warm it like jade.
48、谁要吻你,我只是吻一吻这秋色。 Who wants to kiss you, I just kiss the autumn color.
49、那些零碎的回忆,渐渐失去了方向。 Those fragmentary memories, gradually lost direction.
50、隔墙有只耳朵,嘲笑你有多难过。 There is an ear in the partition wall, laughing at how sad you are.