1、“爱”和炭相同。烧起来,得没法叫它冷却。 "Love" is the same as the charcoal. Burn up, can't get it to cool.

2、一个人的穿着打扮,就是他的教养、品位、地位的最真实的写照。 A person's dress, it is the status of his upbringing, taste, the most true portraiture.

3、一个人的经验是要在刻苦中得到的,也只有岁月的磨练才能够使它成熟。 A person's experience is in hard to find, there is only a tempering of years to make it mature.

4、一个人看不见自己的鼻子,教堂屋顶上的风信标变幻莫测。 A man can't see your nose, the church roof wind beacon capriciously.

5、一切卑劣的弱点,在恋爱中都成为无足重轻,而变成美满和庄严。 All the contemptible weaknesses, in love become no full weight is light, and become a happy and solemn.

6、一片冬天的乌云刚刚出现,这儿飞虫们早就躲得不知去向了。 A winter storm clouds appear just now, here the flying insects are already be gone away.

7、不要侮蔑你所不知道的真理,否则,你将以生命的危险重重补偿你的过失。 Don't explained what you don't know the truth, otherwise, you will be the danger of life compensation your fault.

8、不过是做作出来的悲哀,只有表面,没有真心。 But is affectation of sadness, only surface, not really.

9、世上本无所谓好和坏,思想使然。 There is, there is no good and bad, thought.

10、世间的任何东西,追求的兴致总要比享用的时候更浓些。 Anything in the world, the pursuit of interest than to enjoy the time to be more strong.

11、两个人知道是秘密,三个人知道就不是秘密吗? Two people know it's a secret, three people know is not a secret?

12、人们尽可以把那类空话说个够;我这又不是叫卖,何必夸海口。 People can put the words say enough; I it's not selling, why oversold.

13、人们生着眼睛总要瞧,让他们瞧去好了!我可不能为着别人高兴离开这块地方。 People's eyes were born to see, let them look good! I can't leave this place for others happy.上一页12下一页

14、人生如痴人说梦,充满喧哗与骚动。 Life is like a fantasy, full of sound and the fury.

15、人生苦短,若虚度年华, Life is short, if to idle away one's time, short life would be too long.

16、他并没有消失什么,不过感受了一次海水的变幻,他成了副理珍奇的瑰宝。 What he did not disappear, but feel the change of the water at a time, he became assistant manager exotic treasures.

17、伟大的爱情战胜一切,甚至是死亡。 The great love triumphs over everything, even death.

18、你只要活在尘世,终究逃不脱既定的寿命。 As long as you live in this world, not flee established life after all.

19、你可以放纵你的眼睛,让它们多看几个世间的美人。 You can indulge in your eyes, let them see more beauty in the world.

20、你的末日也正是真与美消亡之时。 You also is the truth and beauty from the end of the die.

21、倘若想起我会令你悲戚,我情愿被忘记,在你甜蜜的思念里。 If think of I will make you sorrow, I will be forgotten, in your sweet thoughts.

22、充实的思想不在于言语的美丽,而在于它引以为自豪的内容。 Full of the beauty of the mind is not in speech, and is proud of its content.

23、充满了声音和*,里面空无一物。 Full of sound and fanaticism, empty inside.

24、再美的梦也有破碎的一天。 Again beautiful dream also have broken a day.

25、决心不过是记忆的奴隶,它会根据你的记忆随意更改。 Determination is the memory slave, however, it will change according to your memory.

26、升平富足的盛世突然养成一笔诺夫,困苦永远是坚强之母。 Rich's prosperous time suddenly develop a grove, hardship is the mother of strong forever.

27、可怜的受伤的名字!我的胸膛将是一张供你养息的眠床。 Poor wounded name! My breast will be a bed for you to alleviate.

28、因为自己是从忧患中间过来的,所以对于不幸的人很容易抱同情。 For oneself from suffering, it's easy to have sympathy for the unfortunate people.

29、在命运之书里,我们同在一行字之间。 In the book of fate between us a line.

30、在完美的造物面前人的欲望总是不会满足,所以我们希望玫瑰再也不要凋谢。 Before the creation of perfect people's desire is always not satisfied, so we hope the roses never fade.

31、在情人的耳朵里,最甜蜜的音乐就是他们在深夜里互相倾吐的话语。 The sweetest music in your lover's ears, is they pour out words to each other in the middle of the night.

32、在紧张的行动中间,言语不过是一口冷气。 In the middle of the intense action, words are but a cold air.

