1、一个人只要热爱自己的祖国,有一颗爱国之心,就什么事情都能解决。什么苦楚,什么冤屈都受得了。 A person as long as the love of their motherland, have a patriotic heart, it can solve everything. What pain, what injustice stand.
2、不能允许你用爱国主义蒙蔽双眼而不能面对现实。错就是错,不管是谁说的。 Can't allow you to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says.
3、不能设想,一个没有强大精神支柱的民族,可以自立于世界之林。 Can't imagine, a nation without a powerful spiritual pillar, can stand on its own among the world.
4、不要过分的醉心放任*, Do not overly intoxicated with laissez-faire, don't limit freedom, its harm and danger is too.
5、个人之于社会等于身体的细胞,要一个人身体健全,不用说必须每个细胞都健全。 Individual is to the society is equal to the cells of the body, to one's body is perfect, needless to say, each cell must be sound.
6、中国的文人,历来重气节。一个画家如果不爱民族,不爱祖国,就是丧失民族气节。画的价值,重在人格。 Chinese scholars, stresses the integrity. A painter if does not love people, love the motherland, is the loss of national integrity. The valueof the painting, focus on personality.上一页12下一页
7、为中华之崛起而读书。 Reading for the rise of the Chinese.
8、人民不仅有权爱国,而且爱国是个义务,是一种光荣。 People not only have the right to patriotism and patriotic is a duty, is a kind of glory.
9、人类最高的道德是什么?那就是爱国心。 What is the highest human morality? It is patriotism.
10、古人有九死而未悔的爱国之心,今人有百折而不挠的爱国之情。 The ancients have nine die without regrets of patriotism, present some twist and without scratching the patriotism.
11、国家是大家的,爱国是每个人的本分。 Country is everybody's, patriotic is everyone's duty.
12、如果胃囊空空,谁也难以成为爱国志士。 If the stomach is empty, who is also difficult to be patriots.
13、我无论作什麽,始终在想着,只要我的精力允许我的话,我就要首先为我的祖国服务。 No matter what, I was thinking all the time, as long as my energy allow me, I will first to serve my country.
14、我是中国人民的儿子。我深情地爱着我的祖国和人民。 I am the son of the Chinese people. I love my country and my people affectionately.
15、我有我的人格、良心,不是钱能买的。我的音乐,要献给祖国,献给劳动人民大众,为挽救民族危机服务。 I have my personality, conscience, not money can buy. My music, want to give for my country, to the labor of the people, to save the national crisis.
16、热爱自己的祖国是理所当然的事。 His love for his country is a matter of course.
17、爱国主义和其它道德感情与信念一样,使人趋于高尚。 Patriotism and other moral feelings and beliefs that make people tend to be more noble.
18、爱国主义就是千百年来固定下来,对自己的祖国的一种最深厚的感情。 Patriotism is fixed, one thousand years to own one of the most profound feelings of the motherland.
19、爱国主义就是积极地为了微不足道的原因杀人并被杀。 Patriotism is actively for trivial reasons to kill and be killed.
20、爱国主义必须建立在伟大的原则之上并以伟大的美德作为后盾。 Patriotism must be founded upon the principle of great and great virtue as backing.
21、爱国主义怎么会和悲观主义一样呢?爱国主义的支柱是希望。 What makes the patriotism and pessimism? The pillar of patriotism is the hope.
22、爱国主义是超越于原则之上的对于不动产的一种专横的崇拜。 Patriotism is beyond the principles upon which an imperious worship for real estate.
23、爱国主义的力量多么伟大呀,在它面前,人的爱生之念,畏苦之情,算得了什么呢? How great the power of patriotism, in front of it, people who love life, fear of bitter, calculate what?
24、爱国应该和爱自己的家一样。为了国家,不仅在牺牲财产,就是牺牲生命,也在所不惜,这就是报国的大义。 Patriotism should be and he loved his own home. For countries, not only in the sacrifice property and is to sacrifice life, so be it, this is the country's sense of honor.
25、爱国的主要方法,就是要爱自己所从事的事业。 The main method of patriotic, is to love what you are engaged in.
26、真正的爱国主义不排斥对于其他人的爱国主义的理解。 True patriotism doesn't exclude to the understanding of the patriotism of others.
27、科学虽没有国界,但是学者却有他自己的国家。 Science is no national boundaries, but scholars has his own country.
28、虚荣的人注视着自己的名字,光荣的人注视着祖国的事业。 Vain people staring at his name, and glory of people watched the cause of the motherland.
29、谁不属于自己的祖国,那么他也就不属于人类。 Who do not belong to his own country, he also do not belong to human.
30、黄金诚然是宝贵的,但是生气勃勃、勇敢的爱国者却比黄金更为宝贵。 Gold is precious; but lively, brave patriots are much more precious than gold.