1、不要总是顾虑着别人,毕竟做自己才是一件潇洒的事情。 Don't always worry about others, after all, it is a natural thing to be yourself.

2、人各有相,生有百苦,有你而始甜。 Every man has his own face. He is born with a hundred hardships. He is sweet with you.

3、人要永远做小孩子虽办不到,但想要保持沉默是能办到的。 It is impossible for a man to be a child forever, but it is possible to keep silent.

4、以我颜值做担保,从今以后再也不会熬夜了。 With my beauty as a guarantee, I will never stay up late again.

5、你不能让所有人满意,因为不是所有人都是人。 You can't satisfy everyone because not everyone is human.

6、你看看你,真的有够土的,但没办法啊,我就是五行缺土。 Look at you. It's really earthy, but I can't help it. I just lack soil in the five elements.

7、再多的眼泪,也掩盖不了你给的心碎。 No amount of tears can cover up your heartbreak.

8、别人在装逼的时候,我喜欢默默看着,揭穿就没意思了。 When others are pretending to be forced, I like to watch in silence. It's boring to expose.

9、原谅我生性倔强,不擅长挽留,也从不回头。 Forgive me for being stubborn, not good at retaining, and never looking back.

10、只不过有人穷的是金钱,有人是精神,有人是感情。 It's just that some people are poor, some are spiritual, some are emotional.

11、回忆再美丽也只是烟花落寞的哀伤,填不满命运黑色的嘲弄。 No matter how beautiful memories are, they are just sad fireworks, filled with black mockery of dissatisfaction with fate.

12、回想这半辈子,当过最大的官也就是QQ群管理员了。 Looking back on this half of my life, I have been the biggest official, that is, QQ group administrator.

13、夜深人静的时候,每个画面都是你。 In the dead of night, every picture is you.

14、太柔软的心,不敢敞开给人任意伤,只能背起坚硬的壳,继续流浪。 Too soft heart, dare not open to people arbitrary injury, can only pick up the hard shell, continue to wander.

15、如果没有你,没有过去我不会有伤心。 Without you, I would not be sad without the past.

16、姐也是站在人渣肩膀上成长起来的好姑娘。 Elder sister is also a good girl growing up on the shoulder of scum.

17、学会感受生命的美好,或许你会发现过程比结果更加重要。 Learn to feel the beauty of life, and you may find that the process is more important than the result.

18、对于认识到死并不可怕的人,生活中就不会有可怕的东西。 For those who realize that death is not terrible, there will be nothing terrible in life.

19、岁月让我知道,除了快递我谁都不必等。 Years have taught me that I don't have to wait except for express delivery.

20、当我闭上眼睛的时候,我看不见自己,但是我却可以看到你。 When I close my eyes, I can't see myself, but I can see you.

21、当爱情,不再纯粹。倒数计时,不如结束。 When love is no longer pure. The countdown is better than the end.

22、心宽一寸,路宽一丈。若不是心宽似海,哪有人生风平浪静。 One inch wide heart, one foot wide road. If it is not for a broad heart like the sea, there is no calm life.

23、心痛是我不说,想的太完美终是错。 Heartache is I don't say, think too perfect is wrong.

24、恋爱不代表幸福,幸福也不只属于恋爱。 Love doesn't mean happiness, and happiness doesn't just belong to love.

25、想和你,一房两人三餐四季,四海三山二心一生。 Want to be with you, one room, two people, three meals, four seas, three mountains and two hearts for a lifetime.

26、想见你一面,想遍了你每个不在身边的日日夜夜。 I want to see you once and think about every day and night when you are not around.

27、我不是不理你,我只是在等你先开口。 I'm not ignoring you, I'm just waiting for you to speak first.

28、我不能选择那最好的,是那最好的选择我。 I can't choose the best. It's the best that chooses me.

29、我什么都会,就两个不会,这也不会,那也不会。 I can do anything, just two can't, this can't, that can't.

30、我假装不在乎你,心里却很痛很痛。 I pretend I don't care about you, but it hurts.

31、我唯一能做的,就是做到一切我能为你做的。 The only thing I can do is to do everything I can for you.

32、我如花般的年g,遇到了如花般的矍椋再如花般的凋零。 I'm as old as a flower. I've met a flower like love and then withered like a flower.

33、我曾经跟一个人无数次的擦肩而过,衣服都擦破了,也没擦出火花。 I used to brush past a person countless times. My clothes were all scratched and there was no spark.

34、我爱你,可是我不能跟你在一起。 I love you, but I can't be with you.

35、我终于懂了,原来你只是习惯对我好,不带感情的对我好。 I finally understand that you are just used to be good to me, good to me without feelings.

36、我还是会笑,只是笑中不再温暖,带着冷漠与疏离。 I will still smile, just smile no longer warm, with indifference and alienation.

37、我,即便是年之后也不会改变,我仍然会象现在这样爱你! I will not change even after years, I will still love you as I do now!

38、户口本上,只有我一个人的名字。 In the account book, I'm the only one.

39、所谓的喜欢,就是别人担心你会胖,我却担心你没吃饱。 The so-called love is that others worry that you will be fat, but I worry that you are not full.

40、把生活的无聊寄托于无聊的空想,只会更加无聊。 The boredom of life depends on the boredom of fantasy, it will only be more boring.

41、既然睁开眼睛享受风的清凉,就不要埋怨风中细小的沙粒。 Since you open your eyes to enjoy the cool wind, don't complain about the small sand in the wind.

42、春风十里不如你,愿无岁月可回头,且以深情共白头。 Spring breeze ten li inferior to you, is willing to have no time to turn back, and with the deep feeling altogether Whitehead.

43、每当冲锋号响起,我就赶紧躲进壕沟里,因为:我是卧底! Whenever the charge sounded, I quickly hid in the ditch, because: I was undercover!

44、爱在行动里,誓要爱,爱在我心里。 Love in action, vow to love, love in my heart.

45、眼泪残忍留在背后,会议的伤口,又怎么抵过时间的沙漏。 Tears left behind cruel, conference wound, how to reach the hourglass of time.

46、简单生活、简单爱,我要和你这样呆一辈子。 Simple life, simple love, I want to stay with you for a lifetime.

47、能用暴力解决的事,尽量不要去麻烦智商。 What can be solved by violence, try not to trouble IQ.

48、至于未来怎样,反正路还长,天总会亮。 As for the future, it's still a long way to go. It's always bright.

49、说出口的伤痛都已平复,绝口不提的才触及心底。 Said that the pain has been healed, never mentioned before touched the bottom of my heart.

50、谁耽误我一阵子,我让他后悔一辈子。 Who delayed me for a while, I let him regret for life.

51、这一生,我明白得最早的一个道理就是,人是铁,床是磁铁。 This life, I understand the first truth is that people are iron, bed is magnet.

52、这时代的门槛好高,就算想当宅男,也得先买房子。 The threshold of this era is so high, even if you want to be an otaku, you have to buy a house first.

53、送你一束甜蜜玫瑰花,愿你爱情浪漫真情留身边。 Send you a bunch of sweet roses, wish you love and romance around.

54、雨天,适合睡觉,醒来,适合想你。 Rainy day, suitable for sleeping, waking up, suitable for thinking about you.

55、驴骑后,马骑前,骡子骑在腰中间。 After the donkey, before the horse, the mule sits in the middle of his waist.