
2、一个人走在喧闹的途中,凌乱的脚步倾述着我的孤独。 A person walking in the noisy way, messy footsteps pour out my loneliness.

3、一个始终不被善待的人,最能识别善良,也最珍惜善良。 A person who is not treated well all the time can recognize kindness and cherish it most.

4、不开心就去超市逛逛吧,你会听到很多好消息。 If you are not happy, just go to the supermarket. You will hear a lot of good news.

5、不要试图窥探我的生活,你能看见的,都是我选择让你看见的。 Don't try to pry into my life. What you can see is what I choose to let you see.

6、也许爱情就是先红了脸,然后红了眼。 Maybe love is the first red face, and then red eyes.

7、人家有的是背景,而我有的只是背影。 Others have backgrounds, but I only have back images.

8、人生最困难的不是努力,也不是奋斗,而是做出正确的抉择。 The most difficult thing in life is not to work hard or struggle, but to make the right choice.

9、你敷衍的借口总是那么多,你要我拿什么去信任你。 You always have so many perfunctory excuses. What do you want me to trust you with.

10、你是我十七岁的喜欢,七十岁的最爱。 You are my 17-year-old favorite, 70 year-old favorite.

11、你甘愿,便是永远。若不是,你也可以说,这仅仅是一个谎言。 If you are willing, it will be forever. If not, you can say it's just a lie.

12、你给我一滴眼泪,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋。 You give me a tear, and I see all the ocean in your heart.

13、做早晨第一个唤醒你的人,做夜晚最后一个看你入睡的人。 Be the first to wake you up in the morning and the last to watch you fall asleep at night.

14、到最后回首才发现,这世界滴滴点点全部都是你。 When I look back, I find that the world is all about you.

15、可乐要加冰,爱我要走心。 Coke needs ice, love I need to be distracted.

16、在这个星球上,你很重要,请珍惜你的珍贵。 On this planet, you are very important, please cherish your precious.

17、在这,守候着你,谁会了解,我的孤独。 Here, waiting for you, who will understand, my loneliness.

18、多年后,再回想年少时的迷茫和执着,或许原因都记不得了。 Many years later, I can't remember the confusion and persistence when I was young.A person takes care of himself, mature enough to touch love.

19、失眠的人无非两种,一是手里拿着手机,二是脑子里有个剧场。 There are no more than two kinds of people with insomnia. One is holding a mobile phone in hand, the other is having a theater in mind.

20、如果不自己主动去接触的话,是什么也无法创造的。 If you don't take the initiative to contact, nothing can be created.

21、希望,下一个被你欺骗的人让你付出真心。 Hope that the next person you cheat will let you give your heart.

22、总觉得会有什么事情发生,莫名的很不安。 Always feel that something will happen, inexplicably very uneasy.

23、愿情话终有主,你我不孤独。 May there be a love word, you and I are not alone.

24、慢生活是有底气的自给自足,而不是好吃懒做的得过且过。 Slow life is self-sufficiency, not idleness.

25、成长或许是,放下了喜欢,也学会了闭嘴。 Growth may be, put down like, also learned to shut up.

26、我不喜欢你,只是喜欢被你喜欢的感觉。 I don't like you. I just like being liked by you.

27、我不能被现实打败,因为我还有很厉害的梦想。 I can't be defeated by reality, because I still have great dreams.

28、我怕我义无反顾,最后遍体凌伤。 I'm afraid I'll never look back and I'll end up bruised.

29、我没有停止爱你,我只是决定不再表现出来。 I didn't stop loving you, I just decided not to show it.

30、无我相,无人相,无众生相,无寿者相,即为离于爱者。 No self phase, no one phase, no living beings phase, no longevity phase, that is, from the love.

31、无法呼吸歇斯底里的是我,不论春夏的是我。 It's me who can't breathe hysteria, whether it's spring or summer.

32、时间太瘦,指间太宽,抓不住的流年,站不稳的现实。 Time is too thin, fingers too wide, can not grasp the fleeting time, the reality of instability.

33、时间过得越久,人心的距离就越远。 The longer time goes by, the farther the heart will be.

34、最后懂得爱是什么。不是还能继续爱着,而是以前那样爱过。 Finally understand what love is. Not that I can continue to love, but that I have loved before.

35、有些事,我只是假装不知道,其实心里很明了。 There are some things that I just pretend I don't know. In fact, I know them in my heart.

36、有时候先说晚安的人,只是为了让对方先睡,自己却一个人失眠。 Sometimes people who say good night first just want to let each other sleep first, but they can't sleep alone.

37、有时候,听到一首老歌,就突然想起一个人。 Sometimes, when I hear an old song, I suddenly think of a person.

38、没有所谓幸运或厄运,每件事情有因必有果。 There is no such thing as luck or misfortune. Everything has a cause and a result.

39、爱情就像投资、有可能成功也有可能失败。 Love is like investment. It can succeed or fail.

40、爱这件小小事,仅仅是爱或许并不伟大。 Love this small thing, just love may not be great.

41、特别累,不想和谁闹,也不想和好。 I'm very tired. I don't want to make up with anyone.

42、眉头再皱,身体再累,歇一歇还是要走的。 Frown again, body again tired, rest or to go.

43、给时间一些时间,让过去的过去,让开始开始。 Give time, let the past go, let the beginning begin.

44、能让自己登高的,不是借用他人的肩膀,而是自身的学识。 It's not the shoulder of others, but the knowledge of one's own that enables one to ascend.

45、虽然你单身,但是你胖若两人。 Although you are single, you are as fat as two.

46、西游记告诉我们,有个猪一样的队友能让团队上西天。 Journey to the West tells us that a team mate like a pig can make the team go to the West.

47、请允许我小小的骄傲、因为有你这样让我依靠。 Please allow me a little pride, because you let me rely on.

48、谢谢所有关心我,说想我的人,无论是不是真心。 Thank you for all the people who care about me and say they miss me, whether they are sincere or not.

49、都说男人是骗子、谁又知道有多少男人被女人骗过。 It is said that men are liars. Who knows how many men have been cheated by women.

50、闲了,未必无聊,闲着没事干才会无聊。 Idle, not necessarily boring, idle nothing to do will be boring.