1、不出意外的话,我们这辈子应该不会再见了。 If there's no accident, we'll never see each other again.

2、人要走,千万种理由。 There are thousands of reasons for people to leave.

3、今生都等不来,何必寄往来生。 This life can't wait, why send it to the next life.

4、从小到大,唯一不变的就是那颗不爱读书的心。 From small to large, the only constant is the heart that does not love reading.

5、你不知道吧,每一次巧合里都有我的努力。 You don't know, every coincidence has my efforts.

6、你去做她的盖世英雄吧,我可是混世大魔王。 You go to be her hero. I'm the devil.

7、你就像掉进厕所的手机,不要可惜,要了恶心。 You're like a cell phone falling into the toilet. Don't be a pity. It's disgusting.

8、你*了,把快乐还给我吧。 You're free. Give me back my happiness.

9、催泪的情书是,你我的聊天记录。 Tearful love letters are the chat records of you and me.

10、全世界都背叛了你,我也会在你身边。 The whole world has betrayed you, and I will be by your side.

11、别总说我假正经,我禽兽的一面你敢接受吗。 Don't always say I'm serious. Do you dare to accept my animal side.

12、只有装作无所谓,才能显得不那么卑微。 Only by pretending that it doesn't matter, can it be less humble.

13、只要不去想,肤浅的快乐其实很容易。 As long as you don't think about it, superficial happiness is easy.

14、咱们不喜欢他了好不好,不委屈了好不好。 Let's not like him. Let's not be aggrieved.

15、在光明和黑暗的斗争中,你们选了黑暗。 In the struggle between light and darkness, you chose darkness.

16、大家都离开了,去向他方!我们都舍去了好多! Everybody's gone to the other side! We all gave up a lot!

17、如果我不变的更好,我拿什么要你后悔。 If I don't change better, what can I do for you to regret.

18、尽管我知道结局,明天醒来我还是会喜欢你。 Even though I know the ending, I will like you when I wake up tomorrow.

19、幸福不是得你所想,而是想你所得! Happiness is not what you think, but what you get!

20、忘了自己曾经多美好,不会脏话,不会笑里藏刀。 Forget how good they used to be, no swearing, no laughing.

21、总有一些人在今生里刻骨铭心,却又无奈的错过。 There are always some people in this life unforgettable, but helpless to miss.

22、我们互相戴错了面具,于是还未相遇便匆匆失散。 We put on the wrong mask to each other, so we were separated in a hurry before we met.

23、我会伤心会难过,只是你从来都不知道。 I will be sad, but you never know.

24、我只是不小心闹了,你就不再对我笑了。 I'm just careless, you don't laugh at me anymore.

25、我可以爱迩撕心裂肺,也可以走得干干脆脆。 I can love you, or I can go dry and crisp.

26、我喜欢你是寂静的,仿佛你消失了一样。 I like you are silent, as if you disappeared.

27、我庆幸遇见你,却遗憾只是遇见你。 I'm glad to meet you, but I'm sorry to just meet you.

28、我没有停止爱你,我只是决定不再表现出来。 I didn't stop loving you, I just decided not to show it.

29、我爱你,爱已深入骨髓,你要我如何割舍。 I love you, love has been deep into the bone marrow, how do you want me to give up.

30、我爱大风和烈酒,却被孤独割破了手。 I love the wind and the liquor, but my hand is cut by loneliness.

31、我相信我爱你。依然。始终。永远。 I believe I love you. Still. throughout. Forever.

32、我能没有你,就算是我施舍她的可不可以? Can I give to her without you?

33、承诺是卑微的,心痛确是永久的。 Commitment is humble, heartache is permanent.

34、故事我忘了,你,我也不要了。 I forgot the story. I don't want you.

35、时间不是让人忘了痛,而是让人习惯了痛。 Time is not to let people forget the pain, but to let people get used to the pain.

36、时间是最好的良药,是我吃错药才没有成效。 Time is the best medicine, I take the wrong medicine is not effective.

37、最后你幸福终老,我泪流满面,却依旧拍手叫好。 In the end, you will be happy and I will cry, but I still applaud.

38、有时候你远在天边,有时候你近在眼前。 Sometimes you are far away, sometimes you are near.

39、每失一物,必有所得;每得一物,必有所失。 For every thing lost, there is gain; for every thing gained, there is loss.

40、没有难过,没有失望,也不是很快乐。 Not sad, not disappointed, not very happy.

41、流落的红尘,是爱用泪水刻写下的伤痕。 The world of mortals, is love with tears carved down the scars.

42、深情从来都只有被辜负,只有薄情才会被记住。 Deep love has always been only let down, only love will be remembered.

43、爱总是让人哭,让人不满足。 Love always makes people cry and unsatisfied.

44、看住时间,别让它再流浪,从前我太适应悲伤。 Watch the time, don't let it wander again, I used to be too used to sadness.

45、等待,是一生最初的苍老。 Waiting is the first aging of life.

46、给我一个理由来忘记,一直那么爱你的我。 Give me a reason to forget that I always love you.

47、给我三年时间,三年后想起你绝不会再这么痛。 Give me three years, three years later I think of you will never be so painful.

48、说一句不争了好累,可是倒下后又能依靠谁。 I'm tired, but who can I rely on after I fall down.

49、越是用尽力气的感情,越是脆弱。 The more exhausted the feelings, the more vulnerable.

50、黑名单里的那个人,是我最爱的人。 The person on the blacklist is my favorite.