1、一个人静静的走过一段路,不带走一点遗憾。 A person quietly walked a road, not take a little regret.
2、一直在等一个人,最后真等成了一个人。 I have been waiting for a person, and finally I really wait to be a person.
3、世界剩我一个,我想你也不会再来找我。 I have one left in the world. I don't think you will come back to me.
4、人都是在最落魄时,才知谁的手最暖。 People are in the most down, only know who the hand is the warmest.
5、他说爱你的时候是无心之过,别轻易感动。 He said that love you is heartless, don't be moved easily.
6、余生很长,但陪我走的却是我自己。 The rest of my life was long, but it was myself who walked with me.
7、你从未离开,你幽居在我的心底,永远。 You never leave, you live in my heart, forever.
8、你说我们是两座孤岛,永不能相接。 You say we are two islands, and we can never meet each other.
9、你说我很好,我很好你为什么不要。 You said I was fine, I was fine why don't you.
10、别对我忽冷忽热,毕竟我抵抗力不好,容易感冒。 Don't be cold and hot to me. After all, I have a bad resistance and I get cold easily.
11、后来她没有家,所有的感情都是寄人篱下。 Later, she had no home, and all her feelings were in the hedge.
12、因为爱让人失去了分寸,忘记了男人也该矜持。 Because love makes people lose their sense of discretion, forget that men should be reserved.
13、在人海里爱你,是最好的距离。 Love you in the sea is the best distance.
14、多么可惜,我们见面,却只能向朋友一般。 What a pity, we meet, but only to friends.
15、如果一直独来独往,也不会觉得一个人有多难熬。 If you always go alone, you don't feel how hard it is to be.
16、寂寞并不可怕,可怕的是不甘寂寞,又无力解脱。 Loneliness is not terrible, terrible is not willing to be lonely, and unable to extricate.
17、少又不甘,多又嫌烦,哪有恰到好处的陪伴。 Less and unwilling, more and more annoying, which has the right company.
18、年纪大了,竟然变得脆弱起来了。 I am old and I am fragile.
19、心中虚无,拿捏不定,消极颓废,就是迷茫。 In the heart of nihility, hold uncertainty, negative decadence, is confused.
20、悲伤过后,扬起嘴角,微笑还是我骄傲。 After sorrow, raise the corner of my mouth, smile or I am proud.
21、情歌何其多,为何只有心酸适合我。 Love songs are so many, why only heartache suits me.
22、想起那些时光,总觉得自己像个傻瓜。 Think of those times, always feel like a fool.
23、我从来都没被人骗过,因为骗我的都不是人。 I've never been cheated, because I'm not cheated by people.
24、我听的是歌,也是自己内心无人能懂的诉说。 I listen to songs, and I can not understand the inner complaints.
25、我哭了,你是不是开心了。 I cried. Are you happy.
26、我孤固我在,一个人的围城,一个人的自在。 I am alone in a man's siege, a person's freedom.
27、我很清醒,一直很清醒的看着自己沉沦。 I am very awake, have been very sober to see myself sink.
28、我所做的一切都将变成过眼云烟。 Everything I do will become a cloud of smoke.
29、我枕头都哭湿了,你都不知道我为什么不理你。 I cry and wet my pillow. You don't know why I don't care about you.
30、我的失落和坚硬,我不希望它们再被人收走了。 My loss and hardness, I don't want them to be taken away again.
31、我知道你也不愿意,消失在我的世界里。 I know you don't want to, and disappear in my world.
32、我若成佛,天下无魔,我若成魔,佛奈我何。 If I become a Buddha, there is no devil in the world. If I become a devil, how can I become a Buddha.
33、我这么难过,你怎么什么都不知道。 I'm so sad that you don't know anything.
34、撕心裂肺的挽留,不过是心有不甘的表现。 Tear heart to split lung retention, but heart has not willing performance.
35、既然已经伤害了过去,就不要再辜负了将来。 Since it has hurt the past, don't live up to the future.
36、明知你要的只是朋友的温暖,但我总是给真爱。 Knowing that you want only the warmth of friends, but I always give true love.
37、是你放不开,还是年轻心不甘。 You can't leave it, or are you not willing to be young.
38、曾经陪我看落日的人,散落在了天涯。 Once accompany me to see the sunset, scattered in the end of the world.
39、最后熬夜却成了习惯,却再也等不到你的晚安。 Finally stay up late but become a habit, but no longer waiting for your good night.
40、最怕听你说累,好像我们这段感情都是累赘。 I am afraid to hear you say tired, as if our feelings are cumbersome.
41、有心者有所累,无心者无所谓。 Those who are willing are tired, but those who are not are indifferent.
42、没爱过几个人渣,怎么知道货比三家! I have not loved a few scum, how to know the goods compare three!
43、爱本是泡沫,怪我没看破,才如此难过。 AI Ben is a bubble. I am so sad that I am not sad.
44、眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。 Tears come down, only to know, separation is another kind of understanding.
45、离开的时候,眼泪化作了满天的雨水留在心头。 When leaving, tears turned into rain all over the sky and left in my heart.
46、自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你。 You must be able to see yourself first, and others will be able to see you.
47、要有多坚强,才敢念念不忘。 How strong it is to be, can you dare to remember.
48、说好不再流泪就不会流,即使心再痛泪就在眼眶。 Say that no tears will not flow, even if the heart pain tears in the eyes.
49、路的尽头,仍然是路,只要你愿意走。 The end of the road is still the road, as long as you want to go.
50、身上的伤显得霸气,心上的伤却显得落寞。 The injury on the body appears to be overbearing, but the heart injury appears lonely.