1、—这不关我的事。我不是爱管闲事的人。 - it's none of my business. I'm not nosy.

2、不存过高的希望,就不会让失望给搞垮。 If you don't keep high hopes, you won't let disappointment bring you down.

3、不,发誓不喝。我是决不肯沾的。谁想像我那样,打算用功,就不能老喝酒。 No, swear not to drink. I will never touch it. Anyone who wants to study hard like me can't drink all the time.

4、乔德悄悄地站在疏疏落落的阴影里。他脱下便帽,拿它揩揩汗湿的脸,把便帽和那卷着的上衣扔在地上。 Joad stood quietly in the sparse shadow. He took off his cap, wiped his sweaty face with it, and threw it and his rolled coat on the ground.

5、人们说,只要有钱,*的时候怎么能*。 People say that as long as you have money, how can you be free when you are free.

6、人包含着这一切,而他的价值却远过于这一切;土地的价值也远过于他本身的化学成分。 Man contains all this, but his value is far more than all this; The value of land is far more than its own chemical composition.

7、人都说只要有钱,爱怎么*就怎么*。 People say that as long as you have money, you can be as free as you like.

8、住惯了的地方是很难离开的,凯绥说。想惯了的道理也很难丢掉。 It's hard to leave a place you're used to, kessui said. It's hard to get used to the truth.

9、你瞧,没有风沙的时候,这儿的玉米长得多好。那才真是呱呱叫的庄稼呢。 You see, the corn here grows well when there is no wind and sand. That's really a quack crop.

10、你除了开这破车什么都不管,你就只干这点儿事吧。喂,你瞧。前面那条路你看见了吗? You don't care about anything except driving this old car. That's all you do. Hey, look. Do you see the road ahead?

11、别冒火。我不过喜欢留心一些小事情,消遣消遣。 Don't get angry. I just like to pay attention to some small things for recreation.

12、别冒火。我并没有要打听别人私事的意思。 Don't get angry. I don't mean to inquire into other people's private affairs.

13、别把苍蝇放进来。要么就出去,要么就进来。 Don't let the flies in. Either go out or come in.

14、反正我得去看看他。我给你们一家人传过很久耶稣的福音,从来没收过钱,只吃过一点儿东西。 I have to see him anyway. I have preached the gospel of Jesus to your family for a long time. I have never confiscated money and only eaten a little food.

15、哈哈,你就是牧师呀!你就是牧师呀!不到一个钟头以前,我刚向一个家伙谈起了你。 Ha ha, you are the priest! You are the priest! Less than an hour ago, I just talked to a guy about you.

16、唔,对了。不过我反正得求上进。我训练我的脑子已经很久了。 Well, by the way. But I have to make progress anyway. I've been training my brain for a long time.

17、嗯—嗯!要不是我这两只脚累了,我倒是想走着去的。 Uh huh! If my feet were not tired, I would like to walk.

18、如果您没有很高的期望,那么您就不会让失望陷入困境。 If you don't have high expectations, you won't let disappointment get into trouble.

19、当然看见了。可是好人总是好人,尽管有钱的杂种让他在车上贴了字条,他照样肯帮忙。 Of course. But good people are always good people. Although the rich bastard asked him to stick a note on the car, he was still willing to help.

20、往上面看看,又往仓棚外看看,渐渐合拢嘴唇,神秘地微笑了。 Looking up and out of the shed, he gradually closed his lips and smiled mysteriously.

21、我什么都可以告诉你。我没什么要隐瞒的。 I can tell you anything. I have nothing to hide.

22、我要是还在布道,我就会把这件事编出一番大道理来讲给你听,可是现在我再也不干这一行了。你想他为什么要这么干呢? If I were still preaching, I would make up a big truth about it for you, but now I don't do it anymore. Why do you think he did it?

23、有人听惯了锯木厂的响声,忽然听不见,还怪想得慌呢。 Some people are used to hearing the sound of the sawmill. Suddenly they can't hear it. They are also confused.

24、有无处可诉的罪行。泪水不足以象征悲伤。这里有一个巨大的失败会使我们所有的成功崩溃。 There is no indictable crime. Tears are not enough to symbolize sadness. There is a huge failure that will collapse all our successes.

25、树干的浓荫里的那个人把交叉的双腿放开,用脚趾掘着泥土。 The man in the shade of the tree trunk let go of his crossed legs and dug the soil with his toes.

26、男男女女都挤在自己的家里,出去的时候都在脸上扎了手帕盖住鼻子,还戴了风镜保护眼睛。 Men and women crowded into their homes. When they went out, they put handkerchiefs on their faces to cover their noses and wear goggles to protect their eyes.

27、看一下,看看仓库外面。逐渐合上双唇,神秘地微笑。 Look, look outside the warehouse. Gradually close your lips and smile mysteriously.

28、老汤姆的家离这儿顶多不过一英里了。是不是在那第三个山头那一边? Old Tom's house is no more than a mile from here. Is it on the side of the third hill?

29、要不要知道些别的事情?我告诉你就是了,你用不着猜。 Do you want to know something else? I'll just tell you. You don't have to guess.

30、那么,你那次施过洗礼,得到了什么好处吗?你的行为是不是改好了一些? So, what did you get from that baptism? Is your behavior better?