33、地狱和黑夜正酝酿成这空前的罪恶,它必须向世界显露它的面目。 Hell and the night is brewing into the unprecedented evil, it must show it to the world.

34、坦白直率的言语,最容易打动悲哀的耳朵。 Candid speech, and the easiest way to impress sad ears.

35、够了,不在有了,就算有也不像以前那样美了。 Enough is enough, not have, even if have also is not as beautiful as before.

36、大千世界是个舞台,男男女女不过是戏子,登场退场,一生扮演着那么些角色。 Fills the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely player, his exit, life play a very role.

37、她面颊上的光晕会掩盖星星的明亮,如同灯火在白昼下黯然失色。 Her cheeks glow will hide the bright stars, like under the lamp in the daytime in the shade.

38、好像我们做恶人也是命中注定,做傻瓜也是出于上天的旨意。 If we do the wicked is meant to be, a fool is also due to the will of god.

39、如果做好心理准备,一切准备都已经完成。 If prepare, all preparation is complete.

40、如果这是个错误,而我真的有错,那就当我从未写过,也从未有人真正爱过。 If it was a mistake, but I'm really wrong, that's when I never wrote, nor ever truly loved.

41、如果送礼的人不是出于真心,再贵重的礼物也会失去它的价值。 If the sender is not genuine, and expensive gift will lose its value.

42、对待娇弱的自己,你是那么残忍。 Treat the delicate yourself, you are so cruel.

43、山越狂怒的震动,裂开了牢狱的门;太阳在远方高升,慑服了神灵的魂。 Climbing the fury of the vibration, open the * door; The sun rose in the distance, pull over the soul of the gods.

44、希望中的快乐是不下于实际享受的快乐的。 Hope that the happiness is as real enjoy happiness.

45、年轻人常常是买来的,而不是讨来或借来的。 Young people are often bought, and not to keep or borrowed.

46、当一个人爱他的国家的时候,他的国家才会尊重他。 When a man loves his country, his country will respect him.

47、悲哀落在地上,还会重新跳起,不是因为它的空虚,而是它的重量。 Sad fall to the ground, also jumped up again, not because it's empty, but its weight.

48、我们之所以地位微贱,错不在我们的星宿,而是源于我们的内心。 We are humble status, fault is not in our stars, but from our heart.

49、我们就是梦幻所用的材料,一场睡梦环抱了短促的人生。 The material we use is a dream, a dream surrounded the brevity of human life.

50、我们有时往往会把我们的损失当做莫大的幸事。 Sometimes we tend to put our loss as a great blessing.

51、我如今知道了宇宙皆空,除非有你的情充实其中。 I now know that the universe is empty, unless there is a you feeling full.

52、我宁愿重用一只勤劳的小蜜蜂,也不要重用一个懒惰的巨人。 I would like to reuse a busy little bee, don't reuse a lazy giant.

53、我爱您只是按照我的名分,一分不多,一分不少。 I love you just as my birthright, and a few points, one portion.

54、我爱情的愿望是极其卑微的,我并不想遇见一个更美好的人。 I love desire is extremely low, I don't want to meet a better person.

55、我看他年纪轻轻,就这么愁眉苦脸,到老来只好一天到晚痛哭流涕了。 I saw him at a young age, so pull a long face, to old to have to work day and night crying.

56、或者不如说是没有底的吧;你刚把你的爱倒进去,它就漏了出来。 Or rather there is no end; You just pour your love into, it will leak out.

57、抛下天堂的幸福,来受赤日的煎熬。 Behind the happiness of heaven, to the day.

58、抛弃时间的人终将被时间抛弃。 Abandoning time person will eventually be abandoned by time.

59、收起你们明晃晃的剑,它们沾了露水会生锈的。 Pack up your bright swords, touch the dew will rust them.

60、无知乃是罪恶,知识乃是我们藉以飞向天堂的翅膀。 Ignorance is the curse of god, knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.

61、是啊,可叹她刹那的光荣,早枝头零落留不住东风。 Yeah, how is she the moments of glory, branch and do not leave early.

62、是活,还是不活,这是个问题。 Is alive, or not to live, that is the question.

63、是生还是死,那是值得考虑的问题。 To be or not to be, that is a problem worth considering.

64、智慧在街道上高呼,谁也不会去理会它的声音。 Wisdom in the street Shouting, who also won't listen to his voice.

