1、一心一意,爱着你。 I love you with all my heart.

2、一生只够,爱他一人。 Life is enough, love him alone.

3、一生只愿与你相伴。 I just want to be with you all my life.

4、一生,我只爱你一人。 All my life, I only love you.

5、一路走来,几许尘埃。 Along the way, a few dust.

6、与你携手,一生一世,我爱你! Hand in hand with you, all my life, I love you!

7、书香依旧,不见妙棠。 The fragrance of books is still the same, no Miaotang.

8、今天是我最开心的日子。 Today is my happiest day.

9、今年冬天,我有暖手宝了。 This winter, I have a warm hand.

10、余生有你,未来可期。 You'll be here for the rest of your life.

11、你好,能不能借一生说话。 Hello, can you speak for a lifetime.

12、你的一切,铺满了生活的角落。 Your everything, covered the corner of life.

13、你输了,陪我一辈子。 You lose, stay with me all my life.

14、十里缘,千古错。 Ten li Yuan, eternal fault.

15、吃不好饭,睡不好觉。 If you can't eat well, you can't sleep well.

16、因为是你,因为是我。 Because it's you, because it's me.

17、大王意气尽,贱妾何聊生! The king is so angry, how can I live!

18、幸福来的快,消失的也快。 Happiness comes quickly and disappears quickly.

19、待我成王,封你为后。 When I become king, I will make you the queen.

20、怦怦在左边,你在怦怦里。 Thump on the left, you're thumping.

21、情出自愿,事过无悔! Love out of voluntary, no regrets!

22、想你在冬天,风雪阻不断。 Miss you in winter, wind and snow resistance.

23、想你,想念你,我这样想念你。 Miss you, miss you, I miss you so.

24、想把一见钟情,还给你。 I want to give you back love at first sight.

25、我不要你爱我,我要你只爱我。 I don't want you to love me, I want you to love me only.

26、我们相信,我们永远一起。 We believe that we will always be together.

27、我们,梦里见。 We'll see you in a dream.

28、我会把最好的都给你。 I'll give you the best.

29、我只顾着喜欢,却忘了不合适。 I just care about like, but forget not suitable.

30、我喜欢你,从黑夜到黎明。 I love you, from night to dawn.

31、我愿和你十指相扣,百年相守。 I'd like to be with you for a hundred years.

32、我爱你三个字能倒过来。 I love you three words can be reversed.

33、我爱你,一生一世陪着你。 I love you and accompany you all my life.

34、我爱你,这才是我最真的誓言! I love you, this is my most true oath!

35、承蒙不弃,感谢相遇。 Thank you for meeting me.

36、把心放在你那儿,我放心。 I'll put my heart in your place.

37、有什么不懂的尽管吻我。 If you don't understand, just kiss me.

38、有生之年,只诉温暖。 Life, only talk about warmth.

39、没有了你,我真的会疯掉。 Without you, I would be crazy.

40、活到老,爱你爱到老。 I love you forever.

41、爱不止是要有爱,更要有习惯。 Love is not only to have love, but also to have habits.

42、爱你到我都不知道自己的名字。 I love you so much that I don't know my name.

43、爱你痴心不疑,非你不娶。 Love you infatuated, you do not marry.

44、爱你,亘古不变! Love you forever!

45、爱情的错觉。 The illusion of love.

46、甘愿泥足深陷,除了你还是你。 Willing to sink in the mud, except you or you.

47、用心跳爱你直到停止呼吸。 Love you with your heart until you stop breathing.

48、百无禁忌,偏你是软肋。 There is no taboo, but you are the weak spot.

49、种花有什么好,我和你种草莓。 What's good about growing flowers? I'll grow strawberries with you.

50、等待你的答案,期待你给的爱。 Waiting for your answer, looking forward to your love.

51、等来的伤害,错过的风景。 Waiting for the injury, missed scenery.

52、老婆我来哄你啦。 Wife, I've come to coax you.

53、要是有人追你,我就把她绊倒。 If someone chases you, I'll trip her over.

54、谈恋爱吗?我在线等。 In love? I'll wait online.

55、贻我青铜镜,结我红罗裾。 My bronze mirror, my red train.

56、送束玫瑰花,爱的芬芳甜心间。 Send a bunch of roses, the fragrance of love, sweetheart.

57、那次车窗起雾,写的是你名字。 Your name was written when the window fogged.

58、阳光和你,就是我想要的未来。 Sunshine and you are the future I want.

59、难道你心,不懂我心。 Don't you understand my heart.

60、风景依旧,而你在哪里? The scenery is still there, and where are you?