1、一旦人的命运不宠你,请你别伤害自己。 Once people's fate does not favor you, please don't hurt yourself.

2、一见钟情什么的全是瞎扯蛋,爱自己致自己。 Love at first sight is all bullshit, love yourself to yourself.

3、不可以一直都用一种随遇而安的心态活着了。 A state of mind that can be used to live.

4、不如不见,过去了就让它随风逝去。 It's better not to see, let it go with the wind.

5、与其承受回忆的痛苦,不如封尘痛苦的回忆。 Instead of suffering from memories, it's better to seal dust on painful memories.

6、为了成为更好的自己,也准备向温柔自律。 In order to become a better self, also ready to gentle self-discipline.

7、你不爱我,我还能拿什么理由挽留。 You do not love me, I can take what reason to stay.

8、你是风儿我是雨,我是这么理解风雨交加的。 You are the wind and I am the rain. I understand the combination of wind and rain.

9、借一把清风吹开阴霾,接一碗烈酒谈笑风生。 Borrow a breeze to blow away the haze, then a bowl of strong wine to talk and laugh.

10、别感动我,然后头也不回的离开我。 Don't move me, and then leave me without looking back.

11、十几岁那年故事简单,遇见的你我刚好喜欢。 When I was a teenager, the story was simple. I just like you when I met you.

12、可以一无所有,但绝对不能一无是处。 You can have nothing, but you can never be worthless.

13、后来,我没有再打扰他,他也没有再想起我。 Later, I did not disturb him, he did not think of me.

14、喜欢你我没有错,只是错在爱上你。 There is nothing wrong with liking you, just falling in love with you.

15、因为不知道永远是多远,命运的轮回便是终点。 Because I don't know how far forever is, the reincarnation of fate is the end.

16、对不起,敬个礼,发个屁,臭死你。 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I fart. It stinks.

17、对相爱的人来说,对方的心才是最好的房子。 For people who love each other, the heart of each other is the best house.

18、很多人都以为孤独是个好东西,都希望可以独自享用它。 Many people think that loneliness is a good thing and hope to enjoy it alone.

19、心里的思念我深藏着,对你我有无尽的语言。 The thoughts in my heart are hidden in my heart. I have endless language for you and me.

20、思念在夜间疯长,郁郁沉沉却念念不忘。 Miss in the night crazy grow, depressed but never forget.

21、我不后悔爱你,不后悔奋不顾身去找你。 I don't regret loving you, I don't regret trying to find you.

22、我不知道年少轻狂,但是我知道胜者为王。 I don't know young frivolous, but I know the winner is king.

23、我们懂得幸福的时分,是由于我们懂得了顾惜。 We know the time of happiness, because we know how to cherish.

24、我们都太渺小,敌不过命运的心血来潮。 We are all too small to meet the whim of fate.

25、我们都是远视眼,模糊了离我们最近的幸福。 We are all far sighted eyes, blurred from our nearest happiness.

26、我可以活的很好,可是转身的背后我的眼泪却掉个不停。 I can live well, but behind the turn, my tears keep falling.

27、我要的幸福,就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子。 I want happiness, is to find a warm person to live a lifetime.

28、我要的很简单,一份温暖一句晚安。 I want very simple, a warm, good night.

29、我连你爱别人都能忍受,你说我是有多爱你! I can even bear you love others, you say how much I love you!

30、或许说,现在我的冷淡只是说害怕受伤而已。 Perhaps, now my indifference is just fear of injury.

31、接受失去的疼痛,面对孤单的日子。 Accept the pain of losing and face the lonely days.

32、放下该放下的你、退出没结局的剧。 Put down the you that should be put down and quit the drama that has no ending.

33、旧时红颜印凄凉,胭脂清泪醉寂寞。 In the old days, the red seal was desolate, the rouge was clear, and the tears were drunk and lonely.

34、时间像是沙漏一样,把我们都过滤过去了。 Time is like an hourglass, filtering us through.

35、昨天再见,向往明天。美好向往,前进方向。 See you yesterday and look forward to tomorrow. Beautiful yearning, forward direction.

36、曾经的美好只是过去,现在的美好只是场戏。 Once beautiful is just the past, now beautiful is just a play.

37、有些人很好,但是总是无法在一起。 Some people are nice, but they can't be together.

38、梦见你与旁人相爱携手,哭着醒来。 Wake up and cry with others.

39、每个人都有田园梦,向往的生活诗情画意。 Everyone has idyllic dream, yearning for life, poetic and picturesque.

40、水瓶是白瓷做的,脱俗美丽而易碎,请珍惜。 The water bottle is made of white porcelain. It is beautiful and fragile. Please cherish it.

41、深深呼吸了一口纯净的空气,才知道,这就是“生活”。 After a deep breath of pure air, I know that this is "life".

42、深爱之人藏心不挂嘴,久梦之人在梦不在眼。 The one who loves deeply conceals his heart and does not hang his mouth; the one who dreams for a long time is not in his eyes.

43、爱情像糖衣,我囫囵吞下,享受瞬间的甜蜜。 Love is like sugar coating. I swallow it whole and enjoy the instant sweetness.

44、爱的本名分明是憎恨,绝望失望都来自希望。 The true name of love is clearly hate, despair and disappointment all come from hope.

45、珍惜我现在所有拥有的一切,包括你给了爱。 Cherish all I have now, including your love.

46、生活就是这样,经得起风雨,耐不住平淡。 Life is like this, can withstand the wind and rain, can not bear the insipid.

47、用玩世不恭的态度,面对复杂的人生。 With a cynical attitude, the face of complex life.

48、真正的爱情,是在无法爱的时候,懂得放手。 True love is to let go when you can't love.

49、累了,难过了,就蹲下来,给自己一个拥抱。 Tired, sad, squat down, give yourself a hug.

50、*不是你给的,而是我自己的选择。 Freedom is not from you, but from my own choice.

51、莫为浮云遮望眼,风物长宜放眼量。 Don't cover your eyes with floating clouds.

52、被忘却,被记得,那都是别人的事。 To be forgotten, to be remembered, that's someone else's business.

53、要快乐生活,要不然就辜负这个秋天了。 Live a happy life, or you will live up to this autumn.

54、认识时间不论长短,就看感情发不发展。 No matter how long you know it, it depends on whether your feelings develop.

55、超越他人不要得意,被人超越不要失志。 Don't be complacent when you surpass others; don't lose your ambition when you are surpassed.

56、这世上最真心的人是骗子,因为只有骗子是真心骗你的。 The most sincere person in the world is a liar, because only a liar is really cheating you.

57、选择自杀式毁灭,只因怕你脏了手。 Choose suicide destruction, just because you are afraid of dirty hands.

58、那六一儿童节,不再是我们的花季。 The children's Day is no longer our flower season.

59、长得漂亮是优势,活得漂亮是本事。 To be beautiful is an advantage, and to live well is a skill.

60、闲来无事,晒晒太阳,顺便做个白日梦! Have nothing to do, bask in the sun, and daydream by the way!