1、“口罩文明”,从我做起。 "Mask civilization", from me.

2、一人感染,全家升天。 One infected, the whole family ascended to the sky.

3、一方有难,八方支援。 If one side is in trouble, support from all sides.

4、万众一心,何惧疫情? How can we fear the epidemic?

5、不慌张,多配合,及时就医。 No panic, more cooperation, timely medical treatment.

6、不见你的人,不是不想你。 People who don't see you don't want you.

7、与时间赛跑,与病毒死战。 Race against time, fight against the virus.

8、为了“我们”,请戴上口罩。 For us, please put on your mask.

9、人人尽责也是有效“疫苗”。 Everyone's responsibility is also an effective "vaccine".

10、今年上门,明年上坟。 This year's visit, next year's visit.

11、今年到处串门,明天肺炎上门! This year, we are going to visit everywhere. Tomorrow, we will have pneumonia!

12、但愿人长久,来年再聚首。 I hope people will stay together for a long time and meet again next year.

13、你我皆可点亮“燎原星火”。 You and I can light up a fire.

14、你若归,薄雾浓云愁永昼。 If you return, the mist and the cloud will worry about the day.

15、偷吃野味,病床c位。 Eat wild game secretly, the sickbed is C.

16、党旗飘扬,党员处处做先锋。 Party flags are flying, and Party members are pioneers everywhere.

17、全民参与、群防群控。 Participation of the whole people and prevention and control by the whole people.

18、加强防控,一起加油。 We should strengthen prevention and control, and work together.

19、千里驰援,可歌可泣。 Thousands of miles of help, singing.

20、口罩你不戴,病毒把你爱。 If you don't wear the mask, the virus will love you.

21、同胞一心,其利断金。 The benefit of a countryman's heart is his gold.

22、君来我不喜,藏君在心底。 I don't like it when you come. You are in my heart.

23、团结一心,疫情定可防。 If we unite, we will be able to prevent the epidemic.

24、围绕少聚集,增强引导力。 Focus on less gathering and enhance guidance.

25、外防传入、内防扩散。 External anti introduction and internal anti-proliferation.

26、多难兴邦,共克时艰。 How difficult it is to prosper the country and overcome all difficulties.

27、孤独两星期,幸福一辈子。 Two weeks alone, a lifetime of happiness.

28、宁可十防九空,不可失防万一。 Better ten defences and nine empties than one in case.

29、带病回村,不孝子孙。 Return to the village with illness, unfilial offspring.

30、强化联防联控,细致摸排检查。 Strengthen the joint prevention and control, and carefully check the layout.

31、恐慌也是可怕的“传染源”。 Panic is also a terrible source of infection.

32、战“疫”关头,勇者胜! At the time of "epidemic", the brave win!

33、拒聚会,亲情不减。 No party, no affection.

34、提高群众防疫意识,凝聚民心。 We will improve the people's awareness of epidemic prevention and rally their hearts.

35、明花更好,在与君同。 Bright flowers are better, with you.

36、春暖花开,我们再登山! Spring is warm and flowers are blooming. Let's climb again!

37、是一场考验,是一次淬炼。 It's a test, it's a quench.

38、有事报情况,无事报平安。 If there is something to report, nothing to report peace.

39、注意防护,不恐慌,不传谣。 Pay attention to protection, do not panic, do not spread rumors.

40、火车跑得快,全靠车头带。 The train runs fast. It's all on the head.

41、爱你爱我,暂不来往。 Love you love me, not yet.

42、现在请吃的饭都是鸿门宴。 Now, all the meals are Hongmen banquets.

43、疫情当前,青年请出列! At present, young people please come out!

44、疫情防控,人人有责。 Everyone is responsible for the prevention and control of the epidemic.

45、疫情面前请做好“自己”。 Please do well in front of the epidemic.

46、病毒凶未已,万马战犹酣。 The virus has not been killed, and the battle is still raging.

47、直面问题,狠抓落实。 Face up to the problems and pay close attention to the implementation.

48、真情温暖你我,大义守望相助。 Love warms you and me, and Dayi helps each other.

49、碧云天,黄叶地,来日再见。 Green clouds, yellow leaves, see you next day.

50、科学防疫,不信谣,不造谣。 Scientific epidemic prevention, do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors.

51、科学预防,不信谣不传谣! Scientific prevention, do not believe in rumors do not spread!

52、筑牢铜墙铁壁,重在争分夺秒。 The key to building a strong wall is to fight against time.

53、约何时再见,定是闲昼续前缘。 When shall I see you again, I will see you by day.

54、蝙蝠炖汤,棺材反光。 Stewed bat soup, reflected coffin.

55、防控关键时刻不可“耍大胆”。 We should not "play boldly" at the critical moment of prevention and control.

56、防控疫情,责任担当的试金石。 The touchstone of responsibility for epidemic prevention and control.

57、预防千万条,口罩第一条。 Ten million pieces of prevention, the first piece of mask.