1、一草一木皆生命,一枝一叶总关情。 Every plant and grass has its own life, and every leaf has its own relationship.

2、为了地球上的生命,拯救我们的海洋。 Save our oceans for life on Earth.

3、为了子孙后代,请留下一片净土。 For the sake of future generations, please leave a piece of pure land.

4、为了校园更美,请勿摘花。 In order to make the campus more beautiful, please don't pick flowers.

5、习惯决定成绩,细节决定命运。 Habit decides achievement, and detail decides fate.

6、人人为环保环保为人人。 Everyone is man-made environmental protection and environmental protection for everyone.

7、人人爱花草,空气环境好。 Everyone loves flowers and plants, and the air is good.

8、人人都来爱护它,世界才会更美妙。 Everyone will love it, and the world will be better.

9、人类善待自然,就是善待自己。 Man treats nature kindly, that is, he treats himself kindly.

10、今天节约一滴水,留给后人一滴血。 Save a drop of water today and leave a drop of blood for future generations.

11、保护树木,让空气更清新。 Protect trees and make the air cleaner.

12、保护环境,就是爱惜生命。 Protecting the environment means cherishing life.

13、保护碧水蓝天,共建绿色家园。 Protect the blue water and sky, and build a green home together.

14、冬至栽竹,立春栽木。 Planting bamboo in winter solstice and trees in spring.

15、前人栽树,后人乘凉。 Plant trees for the benefit of posterity.

16、劝君多走几步路,莫把草坪当马路。 I advise you to take more steps instead of using the lawn as a road.

17、只有一个地球人类应该同舟共济。 There is only one earth where human beings should work together.

18、只留足迹,不留垃圾。 Leave only footprints, not garbage.

19、同在蓝天下,共爱一个家。 In the blue sky, love a home.

20、同在蓝天下,齐做补天人。 Under the same blue sky, make up for heaven and man.

21、同花儿一起开放,和小树一起成长。 Blossom with flowers and grow with trees.

22、坚持人水和谐,建设生态文明。 Adhere to the harmony between people and water and build ecological civilization.

23、垃圾混置是垃圾,垃圾分类是资源。 Garbage mixing is garbage, and garbage classification is resource.

24、娇娇小草,请足下留情。 Jiao Jiao Xiaocao, please be merciful.

25、小草微微笑,请你绕一绕。 Grass smiles, please go around.

26、小草青青,脚下留情。 The grass is green and the feet are merciful.

27、少一个脚印,多一份芳香。 One less footprint, one more fragrance.

28、山上栽满树,等于修水库。 Planting trees all over the mountain is tantamount to building reservoirs.

29、山上毁林开荒,山下农田遭殃。 The mountains were deforested and wasted, and the farmland beneath them was damaged.

30、建设绿色校园,增强环保意识。 Build a green campus and enhance environmental awareness.

31、我是一朵花,请爱我,别采我。 I am a flower, please love me, don't pick me.

32、拒绝白色污染,对白色饭盒说不。 Refuse white pollution and say no to white lunch boxes.

33、拯救地球,一起动手。 Save the planet and do it together.

34、提倡绿色生活,实施清洁生产。 Promote green life and implement cleaner production.

35、明明白白我的心,渴望一份真干净。 Clearly understand my heart, longing for a really clean.

36、杨柳下沙滩,榆杏上半山。 Yangliuxia beach, Yuxing upper mountain.

37、树木成林,雨水调匀。 Trees become forests and rainwater is well regulated.

38、校园美如画,受益你我他。 The campus is picturesque, benefiting from you, me and him.

39、每人少扔一张纸,地球就会更美丽。 Everyone throws less paper, and the earth will be more beautiful.

40、河边栽柳,河堤长久。 Willows are planted along the river bank for a long time.

41、煤气泄漏莫惊慌,先关阀门后开窗。 Don't panic when gas leaks. Close the valve before opening the window.

42、爱护环境,你我做起。 Care for the environment, you and I do.

43、环保做不好,生命就难保。 Life is hard to protect if environmental protection is not done well.

44、环保出行,你我齐参与。 Environmentally friendly travel, you and I are involved.

45、环境保护,人人有责。 Environmental protection is everyone's responsibility.

46、环境卫生的洁净,有您的一份文明。 Clean and sanitary environment, you have a civilization.

47、珍惜水,保护水,让水造福人类。 Treasure water, protect water, let water benefit mankind.

48、生命如此短暂,请不要将我伤害。 Life is so short, please don't hurt me.

49、给我一片绿,还你一片荫。 Give me a piece of green and give you a shade.

50、绿色,永恒的美;校园,永远的家。 Green, eternal beauty; Campus, eternal home.上一页12下一页

51、编织爱心,保护环境。 Weave love and protect the environment.

52、美化生活,净化心灵。 Beautify life and purify soul.

53、节约的就是利润,浪费的就是财富。 What is saved is profit, and what is wasted is wealth.

54、节约能源,人人有责。 It is everyone's responsibility to save energy.

55、节约能源,人人有责。 It is everyone's responsibility to save energy.

56、节能做的好,朝朝无烦恼。 Do well in saving energy and have no trouble in the future.

57、节能解危机,地球有转机。 Energy-saving solution to the crisis, the earth has a turning point.

58、茵茵绿草地,脚下请留情。 Please be merciful at your feet.

59、草儿绿,花儿香,环境优美人健康。 Green grass, fragrant flowers, beautiful environment, healthy people.

60、草儿绿,花儿香,环境优美人健康。 Green grass, fragrant flowers, beautiful environment, healthy people.

61、要想富,多种树。 If you want to be rich, there are many kinds of trees.

62、要想校园净又美,健康文明记心里。 If you want the campus to be clean and beautiful, keep healthy and civilized in mind.

63、见垃圾,弯个腰,争做绿色小使者。 See the garbage, bend over and strive to be a little green messenger.

64、请你足下绕一绕,草儿向你笑一笑。 Please walkaround your feet and the grass smiles at you.

65、走一走,看一看,花红柳绿美无限。 Take a walk and have a look. The flowers and willows are infinitely beautiful.

66、青青小草有生命,请君足下留情。 Green grass has life, please be merciful at your feet.
