1、一个人,一个我,一座城,一份孤独和一份伤心。 A person, a me, a city, a lonely and a sad.
2、一句分手,心底是千万句你别走。 A break-up, the bottom of my heart is thousands of words, you don't go.
3、一生何须太多,有情才是幸福;一生何求太多,有你就已满足。 There is no need for too much life, love is happiness; life is too much, you have been satisfied.
4、不是我记不住你对我的好,是我不想承认而已。 It's not that I can't remember your kindness to me, but I don't want to admit it.
5、不要去羡慕别人的人生,你看见的,并不是他们经历的所有。 Don't envy other people's life. What you see is not all they have experienced.
6、为了能成为比原来更好的人,就算再苦再累也会努力的。 In order to be better than the original person, even if again bitter and tired will work hard.
7、人会老,爱情也会。放着大量防腐剂的食物都有着变质的危险。 People will grow old, so will love. Food with lots of preservatives is in danger of spoilage.
8、人生是一场一个人的旅程,无人可替代。总有人离开,总有人到来。 Life is a journey of one person, no one can replace it. There will always be people leaving, there will always be people coming.
9、人生的两大悲剧莫过于:得不到想要东西和得到不想要的东西。 There are two tragedies in life: not getting what you want and getting what you don't want.
10、他若爱你,不必讨好。他若不爱,更加不必。 If he loves you, he doesn't have to please. If he doesn't love, he doesn't have to.
11、你的戏可以像你的钱一样少吗? Can your play be as cheap as your money?
12、你那么平凡的一个名字,却影响着我那么多的情绪。 You so ordinary a name, but affect my so many emotions.
13、值得被铭记的两件事:无限回味的故事和无限回味的口感。 Two things worth remembering: the story of infinite aftertaste and the taste of infinite aftertaste.
14、再喝上两杯吧,不要追求什么意义,关于青春的一切话题都浅薄的要命。 Drink two more cups, don't pursue any meaning, all topics about youth are shallow to death.
15、别人的话只能作为一种参考,是不能左右自己的。 Other people's words can only be used as a reference, can not control their own.
16、原来,愿得一人心是个童话,白首不分离是个笑话。 It turns out that it's a fairy tale to have a heart, and it's a joke that white heads don't separate.
17、后来你走了,从此听人谈情说爱三句不离你。 Then you left, and from then on, I heard people talk and love with you.
18、向时光许下三个愿望:见到你,拥抱你,一生陪伴你。 Make three wishes to time: to see you, to embrace you, to accompany you all your life.
19、嫌我说话音大是么宝贝,你不知道对狗就是用喊的吗? Don't you think I speak too loud, baby? Don't you know it's called to dogs?
20、宁愿做一个让人闻风丧胆的恶人,也不愿做一个任人宰割的烂好人! I'd rather be a cowardly villain than a good man to be slaughtered!
21、小孩子才一天到晚忙着谈情说爱,大人都起早贪黑的忙着养家糊口! Children are busy chatting all day long, and adults are busy raising their families!
22、就算在想哭,也要微笑着说一句:你大爷的! Even if you want to cry, you should smile and say: your uncle's!
23、岁月很长,人海茫茫,别回头也别将就,自然会有良人来爱你。 Time is very long, the sea of people is boundless, don't look back and don't make do with it, naturally there will be a good person to love you.
24、幸福,大概就是,你喜欢粘着的那个人,永远都不嫌你烦。 Happiness, probably is, you like to stick to that person, never hate you.
25、当初我们说好的天长地久,现在看来不过是当初为了在一起的借口。 At the beginning, we said good forever, but now it seems that it was just an excuse to be together.
26、往心里装一片大海和花海,再多装一些少女心和爱。 Put a sea and a sea of flowers in my heart, and then put some more girl's heart and love.
27、我们常浪漫地把离开归咎于风,事实上,你不松手,风是很难把谁带走的。 We often romantically blame the wind for leaving. In fact, if you don't let go, it's hard for the wind to take away.
28、我们总是容易高估了在别人心中的位置,这叫自作多情。 We always tend to overestimate the position in other people's hearts, which is called self indulgence.
29、我像一个失忆的人,忽然在梦里获得了所有被遗忘的人生。 I am like a person who has lost his memory and suddenly got all the forgotten life in my dream.
30、我想给你幸福,却走不进你的世界。 I want to give you happiness, but I can't go into your world.
31、我敬余生一杯酒,从此良心都喂狗。 I'll give the rest of my life a drink, and I'll feed the dog from now on.
32、我的确很爱你,但没你我也能活下去,别以为你有多了不起。 I do love you very much, but I can live without you. Don't think you are so great.
33、我转身微微一笑,带着那么多的悲哀,与你背道而驰,终成永别。 I turn around and smile, with so much sorrow, and you run counter, finally become a farewell.
34、所有艰难困苦的到来,只是为了成为过去。 All difficulties and hardships come just to become the past.
35、握不住的沙,干脆扬了它。 If you can't hold the sand, just lift it.
36、摒弃侥幸之念,必取百炼成钢;厚积分秒之功,终得一鸣惊人。 If you abandon the idea of luck, you will make a lot of hard work; if you have a thick integral second, you will get a great success.
37、无聊是一种懒散,确切地说是精神涣散的一剂毒药。 Boredom is a kind of laziness, to be exact, a poison of laxity.
38、明知道我是你的将就,却还是把你当做我的所有。 Know that I am your will, but still regard you as my all.
39、有些事做成功要很久,毁掉它只要一瞬间。 Some things take a long time to succeed, but it takes only a moment to destroy them.
40、有人出现在你的生命里是为了告诉你:你真好骗! Someone appears in your life to tell you: you are so cheat!
41、比你优秀的人还在努力,那你努力有什么用。 People who are better than you are still working hard. What's the use of your efforts.
42、没什么好遗憾,本就是你情我愿,聚散离合都在情理之中。 There is nothing to regret, this is your love and I wish, reunion and separation are in reason.
43、治愈创伤的并非时间,而是爱。 It is not time that heals the wound, but love.
44、生前何必久睡,死后自会长眠。 Why sleep long before you live, you will sleep after death.
45、生活的主题就是,面对复杂,保持欢喜。 The theme of life is to be happy in the face of complexity.
46、花开终是落,花落终成空。 Flowers bloom and fall, and fall into emptiness.
47、请你一定要比我幸福,才不枉费我狼狈退出。 Please be more happy than me, in order not to waste, I am embarrassed to quit.
48、阳光总会在风雨后出现,而你也终将会成为那束光芒。 The sun will always appear after the wind and rain, and you will eventually become that light.
49、除了你自己,没有人会明白你的故事里有过多少快乐或伤悲。 No one but yourself will understand how much joy or sadness you have in your story.
50、鹅鹅鹅,曲项用刀割,拔毛加瓢水,点火盖上锅! Geese, geese and geese, curl the neck with a knife, pluck hair, add ladle water, ignite and cover the pot!