65、最理想的境地既不可达,人往往不知退而求其次。 The ideal situation is inaccessible, people tend to settle for second best.

66、最芬芳的花蕾中有蛀虫,最聪明人的心里,才会有蛀蚀心灵的爱情。 Most fragrant with moth in bud, and the wise of heart, just can have infested the love of the mind.

67、有巨人的力量固然好,但像巨人那样滥用力量就是一种残暴行为。 It is good to have a giant's strength, but the abuse of poweris a kind of like a giant atrocities.

68、每一粒厄运的种子,却包孕着未来丰盛的果实。 Every seed of bad luck, wrapped up in the future the abundance of fruit.

69、没有什么比想要不平凡而更加平凡。 There is nothing to ordinary and more common.

70、活还是不活,这是个问题。 Live or not to live, that is the question.

71、爱与其他不可能的追求,不必害怕,这岛上众声喧哗。 The pursuit of love and other impossible, don't have to be afraid, this island cacophony.

72、爱和炭相同。烧起来,得没法叫它冷却。 Love is the same as coal. Burn up, can't get it to cool.

73、爱如亘古时期的灯塔,它定睛望着远方,却不为所动。 Love, like ancient times the lighthouse, which watches looked at the distance, but did not budge.

74、爱情就像是一朵开在悬崖峭壁上的花,想摘取就必须要有勇气。 Love is like a flower that open on the cliffs to pick it must have the courage.

75、爱情是盲目的,恋人们看不到自己做的傻事。 Love is blind, and lovers cannot see oneself do stupid things.

76、爱情的道路永远崎岖多阻。 The path of love always rugged.

77、爱情里面要是搀杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。 If love inside calculation combined with nothing to do with it, that is not true love.

78、爱神蒙着眼睛却会一直闯进人们的心灵。 Cupid blindfolded will break into people's hearts.

79、爱,不在眼里,它在心中。 Love, not in the eye, it is in the heart.

80、猫儿不在家,老鼠放心耍。 When the cat's away, the mice play.

81、玫瑰即使不叫玫瑰,依然是芳香的。 Roses, even a rose by any other name is still fragrant.

82、生存还是死亡,这是一个永恒的话题。 To be or not to be, this is an eternal topic.

83、看见了海岸线才淹死,那是双倍的凄惨。 Saw the coastline to drown, that is double.

84、真正的爱情之路是不会平坦的。 The road to true love is not flat.

85、真理往往是在痛苦**中说出来的。 Truth is often in the painful groan.

86、突然盲目的人,永远不会忘记存留在他消失了的视觉中的宝贵的影像。 Suddenly blind person, never forget to be kept in his lost valuable in the visual image.

87、纵帝王屈尊就我,不与换*。 Longitudinal king deigned to me, not to change.

88、纵然我们彼此相怜,谁都是爱莫能助,正像地狱底的幽魂盼不到天堂的幸福。 Even though we flow with each other, who is not possible, just as the bottom of the hell of ghosts are less than the happiness of heaven.

89、美德是勇敢的,善良从来无所畏惧。 Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.

90、良心负疚的人往往会向无言的衾枕泄漏他们的秘密。 Guilty conscience of people tend to mute the blanket pillow leak their secret.

91、虽然在太阳光底下,各种草木都欣欣向荣,可是最先开花的果子总是最先成熟。 Although under the sun, all sorts of vegetation are booming, but the first flowering fruit is always the first to mature.

92、要是河水干了,我会用眼泪把它灌满,要是风势低了,我会用叹息把船只吹送。 If the river dried up, and I'll get it filled with tears, if the wind down, I will ship waft with sigh.

93、让我们不要用过去的哀悉拖累我们的记忆。 Let's not use the cry of the past with drag our memory.

94、诚实比起腐败会给你赢得更多的好处。 Honesty will give you to win more benefits than corruption.

95、谁个情人不是一见就钟情? Who see you lover is not a I love?

96、迫使大地吞噬掉自己精心创造的生命。 Force of the earth devour carefully to create their own life.

97、那死后不可知的神秘之国,从不曾有一个旅人回来过。 The mysteries of the country after the death of the unknown, never have a traveler came back.

98、钟情于狮子的梅花鹿,必定为爱而死。 Sika deer, and fall in love with the lion must die for love.

99、铜筋铁骨是我们的良心,刀枪是我们的法令。 TongJinTieGu is our conscience, sword is our law.

100、黑夜无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来。 No matter how long the night, the day will come.
