1、不入我心者,不屑以敷衍。 Not into my heart, disdain to perfunctory.

2、不属于我的心,我不会挽留。 Do not belong to my heart, I will not retain.

3、不必把太多人,请进生命里。 You don't have to bring too many people into your life.

4、不想有情有义,只想有钱有你。 Don't want to have love and justice, just want to have money and you.

5、不想认命,就去拼命! If you don't want to admit your life, go all out!

6、与其苟延残喘,不如放手一搏。 It's better to let go.

7、东山春酒绿,归隐谢浮名。 Dongshan spring wine green, seclusion Xie floating name.

8、为别人着想,为自己而活。 Think of others and live for yourself.

9、人杰地灵,物宝天华。 People are outstanding, things are precious, and the sky is bright.

10、他强任他强,老子尼克扬。 He's strong. He's strong. I'm Nick Young.

11、体谅别人,就会做人。 Be considerate of others, and you will be a man.

12、你人又不聪明,还学人家绝顶! You're not smart, you're learning from others!

13、你可以傲,但给你脸你得要。 You can be proud, but you have to have a face.

14、你是我的他城,你是我的他生。 You are my other city, you are my son.

15、别懂事太早,别涉世太深。 Don't know too early, don't get involved in the world too deeply.

16、别说后来,要说永远。 Don't say later, say forever.

17、别跟我谈感情,多伤钱呐。 Don't talk to me about feelings. It hurts money.

18、半夏时光,半支离歌。 Half summer time, half a song of departure.

19、叩问命运,改变命运。 Ask about fate, change destiny.

20、只要岁岁平安,即使生生不见。 As long as you are safe, even if you don't see it.

21、只要是去看你,我会全力奔跑。 As long as it is to see you, I will run with all my strength.

22、咫尺天涯,阴阳两隔。 Close to the horizon, yin and yang are separated.

23、哥抽的不是烟,是寂寞。 What I am smoking is not a cigarette, but loneliness.

24、回忆太轻,思念太重。 Memories are too light, missing is too heavy.

25、在我的舞台上,你不再是主角。 In my stage, you are no longer the leading role.

26、大地丰盈,人间并不寂寥。 The earth is rich and the world is not lonely.

27、如果你太累,提前离开没有罪。 If you're too tired, it's no sin to leave early.

28、岂能尽如人意,但求无愧我心。 How can I be as good as I want, but I want to be worthy of my heart.

29、怕失去,就不要拥有! Fear of losing, don't have it!

30、我就是太阳,无需凭借谁的光! I am the sun, no need to rely on whose light!

31、我并非善良,别得寸进尺。 I'm not kind. Don't push your luck.

32、我本百毒不侵,你却万毒俱全。 I'm invincible, but you've got everything.

33、我难过,我知道你最爱谁。 I'm sad. I know who you love the most.

34、抢得走的东西,算什么东西。 What is the stolen thing.

35、无可奈何,似曾相识。 Helpless, deja vu.

36、时光停滞,岁月静好。 Time stagnates, time is quiet.

37、是你太狠心,还是我太入戏? Are you too cruel, or am I too involved?

38、曾经的意中人,现在的忆中人。 Once the right person, now the memory of the person.

39、有一种畜牲,长的像人! There's a kind of animal that looks like a man!

40、有一种畜,长得很像人。 There is a kind of animal that looks like human.

41、有时,从头来过也不错。 Sometimes, it's good to start over.

42、清风湿润,茶烟轻扬。 The wind is moist and the tea smoke is light.

43、漂亮没用,你得善良。 It's no use being beautiful. You have to be kind.

44、独揽萤火,照亮寂寞。 Hold the firefly alone, illuminate the loneliness.

45、琴瑟在御,莫不静好。 The gal plays the Guqin and the lad plays the psaltery, making harmony and happiness sound together.

46、男人要有钱,和谁都有缘。 If a man wants money, he has fate with everyone.

47、立即行动,永远不晚! Act now, never too late!

48、终牵绊,憔思花容颜。 Finally, I miss the beauty of flowers.

49、能自己扛,就别声张。 If you can carry it by yourself, don't make a statement.

50、若想懂我,请亲自来懂。 If you want to understand me, please do it in person.

51、若真若幻,惜情惜义。 If it's true, if it's illusory, cherish your feelings and cherish your righteousness.

52、要么出众,要么出局。 Either outstanding or out.

53、要么庸俗,要么孤独。 Either vulgar or lonely.

54、走了就走了,我不念旧。 I'm not nostalgic.

55、轻摸眼眶,仍有余凉。 Touch the eye socket lightly, still have Yu cool.

56、酒凉可热,心凉何暖。 Wine is cool but hot, and heart is cold and warm.

57、野心不大,只想做你的天下。 Ambition is not big, just want to be your world.

58、陌路花开,暖了谁的眸。 Strangers bloom, whose eyes warm.

59、青春、若有张不老的脸。 Youth, if there is a young face.

60、默然相爱,寂静欢喜。 Silent love, silent joy.